Video Shows Virginia Cops Tasering Handcuffed Man 20 Times Until He Died

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Newly-released video shows police in South Boston, Virginia sub­ject­ing a restrained man to repeat­ed taser attacks and deny­ing him med­ical treat­ment, caus­ing his death less than an hour later.

Officers ini­tial­ly respond­ed to calls about 46-year-old Linwood Lambert, who was caus­ing a scene at a motel while hav­ing an appar­ent men­tal health episode in May of 2013, report­ed­ly hav­ing hal­lu­ci­na­tions and “act­ing para­noid,” accord­ing to motel guests who ini­tial­ly report­ed the inci­dent. Lambert was unarmed at the time of his appre­hen­sion, and not ini­tial­ly charged with a crime.
When offi­cers Travis Clay and Clifton Mann arrived on the scene with Cpl. Tiffany Bratton, they hand­cuffed Lambert, put him in a squad car, and drove him to a near­by hos­pi­tal. After open­ing the door of the vehi­cle, Lambert ran into the hos­pi­tal door and fell on the ground, as the offi­cers emerged from their cars and used their tasers on him repeat­ed­ly. Officers con­tin­ued to taser Lambert on the ground in front of the hos­pi­tal and in the squad car on the way back to the local jail, despite police depart­ment rules stat­ing that use of tasers is “no longer jus­ti­fied” after a sus­pect is hand­cuffed. Those rules also state that offi­cers should take tasered sus­pects to an emer­gency room first before tak­ing them to jail.

After taser­ing Lambert repeat­ed­ly, the offi­cers arrest­ed him on charges of dis­or­der­ly con­duct and destruc­tion of prop­er­ty. Officers attempt­ed to use CPR to revive Lambert, who was uncon­scious upon arrival at the jail. Lambert was pro­nounced dead at 6:23 AM at Sentara Halifax hos­pi­tal — where the offi­cers tasered him ear­li­er that night.

Linwood Lambert’s fam­i­ly has filed a wrong­ful death law­suit for $25 mil­lion. As of the time of this writ­ing, none of the offi­cers involved in Lambert’s death has been charged with a crime.