Two Would-be Robbers Met Their Match And Their Maker…

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Two punks on a motor­cy­cle decid­ed to rob a young man stand­ing at the side of a road in the Zaide Gardens neigh­bor­hood of Saint Andrew about 6:00pm on Saturday evening July 13th.
According to Police reports the two onboard a motor­cy­cle, with no reg­is­tra­tion plates attached, rode up to the young man and robbed him of his Samsung Galaxy cell phone.

The young man turned out to be an off duty police offi­cer, who chal­lenged them. Another police offi­cer who was near­by assist­ed and both rob­bers were fatal­ly shot.
One Taurus 9mm pis­tol con­tain­ing 3 rounds of ammu­ni­tion was tak­en from one of the rob­bers.
A knap­sach con­taing a con­di­tion of bail book­let and oth­er items were also tak­en from one of the rob­bers.
All indi­ca­tions are, that at least he was report­ing to the Constant Spring police sta­tion as one of the con­di­tions of his bail.
A clear indi­ca­tion, that when these ver­min are let out on bail after offend­ing, they go right back to com­mit­ting crimes, as I out­lined in the pod­d­cast above.