Cop walks up to Cab-dri­ver informs him that there is a sum­mons at the sta­tion for him, the offi­cer then walks to the Station retrieved the Summons, returned to the Taxi-stand and served the Summons on the Cab-dri­ver in the pres­ence of his col­league and of course an ever vis­i­ble pha­lanx of so-called wit­ness­es . Driver takes the Summons and then threw it from the car. Officers told him he was under arrest upon which he attempt­ed to dri­ve away . The Police made sure he did not dri­ve away ‚he ran from the car, offi­cers chased and caught him.They used pep­per-spray and baton to sub­due and arrest him. Seem text-book arrest to me.….…


Cabbie alleged­ly beat­en, pep­per-sprayed by police.

Not so fast ‚this hap­pened in the town of Mandeville in what is fast becom­ing a hell-hole ungovern­able place called Jamaica ? There were protests from the col­leagues of the cab-dri­ver . Of course every­one had a dif­fer­ent account of the inci­dent. They claim an arrest was not nec­es­sary as their col­league did noth­ing wrong. I will leave that for you to decide.

So lets look at the facts as they were report­ed .1) Officer told dri­ver there was a sum­mons at the Station for him , did not attempt to arrest him. 2) The Officer went to the sta­tion leav­ing his col­lege on the scene, retrieved the sum­mons, returned and served it on the accused. Accused prompt­ly threw the Summons from his car. 3) The offi­cer then cor­rect­ly tells him he is under arrest. He refused to sub­mit to being arrest­ed and attempts to dri­ve away. 4) Officers blocked the path of the car upon which he fled on foot. 5) Officers gave chase and appre­hend­ed him, using pep­per-spray and baton to com­plete the arrest. 

I will now leave it to you the experts who com­plain about Jamaican Police to tell me what the Police did wrong. Clearly Jamaica is a coun­try des­tined to becom­ing a failed state. I would implore any­one vis­it­ing my coun­try to review their options. This coun­try has made the deci­sion to be an ungoverned , ungovern­able Serengeti of mur­der, rape and mayhem.


  1. This is what the so-called elit­ists, bright peo­ple in Jamaica want­ed for their Island. Now, if this hap­pens in anoth­er coun­try, the oth­er cab­bies would be charged for dis­turb­ing the peace. In America, they got dra­con­ian laws that sent you to prison for resist­ing arrest with­out violence.

    Not one politi­cians in Jamaica would come out and sup­port­ing the police, by telling the peo­ple to obey and respect the people.

  2. I would implore any­one vis­it­ing my coun­try to review their options.” Are you real­ly say­ing you would not advise or will be reluc­tant to advise your friends to vis­it jamaic­sa? if you are I must say I partt ways with you. This is tan­ta­mount to what we see every­day in asso­ci­a­tions. If your opin­ion is not with the major­i­ty or things going as you see it you do noth­ing or essen­tal­ly work against it. Jamaica is not per­fect and have more than our share of prob­lem but I will nev­er tell any­one not to vis­it. I would advise them to go but be care­ful as they should be care­ful any­where in the word they go. To add to Porter,s Comment. In new jersey/​New York ssault­ing a police offi­cer is seri­ous offense that will land you in Jail for a long time. In Ja. you are seen as a bad ass if you assault a police offi­cer. The preva­lence we see our Police per­son­nel arrest for crime is alarm­ing. I think any Police offi­cer or civ­il ser­vand, pas­tor, doc­tor teache or JP rwho vio­late the pub­lic trust should be sent to prison a longer time that an ordi­nary cit­i­zen would be.That is as I see it.

    • (If you are I must say I part ways with you). My good friend I hope you would not part ways with me over a dis­agree­ment, you are a val­ued and valu­able part of this ongo­ing conversation.
      But can’t you see that you are threat­en­ing to part ways with me because you dis­agree with a point, yet you state you are cha­grined by Assc. Quote: If your opin­ion is not with the major­i­ty or things going as you see it you do noth­ing or essen­tial­ly work against it.?
      Also quote; I would advise them to go but be care­ful as they should be care­ful any­where in the word they Jamaica is not per­fect and have more than our share of prob­lem but I will nev­er tell any­one not to visit.That com­ment is tan­ta­mount to being in a room with stinky socks, after a while you don’t smell it, some­one com­ing into the room would seri­ous­ly won­der how you could stom­ach the stench how­ev­er. Sir Jamaica has approx­i­mate­ly 4th in mur­der and seri­ous crimes on plan­et earth, don’t tell me you do not find that dis­con­cert­ing. Finally even though I would be well with­in my right to tell friends not to vis­it that was not what I meant. I mere­ly meant that my advise would be exact­ly as you stat­ed be very care­ful where you go and with whom you asso­ciate. For the record I do encour­age friends to see Jamaica the Island, not so sure about many of the people.

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