US Govt Stands With Jamaican Police But Does The Jamaican Govt?


On behalf of the United States Mission to Jamaica, I wish to extend our deep and sin­cere con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly and col­leagues of Constable Crystal Thomas, who lost her life in the line of duty on July 14th. Constable Thomas’ brav­ery and quick action saved many lives and demon­strat­ed her ded­i­ca­tion to her coun­try and to pro­tect­ing her fel­low cit­i­zens. At twen­ty-four years old, she exem­pli­fied the code of the Jamaica Constabulary Force: Serve, Protect and Reassure. Everyday law enforce­ment offi­cers across Jamaica step into the line of duty. I com­mend these offi­cers and know they will con­tin­ue to car­ry their duties pro­fes­sion­al­ly and just­ly. Tragically, all too many offi­cers as well as every­day Jamaicans have lost their lives to this sense­less vio­lence. The United States Embassy stands with the peo­ple and Government of Jamaica against these law­less criminals.

Officer Crystal Thomas
Officer Crystal Thomas

That state­ment was released from the American Embassy in Kingston Jamaica to the fam­i­ly of con­sta­ble Crystal Thomas who was assas­si­nat­ed on July 14 for the sole rea­son that she was a police officer.
To the best of my Knowledge Jamaica’s mild­ly lit­er­ate Prime Minister has not issued a for­mal con­dem­na­tion of the assas­si­na­tion of con­sta­ble Thomas. Neither has her office made any state­ment con­demn­ing the crim­i­nal under­world and vow­ing sup­port for the forces of the rule of law.
Police Officers go out every day know­ing the dan­gers they face. They also go out under­stand­ing the risks they take in plac­ing their lives on the line for an ungrate­ful Nation full of crim­i­nals ‚crim­i­nal-sup­port­ers, crim­i­nal col­lab­o­ra­tors, and vil­lage lawyers.
The smart ones also under­stand that the Government and indeed the Opposition Party have deep roots in crime and sup­port for the Criminal under­world. They under­stand also that their Union is a tooth­less dog and their exec­u­tive lead­er­ship like neutered Mongrels in a colony of bitch­es ready to mate.

The vast major­i­ty of offi­cers are from the work­ing-class blue col­lar rur­al parts of Jamaica. The sac­ri­fice many who don the uni­form make is one of eco­nom­ics. Yet most make the fate­ful deci­sion to serve because of the good old fash­ioned chris­t­ian val­ues of good over evil taught them by their chris­t­ian folks. These val­ues are not nec­es­sar­i­ly to be found in the upper ech­e­lons of upper Saint Andrew where mas­sive man­sions dec­o­rate the moun­tain-side. Neither are those val­ues evi­dent in the Godless halls of Academia at the University of the West Indies.

It is impor­tant that those who look on from the out­side under­stand this dichoto­my, in order to under­stand the apa­thy of the Government at the killing of Police Officers.
Yes there were canned response from the clue­less Minister of National Security, the Leader of the Opposition and the Criminal enhance­ment agency INDECOM.
Boo hoo, cry me a riv­er for their absolute Bulls**t.
Where is the National anger and resolve to hunt down these gut­less pieces of excre­ment and deal jus­tice to them,?
Where is the clue­less leader of our country?
The fact is that our coun­try has been with­out a leader since the elec­tion of the PNP Administration which placed Portia Simpson Miller a total­ly unpre­pared , ill-equipped polit­i­cal hus­tler to hold the high­est elect­ed office in our country.

Jamaican Police face a sys­tem incon­gru­ent to the norm. At the head of the polit­i­cal food chain there is sys­temic sup­port and involve­ment in seri­ous crimes . Not just embez­zle­ment of pub­lic funds through the award­ing of pub­lic con­tracts as some seem to think but in actu­al­i­ty much more hands on hard core crimes includ­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with Criminal Gangs whose mem­bers mur­der rape and com­mit extor­tion daily.
That cre­ates an envi­ron­ment which is anti­thet­i­cal to low­er crimes and secu­ri­ty for ordi­nary Jamaicans. There can­not be low­er crime when the peo­ple who make the laws are the peo­ple who are affil­i­at­ed with and ben­e­fit­ing from crime.
The International com­mu­ni­ty must be aware also that mur­der is a busi­ness in Jamaica. Funeral Homes are rumored to have paid killers on their pay­rolls as a busi­ness model.
There are a host of oth­er busi­ness­es which are owned and oper­at­ed by peo­ple with immense pow­er in our coun­try which ben­e­fit direct­ly from the mur­der may­hem which is occurring.
While we grieve the slaugh­ter of Constable Crystal Thomas it is impor­tant that we do not lose sight of the fact that 21-year-old Constable Curtis Lewis died from injuries he sus­tained when he was mowed down by a motor­cy­clist who decid­ed not to stop when sig­naled to do so.
This was no acci­dent the dri­ver of the motor­cy­cle made a con­scious deci­sion not to heed the law­ful order of con­sta­ble Lewis and his col­league, the end result is that Constable Lewis’ leg was sev­ered from his body and he lat­er died in hospital.

Paula Llewellyn DPP
Paula Llewellyn

This is a murder .…
The motor­cy­cle was the weapon.
The offi­cer is dead..
Intent inferred when the dri­ver decid­ed to ride through the author­i­ty of the law killing this young police Officer.
This is a time for the Director of Public Prosecution to quit the hye­na grin­ning and charge this killer with cap­i­tal mur­der of this police officer.
That mur­der­er who drove through that law­ful order to stop did so because he under­stood there are no real laws with teeth to pun­ish him for doing so.
He under­stands that no one stand with Jamaica’s police officers.
The Police heirach reac­tionary as is it’s (Modus operan­di) , react­ed by now seiz­ing ille­gal­ly oper­at­ed motorcycles.
Why was­n’t this being done before?
The death of con­sta­bles Lewis and Thomas was aid­ed and enabled by the cor­rupt sys­tem which feeds on the illit­er­a­cy and trib­al nature of the people.
As the American Ambassador shares his Embassy and Nations sor­row at the death of our offi­cers he must be painful­ly aware that the state­ment, The United States Embassy stands with the peo­ple and Government of Jamaica against these law­less crim­i­nals is only par­tial­ly true.
The Jamaican Government and peo­ple do not stand against criminals.
The Jamaican Government is the criminal.

4 thoughts on “US Govt Stands With Jamaican Police But Does The Jamaican Govt?

  1. That’s how we are seen by the Jamaican pub­lic we are not val­ued. Those who val­ue us thanks much.

  2. Well said. The Jamaican gov­ern­ment is a dis­grace to its people.….they just don’t care man

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