(Video) Bloomberg Tells Aspen All The Crime In Minority Neighborhoods…

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This is one of the white guys run­ning for the pres­i­den­cy in the Democratic Party. He is throw­ing large sums of cash at the cam­paign, hop­ing to buy his way in.
He not only sup­port­ed racist Rudolph Giuliani’s stop and frisk poli­cies, but he also enhanced and extend­ed them.
Even after the NYPD brass had opt­ed on their own to cease and desist from the prac­tice Bloomberg still sup­port­ed and defend­ed them.
Michael Bloomberg defend­ed the prac­tice even after leav­ing the New York City Mayoralty.
Bloomberg who is now run­ning for pres­i­dent has apol­o­gized, how con­ve­nient?
Not just that but he has­n’t seen a black church in which he will not pros­trate him­self look­ing for the ven­er­a­ble black support.

Studies after stud­ies have shown that black peo­ple are no more pre­dis­posed to com­mit­ting crimes than whites are.
Additionally, Blacks do not use drugs or alco­hol as much as whites do.
When it comes to vio­lent crimes, there may be evi­dence that one-on-one crimes are more preva­lent in depressed, under­served neigh­bor­hoods, but mass mur­ders which are anoth­er more vir­u­lent form of gun vio­lence are gen­er­al­ly car­ried out by white males.

If vast amounts of police, (many with racist agen­das), are thrown into minor­i­ty neigh­bor­hoods, guess who is going to get arrest­ed?
And con­verse­ly, if there are no police in white neigh­bor­hoods to see the crimes being com­mit­ted, guess who is not going to be arrest­ed for those crimes?
But for the equal­iz­ing effect of opi­oid addic­tions and death, the gen­er­al per­va­sive think­ing that white peo­ple do not do drugs to the extent that Blacks do would con­tin­ue to be a dom­i­nant lie.
Even with the dis­parate demons of racism, police vio­lence, lack of resources and insti­tu­tion­al­ized state-imposed racism that bur­dens the African-American com­mu­ni­ty, the atten­dant mal­adies of drug addic­tion, alco­hol addic­tion and crim­i­nal­i­ty are still low when com­pared to the white com­mu­ni­ty.
The African-American com­mu­ni­ty would be well advised to steer clear of this snake.