Video Shows Police Fatally Shoot Grandmother With Dementia In New Mexico Home

Please tell me under what set of circumstances this could be justified? This is a burgeoning crisis that is spiraling out of control and will only be stopped when the population says,’ no more’.
It has become clearer by the day that if you are a person of color living in the United States, regardless of your needs the worst of all outcomes will inevitably be calling the police to your home.
There is nothing good that will come from calling the police for help; as a consequence, I have personally taken the decision that unless there is a situation that requires me to lawfully inform the police of an event, they will never set foot on my property.
For the record, police are [not] supposed to use lethal force [unless] their lives or that of someone else is in [imminent] danger.
We have a country that empowers these ignorant uneducated murderers with impunity to kill, and so they use every opportunity to take life, even in situations like these that require calm reassuring understanding.
To every fool with a hammer, everything is a nail.
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By Josephine Harvey
Police in New Mexico have released dis­turb­ing body cam­era footage show­ing an offi­cer fatal­ly shoot­ing a 75-year-old woman with demen­tia in her home last month.
The woman, Amelia Baca, had become agi­tat­ed at fam­i­ly mem­bers in the Las Cruces home when her daugh­ter called the police for help on April 16. According to fam­i­ly mem­bers, Baca was hav­ing a men­tal health crisis.

In the body cam­era video released Tuesday by the city of Las Cruces in response to a pub­lic records request, an offi­cer can be seen point­ing a gun at Baca through the door­way of the home moments after arriv­ing on the scene. Baca, who fam­i­ly mem­bers said did not speak English, is hold­ing two kitchen knives and shout­ing in Spanish.
The offi­cer repeat­ed­ly shouts at her in English to “drop the knife,” “drop the fuck­ing knife,” “do it now.” After 38 sec­onds, he tells her to “put the fuck­ing knife down” and fires two shots at her.
She died at the scene.

The body cam­era footage begins with the offi­cer arriv­ing at the house. As he approach­es the front door, he asks two women — Baca’s daugh­ter and grand­moth­er — to step outside.
The grand­daugh­ter, Albitar Inoh, tells the offi­cer, “please be very care­ful with her,” as she pass­es him.
Baca then appears in the door­way hold­ing knives in each hand. He points his pis­tol at Baca and begins shout­ing for her to drop the knife.
Last month, police released a nar­rat­ed video con­tain­ing redact­ed por­tions of the 911 call and a very small por­tion of the body cam­era video of the offi­cer arriv­ing on the scene.
In the 911 call, Baca’s daugh­ter tells the dis­patch­er: “I real­ly need an offi­cer or an ambu­lance or some­one because my moth­er is get­ting real­ly aggressive.

I’m hid­ing in a room because she’s threat­en­ing to kill me,” she said. She told the dis­patch­er her moth­er had dementia.
The Las Cruces police officer’s iden­ti­ty has not been made pub­lic. He has report­ed­ly been placed on admin­is­tra­tive leave.
Baca’s fam­i­ly announced Thursday they plan to file civ­il law­suits against the city and police depart­ment. They have also demand­ed that the dis­trict attor­ney charge the offi­cer with murder.
“Let me be blunt. Amelia Baca was exe­cut­ed by the Las Cruces Police Department,” the family’s attor­ney, Sam Bregman, told reporters, accord­ing to the Las Cruces Sun News. “As a result of this sense­less tragedy, the Baca fam­i­ly is respect­ful­ly demand­ing that the dis­trict attor­ney charge this offi­cer with murder.”
“You can’t walk up to someone’s front door when they’re hav­ing a men­tal health cri­sis … and shoot them after yelling at them for 38 sec­onds,” Bregman said.

Shortly after the news con­fer­ence, the city said in a state­ment that it couldn’t com­ment, the Sun News reported.
“First, we do not take crit­i­cal inci­dents such as this light­ly, espe­cial­ly when there is a loss of life,” the state­ment said. “We, again, extend our sym­pa­thies to the fam­i­ly and friends of Amelia Baca. Any loss of life, no mat­ter the cir­cum­stances, is tragic.”
A task force of local law enforce­ment depart­ments are inves­ti­gat­ing and will send find­ings to District Attorney Gerald Byers.