In the realm of you can’t make this shit up, the senior-most justice on the supreme court, associate justice uncle oreo TomAss told a gathering in Lilly-white-Ruby-red Utah, he’s concerned efforts to politicize the court or add additional justices may erode the institution’s credibility.
What credibility?
Ever since this freak of nature has been on the court, his every vote has been straight party-line what right-wing white people wanted.
“You can cavalierly talk about packing or stacking the court. You can cavalierly talk about doing this or doing that. At some point, the institution is going to be compromised,” “By doing this, you continue to chip away at the respect of the institutions that the next generation is going to need if they’re going to have a civil society.”
This coon has been front and center of every bad decision the court has made since he was wrongfully elevated to it by Republican Herbert Walker Bush. With his help, the court has continued on its’ wrong-headed path of destroying the 1965 voting rights act and is getting ready to destroy abortion rights, two well-established and settled laws.
What TomAss is concerned about is not the court’s integrity but that if reasonable jurists are added to the 9‑person court, his scorched-earth anti-black crusade will be blunted.
I guess his wife Ginny told him what to say because, by himself, this stain on the black race makes little or no sense.