US Ambassador Extends Condolences To Relatives, Colleagues Of Slain Policewoman

KINGSTON, Jamaica – The United States Ambassador to Jamaica Luis Moreno, has extend­ed his “deep­est con­do­lences” to the rel­a­tives and col­leagues of the slain police­woman Judith Williams.

Describing Williams’ mur­der as a sense­less tragedy Moreno said, “every­day many law enforce­ment offi­cers across this island risk their own safe­ty to pro­tect our lives. For this, they deserve respect and grat­i­tude. I com­mend those Officers who con­tin­ue to con­duct their duties pro­fes­sion­al­ly and just­ly with­out fear or favour”.

On behalf of the United States Mission to Jamaica, I extend our deep and sin­cere con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly and col­leagues of Corporal Judith Williams, who lost her life at the hands of gun­men,” Moreno said in a press release from the Embassy this afternoon.

This inci­dent and oth­ers like it rein­force that we all must work togeth­er across com­mu­ni­ties and bor­ders to rid this beau­ti­ful coun­try of vio­lence and crim­i­nal­i­ty,” Moreno added.

Williams, 54, who was assigned to the Office of the Commissioner of Police was shot mul­ti­ple times by two men while at a bus stop on her way to work ear­ly Thursday morning.

Police report that the two cul­prits fled the scene on Bray Street, Franklyn Town in east Kingston on a motorcycle.

US Ambassador extends con­do­lences to rel­a­tives, col­leagues of slain policewoman