Understanding Why We Behave The Way We Do.…

Hutu soldiers during the 90's massacres..
Hutu sol­diers dur­ing the 90’s massacres..

Jamaica has a past which include slav­ery and oppres­sion much the same way Blacks have suf­fered and con­tin­ue to suf­fer in the United States. The dif­fer­ence between our two sys­tems is that for the most part the slave mas­ters either died out or left Jamaica.  In the United States they remained,. But back to Jamaica. 

The slave-mas­ters left but they left a group of peo­ple who believe in the idea of supe­ri­or­i­ty based on cer­tain char­ac­ter­is­tics they define.
 So we have a dichoto­my which is the so-called upper-class and well.… every­one else.  It’s kind of the same sit­u­a­tion which was left in Rwanda after the Colonizing Germans and

Belgians left. The movie blood dia­mond was a unique win­dow into what

Two sides of Jamaica
Two sides of Jamaica

Belgium King Leopold did before leav­ing Rwanda . They cre­at­ed two groups between the peo­ple, the Hutus and the Tutsi from the very same people.
This caused the peo­ple to con­tin­ue to fight among them­selves on man­u­fac­tured dif­fer­ence, long after they had left. The Hutu-Tutsi strife stems from class war­fare, with the Tutsis per­ceived to have greater wealth and social sta­tus (as well as favor­ing cat­tle ranch­ing over what is seen as the low­er-class farm­ing of the Hutus). The Tutsis are thought to have orig­i­nal­ly come from Ethiopia, and arrived after the Hutu came from Chad. The Tutsis had a monar­chy dat­ing back to the 15th cen­tu­ry; this was over­thrown at the urg­ing of Belgian col­o­niz­ers in the ear­ly 1960s and the Hutu took pow­er by force in Rwanda. In Burundi, how­ev­er, a Hutu upris­ing failed and the Tutsis con­trolled the coun­try. 
Jamaica’s so-called upper-class basi­cal­ly boasts some of the very same char­ac­ter­is­tics. Wealth and

Jamaican soldiers in Tivoli Gardens in 2010..
Jamaican sol­diers in Tivoli Gardens in 2010..

lighter skin col­or, the more con­tem­po­rary char­ac­ter­is­tic is based on who man­ages to secure some sort of edu­ca­tion and is able to use it to sep­a­rate and dif­fer­en­ti­ate them­selves from every­one else. There has been a par­a­digm shift as it relates to col­or how­ev­er. Though col­or has not been removed from the equa­tion as a defin­ing point-to-prove class, edu­ca­tion and wealth-accu­mu­la­tion have lev­eled the play­ing field somewhat.

The Hutu and Tutsi speak the same Bantu tongues as well as French, and gen­er­al­ly prac­tice Christianity and many geneti­cists have been hard-pressed to find marked eth­nic dif­fer­ences between the two, though the Tutsi have gen­er­al­ly been not­ed to be taller. The Tutis are from Ethopia and the Hutu gen­er­al­ly from Chad, both groups are Africans. Jamaicans of all stripes speak the same tongue.

Jamaicans uptown Kingston 6 and 8 delude them­selves that a few social dif­fer­ences set

The two sides of Jamaica
The two sides of Jamaica

them apart from their con­tem­po­raries in Kingston 12 and 13 .
The crime sit­u­a­tion on the Island is fueled part­ly because of anger on the part of those in Kingston 12 and 13 , pret­ty soon gat­ed com­mu­ni­ties and secu­ri­ty guards will not be enough.
Despite more of its mem­bers now have under­grad­u­ate and grad­u­ate degrees than arguably any oth­er police depart­ment in the world the upper caste in Jamaica still holds the Police offi­cers of the JCF in contempt.
In order to ful­ly under­stand this one would have to under­stand the full his­to­ry of the JCF and how it came into exis­tence and the strug­gles it has faced as an enti­ty for law and order, while hav­ing to cope with the coun­try’s bourgeois’.
Read more here: The Jamaica Constabulary Force