Unarmed Guard Prevents Buffalo Gunman From Entering Treatment Clinic…

A man with an AR-15 rifle was stopped by a secu­ri­ty guard after enter­ing a sub­stance abuse treat­ment clin­ic in Buffalo, New York, and the sit­u­a­tion was caught on video.

The sus­pect­ed gun­man, iden­ti­fied as Jeffery Griffin, 48, accord­ing to CBS affil­i­ate WIVB, entered the lob­by of Alba de Vida on Thursday and fired one shot into the wall before an unarmed secu­ri­ty guard tack­led and restrained him until offi­cers arrived. The inci­dent was record­ed by sur­veil­lance cam­eras, and footage has now been released by the Buffalo Police Department.

No one was injured, police said.

A video clip span­ning rough­ly 30 sec­onds shows the unarmed guard stand­ing in the vestibule of Alba de Vida, oppo­site a recep­tion desk and in front of a closed glass door that looks like it leads to a wait­ing area for patients. The gun­man approach­es the vestibule through the front entrance and fires one shot into the wall, before the secu­ri­ty guard hands some­thing off to an employ­ee behind the desk and pro­ceeds to forcibly restrain the gun­man while oth­er staff and patients dis­ap­pear from view.

The secu­ri­ty guard pins the gun­man to the ground as anoth­er guard arrives just before the sur­veil­lance footage cuts out. As the guards strug­gled to restrain to gun­man, his gun dis­charged two addi­tion­al times, accord­ing to the Buffalo Police Department, but no one was struck inside the clinic.

This could’ve got­ten ugly real­ly quick,” said Erie County District Attorney John Flynn, WIVB report­ed. “Due to the quick action — quite frankly hero­ic in my opin­ion — by the two secu­ri­ty offi­cers, no one got hurt there.”

Police con­firmed that Griffin was tak­en into cus­tody in a state­ment last week. They sus­pect that he as also involved in anoth­er shoot­ing that occurred at the 100 block of Pennsylvania Street, less than two miles away from the clin­ic, just before the one at Alba de Vida. Detectives say a woman was shot in the leg while inside her res­i­dence and trans­port­ed to a near­by hos­pi­tal for injuries that were not con­sid­ered life-threatening.

A sec­ond sus­pect who police allege was also involved in the first shoot­ing has been arrest­ed. Police said they do not believe that either attack was planned, and both appeared to be attempt­ed rob­beries “tied to drug activity.”(From Yahoo news)