Utterly Un-American’: Critics Rip Trump’s Frightening New Threat Against U.S. Citizens

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Donald Trump’s call to use the mil­i­tary against his per­ceived ene­mies with­in the United States is being met with shock and hor­ror by his crit­ics on social media. Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday asked the for­mer pres­i­dent about the poten­tial for vio­lence on Election Day from “out­side agi­ta­tors,” includ­ing “Chinese nation­als” and undoc­u­ment­ed migrants. But Trump said he’s not wor­ried about immi­grants in this scenario.“I think the big­ger prob­lem is the ene­my from with­in,” he said, echo­ing sim­i­lar lan­guage used by Nazis.

I think the big­ger prob­lem are the peo­ple from with­in. We have some very bad peo­ple, we have some sick peo­ple, rad­i­cal left lunatics.” Trump has rou­tine­ly described many of his crit­ics, rivals and oppo­nents as “rad­i­cal left lunatics” and “ene­mies.” In the new inter­view, he said they should be met with force. “It should be very eas­i­ly han­dled by, if nec­es­sary, by National Guard, or if real­ly nec­es­sary, by the mil­i­tary,” he said. “Because they can’t let that hap­pen.” The esca­la­tion in rhetoric alarmed Trump’s crit­ics on X:(From Huffpost)

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