Video Shows Cop Murdered Airman Then Lied About Self Defense…

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Roughly 335 mil­lion peo­ple live in the United States; in 2020, four years ago, there were a report­ed 433.9 mil­lion guns cir­cu­lat­ing in the hands of civil­ians in the coun­try. In stark terms, there are more guns in the hands of Americans than any oth­er nation on Earth. Authorities have no idea how many unreg­is­tered guns are in the hands of peo­ple ille­gal­ly. The 433.9 mil­lion num­ber rep­re­sents reg­is­tered weapons.
It fol­lows, there­fore, that peo­ple with reg­is­tered guns do have those weapons in their homes. No one should, there­fore, be fooled into accept­ing that when cops kill cit­i­zens who have com­mit­ted no crimes in their own homes sim­ply because they have a weapon in their hand, it is justified.

Police have no author­i­ty to burst into peo­ple’s homes and gun them down because they have a gun in hand.

Okaloosa County Sheriff Eric Aden

Worse yet, police show up to peo­ple’s homes with­out a war­rant, and home­own­ers inside, hav­ing com­mit­ted no crime, have every right to be armed to answer loud knocks. There can be no wig­gle room for police and their syco­phants to crawl out of this unequiv­o­cal mur­der. The mur­der of senior Airman Roger Fortson in Okaloosa, Florida, is yet anoth­er case of over-hyped mur­der­ous cops who are pre­dis­posed to fire their weapons under the belief that they will not be held accountable.
The fact that the County Sheriff still has not released the killer’s name is even more cause for anger and action.
How are police offi­cers allowed to knock on a per­son­’s door and put six bul­lets into your chest in your own home, and then claim self-defense? Under Florida’s stand-your-ground laws, Airman Fortson had every right to stand his ground and repel that threat, yet he did not. He still had his weapon point­ed down when he was mur­dered by a thug in uniform.
As a for­mer law enforce­ment offi­cer, I con­tin­ue to point to the bla­tant acts of mur­der that police are com­mit­ting and get­ting away with.

(1) Police know that they have a crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem that will back them all the way to the high­est court. (2) They know that black lives are dis­pos­able. (3) They know that the major­i­ty of the white com­mu­ni­ty in this coun­try are racist, cop-lov­ing syco­phants who have no prob­lem with them mur­der­ing black people.
Even Black men with no crim­i­nal record on active duty ser­vice in the nation’s military.
Citizens must.…scratch that; black peo­ple must stop allow­ing these state-sanc­tioned mur­der­ers who are paid with their tax dol­lars from mur­der­ing their loved ones. No oth­er race allows this to hap­pen with­out consequence.
These killings are not acci­den­tal. These police mur­ders are strate­gic because the sys­tem is con­struct­ed to exon­er­ate them when they mur­der young black men.
They have a strat­e­gy of crim­i­nal­iz­ing, bru­tal­iz­ing, defam­ing, and then elim­i­nat­ing. This must stop, but for Black peo­ple to put a stop to it, they must have an atten­tion span that tran­scends the news cycle. They must be made to under­stand that killing black peo­ple comes at a very high price and with huge consequences.
If Airman Fortson was white and every­thing was the same, no one would have known about this police encounter.
No white man would have been shot to pieces in his own home in that way.
White peo­ple who hate us will watch this video and find a way to jus­ti­fy what that mur­der­ous scum of a cop did; that’s okay; that’s what we expect of them. However, no Black per­son should accept the non­sen­si­cal expla­na­tion that this act of unadul­ter­at­ed mur­der was any­thing else.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.