Used Like A Prop..

How often have I spoken to the issue of visible black people allowing themselves to be used by enemies of their communities as props to solidify their racist narrative?
Steve Harvey gets blow-back for meet­ing with trump at trump tow­ers in New York city..
Harvey is just the lat­est coon..
Cry me a riv­er Steve..

Steve Harvey come­di­an, tele­vi­sion-star, host of fam­i­ly feud, entre­pre­neur and radio per­son­al­i­ty became the most recent vic­tim of this strategy,.
He is stunned, and says he is bad­ly hurt at the blow-back he is receiv­ing. But Steve is not a total fool .….…or is he?
don­ald trump[sic] ignored requests to attend an event hon­or­ing black jour­nal­ists . He ignored invites from the NAACP. He refused to have dia­logue with the Congressional Black Caucus. He has not met with the Urban League. He has not met with a sin­gle African-American Mayor.
He has not even met with a rec­og­nized body of African-American Clergy.

Steve Harvey said he met with trump because he real­ly wants to help the inner cities !
Question : Steve you are not an elect­ed may­or , Governor , not even dog-catch­er, please explain in what way you envis­aged a meet­ing between your­self and trump would help inner cities?

You see Steve you got played.
You are on tele­vi­sion dai­ly dish­ing out rela­tion­ship advice .
You are reach­ing mil­lions of view­ers dai­ly , that is what don­ald trump found useful.
He real­ly has no need for you Steve, but he knows you are well know. Having a pho­to-op with you imme­di­ate­ly reach­es mil­lions of viewers .
That allows him to some­how shake the fact that he is a dan­ger­ous racial demagogue.

You Steve, walked right into that trap because you got car­ried away with your own sense of importance.
Oh to be a fly on the wall Steve when they devised that strat­e­gy to meet with you.
You great­ly dimin­ished your­self Steve and for that I am real­ly sorry.

January 16th Martin Luther Kings birth­day, the ever schem­ing don­ald trump had some­one over to the gild­ed tow­er in midtown .
It’s not too dif­fi­cult to imag­ine who trump and his peo­ple thought up, to have a pho­to-op with on the birth­day of Dr King.
This of course after he ear­li­er tweet­ed the following.…

Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and all of the many won­der­ful things that he stood for. Honor him for being the great man that he was!

(trump shakes hands with Martin Luther King III after their meet­ing at trump tower.)

Oh Malcolm,Malcolm, Malcolm.…

In all fair­ness to Steve, he deserve a chance to explain himself.
Now Steve explained him­self , do you agree with him, and even if you do , does that release Steve from the accu­sa­tion he was used as a prop?

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