Video From Arrest At Traffic Stop Shows Lakeland Police Officer Punching Suspect On Ground

American police offi­cers on black cit­i­zens. His crime not wear­ing a seat­belt. The ques­tion is, how long will peo­ple allow police to treat them this way and take it lying down?

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A video post­ed on social media shows a Lakeland Police offi­cer repeat­ed­ly punch­ing a sus­pect while arrest­ing him after a traf­fic stop.

Witnesses used phones to record videos dur­ing the inci­dent that occurred short­ly after mid­night on Sunday. In two clips post­ed the Facebook page of the sus­pect, Antwan Glover, four LPD offi­cers can be seen help­ing to sub­due him dur­ing the episode in the Paul A. Diggs neighborhood.

According to arrest affi­davits pro­vid­ed by LPD, offi­cers from the Street Crimes Unit were patrolling the 400 block of West Ninth Street in a black, unmarked Ford Explorer. The report described it as a “high crime/​drug area” and said pre­vi­ous arrests for drug and weapons charges had been made there.

An offi­cer noticed that the dri­ver of a black, four-door BMW was not wear­ing a seat­belt, the report says, and the offi­cer dri­ving the Explorer pulled up beside the car’s dri­ver-side door. An offi­cer shined a flash­light into the car and con­firmed that the dri­ver was not belt­ed, the report says, then ordered him to stop the vehicle.

The offi­cers deter­mined that Glover, 36, was the dri­ver. Glover opened his door but remained in the car, and Officer Anton Jefferson saw a “cannabis cig­ar” in plain sight near a cup hold­er, the report says. Jefferson wrote that he saw a “green leafy sub­stance” extend­ing from the cig­ar, con­firm­ing his sus­pi­cion that the cig­ar con­tained mar­i­jua­na. He wrote that he also smelled the aro­ma of burnt cannabis.

Jefferson asked Glover to leave the vehi­cle, the report says. As Glover was stand­ing up, Jefferson saw fel­low Officer Jason McLain reach­ing for a bag hang­ing from Glover’s neck, the report says. From that point, Jefferson described Glover resist­ing the offi­cers, pulling away as he reached for the bag and lat­er as he was being handcuffed.

As McLain tried to gain con­trol of Glover, the sus­pect pushed him, the report says. The offi­cers con­tin­ued to strug­gle with Glover, the report says, and the sus­pect was “escort­ed to the ground.

Officer Dillon Cornn tried to move Glover’s hands behind his back, and Glover pulled his left arm free and put Cornn in a head­lock, the report says. Responding to the suspect’s “vio­lent behav­ior,” Jefferson shot Glover in the upper back with a Taser gun, the report says. Officers were then able to hand­cuff Glover, Jefferson wrote.

Officers searched the vehi­cle and found two con­tain­ers of a leafy green sub­stance, residue in an ash tray, a cannabis cig­ar and scales, the report says. Field test­ing con­firmed the sub­stance to be mar­i­jua­na weigh­ing 33.75 grams, the report says.

Glover claimed that he had a state-issued med­ical mar­i­jua­na patient card, the report says, but offi­cers found nei­ther the card nor any mar­i­jua­na in sealed dis­pen­sary pack­ag­ing, Jefferson wrote. Officers arrest­ed Glover on charges of pos­ses­sion of more than 20 grams of mar­i­jua­na, use or pos­ses­sion of para­pher­na­lia, resist­ing an offi­cer with vio­lence and bat­tery on an officer.

Glover had a first appear­ance Monday before Judge Bruce Jacobsen and was released on $500 bond.

The two videos post­ed on Glover’s Facebook page both begin after Glover is out of the car and on the street with at least two LPD offi­cers kneel­ing or stand­ing above him. About 10 sec­onds into one video, an offi­cer appears to punch the sus­pect in the upper back with a closed fist. An uniden­ti­fied girl is heard scream­ing and call­ing, “Hey, stop punch­ing my dad!”

The offi­cers roll Glover onto his back, where he holds his palms up toward the offi­cer clos­est to him. The offi­cer, strad­dling Glover’s tor­so, then punch­es him sev­er­al times in the upper chest or head. The image becomes jerky as the per­son with the cam­era moves while the view is par­tial­ly blocked by offi­cers, the car and oth­er witnesses.

Witnesses call out toward the offi­cers, and an offi­cer tells them to back away.

After the punch­es to the chest, Glover is seen kick­ing his feet up while lying on his back. Three offi­cers work to sub­due the sus­pect, and anoth­er offi­cer turns toward the cam­era and calls out, “He put him in a headlock.”

The alleged head­lock is not seen on the video.

A sec­ond video begins with a woman in a col­or­ful dress stand­ing near the scene, fac­ing an offi­cer who tells her to leave.

I’ve giv­en you mul­ti­ple warn­ings,” the offi­cer says.

The woman and oth­ers speak in agi­tat­ed voic­es as the offi­cer peri­od­i­cal­ly tells the woman to back off. The video shows Glover on the ground and hand­cuffed in the background.

A girl, seem­ing­ly the same one who spoke on the first video, can be heard talk­ing on a phone to her grand­moth­er. She says that the police have put her moth­er in hand­cuffs. Soon after that, the video shows offi­cers stand­ing the woman in the col­or­ful dress against a police car and hand­cuff­ing her hands behind her back.

LPD spokesper­son Robin Tillett shared an arrest affi­davit for Nettie Bell, 37, list­ed as hav­ing the same address as Glover. In the report, Cornn said that Bell “direct­ly obstruct­ed our inves­ti­ga­tion and effort.”

The report says that as McLain tried to secure a sus­pect, Bell tried to pull the uniden­ti­fied per­son away from the offi­cer. Cornn arrest­ed Bell and charged her with resist­ing arrest with­out violence.

Along with the two videos, Glover post­ed pho­tos on his Facebook page that appeared to show scratch­es and abra­sions on his hands, ankles, back and but­tocks. Glover could not be reached for comment.

The Lakeland Police Department recent­ly began issu­ing body-worn cam­eras to some offi­cers, but Tillett said they are first going to the Uniform Patrol Division. She said the offi­cers involved in Glover’s arrest had not yet been assigned cameras.

Tillett issued this state­ment from LPD:

Our agency is aware of the video cir­cu­lat­ing on social media. All inci­dents involv­ing pro­tec­tive actions tak­en by offi­cers are reviewed by their chain of com­mand and our Office of Professional Standards. It is not our pol­i­cy to com­ment on any actions cur­rent­ly under review.”