Uganda’s Museveni Regrets Halting Death Penalty

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said Monday he regret­ted stop­ping exe­cu­tions in his “pre-indus­tri­al” coun­try, just days after his vow to resume death sen­tences alarmed rights groups. Museveni last signed a death war­rant in 1999 to exe­cute 28 con­victs, while exe­cu­tion under mil­i­tary law was last car­ried out in 2002. “I saw some NGOs oppos­ing the death sen­tence. In a pre-indus­tri­al soci­ety like ours remov­ing death sen­tence is a recipe for chaos. We believe in the law of Moses; an eye for an eye”, Museveni told the annu­al judges con­fer­ence in Kampala accord­ing to his senior press sec­re­tary, Don Wanyama.

I have been mak­ing the mis­take of not sanc­tion­ing these death sen­tences, I am repent­ing,” said Museveni. “As you are aspir­ing for best inter­na­tion­al prac­tices, you must be aware that soci­eties like the United Kingdom went through the indus­tri­al rev­o­lu­tion 200 years ago. Here in Uganda and Africa, we are deal­ing with pre-indus­tri­al soci­eties,” Museveni told the judges.

On Friday, dur­ing the pass­ing out of prison war­dens in Kampala, Museveni said: “Criminals think they have a right to kill peo­ple and keep their heads … I am going to revise a bit and hang a few.”

According to pris­ons ser­vice spokesman, Frank Mbaine, over 250 con­victs are on death row in Uganda. Amnesty International said Museveni’s threat to resume exe­cu­tions was “mis­guid­ed since there is no cred­i­ble evi­dence that the death penal­ty is a deter­rent to crime”. The rights watch­dog said that Museveni should instead lead Uganda to ful­ly abol­ish the death penal­ty like 19 oth­er African coun­tries have done.

Uganda’s refusal to car­ry out exe­cu­tions in recent years has been a cred­it to pres­i­dent Museveni, but resum­ing them now would destroy more than a decade of progress, not to men­tion buck the glob­al trend towards abolition”.

Museveni, 73, has been in pow­er for three decades, and could poten­tial­ly seek a sixth term in office in 2021 if a bill to remove pres­i­den­tial age lim­its is passed: https://​www​.mod​erng​hana​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​8​3​0​2​0​2​/​u​g​a​n​d​as-Museveni-regrets-halting-death-penalty.html

Good move mis­ter President. Your first job is to pro­tect your peo­ple from killers. The idea that cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment is not a deter­rent is stu­pid and deceptive.

No one who has ever been giv­en the death penal­ty has ever returned to kill. Those opposed to the death penal­ty have no data to sup­port the neg­a­tive. They can­not show how many peo­ple who nor­mal­ly would have killed, did not because they knew they will be killed in turn.

What we do know is that we see the upward trend of vio­lent crimes in coun­tries where there is no death penal­ty. It’s time for that lie to be shred­ded and exposed.

This writer has long argued that the nations who have reached Industrialized sta­tus did not do so by ignor­ing the crim­i­nals in their midst. In fact Canada Britain, most of west­ern Europe and the United States have had very strict laws and poli­cies in place which got them to where they are today.

Now that they have fixed their soci­eties they are able to finesse the broad­er issues of rights because they have estab­lished their jus­tice sys­tems, estab­lished effec­tive law enforce­ment struc­tures and estab­lished appro­pri­ate leg­isla­tive frame­works which inter­dict, indicts and incar­cer­ate felons and keep them in jail where they belong.

All of these infra­struc­tur­al frame­works did not occur overnight they hap­pened after deci­sive actions have been tak­en by their secu­ri­ty ser­vices to clear out those who would destroy life and property.
It is instruc­tive to rec­og­nize that in none of these coun­tries does Amnesty International or any oth­er so-called rights lob­by get to tell west­ern democ­ra­cies how to run their countries.

Neither have they both­ered with the inci­dents of human rights abus­es in pow­er­ful west­ern nations.
So we are left to con­tend with the glar­ing facts, poor coun­tries with peo­ple of col­or are best kept in the sta­tus quo of crime and pover­ty which results in more crime and pover­ty so that they may con­tin­ue being slaves to the rich lenders in the pow­er­ful indus­tri­al nations which just hap­pen to be large­ly white-dom­i­nat­ed nations.

Small nations lead­ers like those in Jamaica can con­tin­ue on their path to failed state sta­tus by pre­tend­ing Jamaica has arrived while hid­ing behind grill fortifications.
We will see how long those grill for­ti­fi­ca­tions will hold.

One thought on “Uganda’s Museveni Regrets Halting Death Penalty

  1. Amnesty inter­na­tion­al is one of the most despi­ca­ble orga­ni­za­tion in the world and a threat to oth­er coun­tries advancement. 

    In the coun­tries where these orga­ni­za­tions have no air­time or pub­lic­i­ty those coun­tries are doing quite fine: China.

    White peo­ple are inher­ent­ly uncon­scionable and depraved mind­ed peo­ple. Why would any decent black lead­ers lis­ten to them when they have been their ene­mies from the very day our ances­tors laid eyes on them!

    Black peo­ple want to believe that the whites have their inter­est at heart and that’s the fur­thest thing from the truth!

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