Uncle TomAss Concerned About The High Courts’ Integrity

In the realm of you can’t make this shit up, the senior-most jus­tice on the supreme court, asso­ciate jus­tice uncle oreo TomAss told a gath­er­ing in Lilly-white-Ruby-red Utah, he’s con­cerned efforts to politi­cize the court or add addi­tion­al jus­tices may erode the insti­tu­tion’s credibility.
What cred­i­bil­i­ty?
Ever since this freak of nature has been on the court, his every vote has been straight par­ty-line what right-wing white peo­ple wanted.

You can cav­a­lier­ly talk about pack­ing or stack­ing the court. You can cav­a­lier­ly talk about doing this or doing that. At some point, the insti­tu­tion is going to be com­pro­mised,” “By doing this, you con­tin­ue to chip away at the respect of the insti­tu­tions that the next gen­er­a­tion is going to need if they’re going to have a civ­il society.”

This coon has been front and cen­ter of every bad deci­sion the court has made since he was wrong­ful­ly ele­vat­ed to it by Republican Herbert Walker Bush. With his help, the court has con­tin­ued on its’ wrong-head­ed path of destroy­ing the 1965 vot­ing rights act and is get­ting ready to destroy abor­tion rights, two well-estab­lished and set­tled laws.
What TomAss is con­cerned about is not the court’s integri­ty but that if rea­son­able jurists are added to the 9‑person court, his scorched-earth anti-black cru­sade will be blunted.
I guess his wife Ginny told him what to say because, by him­self, this stain on the black race makes lit­tle or no sense.