Yesterday there was a ruckus in front of the White House . The offi­cial sto­ry fed to the American peo­ple was that they were march­ing in sup­port of mil­i­tary vet​er​ans​.It was billed as a mil­lion vets march, the march how­ev­er turned out to be a colos­sal dud . There are ques­tions regard­ing whether many who turned up were in fact vet­er­ans. Heading the cha­rade were two elect­ed US Senators . Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas.


Ted Cruz.


Mike Lee.

Yup, elect­ed offi­cials of the American Government active­ly par­tic­i­pat­ing in a march at which the Confederate flag was proud­ly dis­played in front of the White House, along with racist posters. Thugs in the group of Confederate anar­chists heaped bar­ri­cades in front in the White House fence as a mark of dis­re­spect to the President. Some of the anar­chists tus­sled with police. 


Front and cen­ter of the shame­ful , dis­gust­ing débâ­cle was the failed quit­ter who parad­ed as Governor of Alaska for awhile Sarah Palin. These are the types who head the move­ment which are mak­ing life mis­er­able for mil­lions fur­loughed from their jobs. Palin the igno­ra­mus and two sit­ting American Senators par­tic­i­pat­ed in a march which open­ly waved the Confederate flag in front of the White House.

BWdZOG4CAAA8f9JPalin. Lee . Cruz.

This is so shame­ful , I am ashamed for them. Really it is shock­ing that these crea­tures which calls them­selves human beings, civ­i­lized human beings no less, could be so woe­ful­ly illit­er­ate. The entire world is look­ing at America destroy her­self. No Country can do that . America is doing it to her­self. One Revolutionary war to chart a nation, one civ­il war to define a nation , the next war will be to destroy a nation. This war may not be fought with guns and bay­o­nets. The next war is being waged with self-inflict­ed defaults, and shut-downs and. Drip ‚drip, drip,bleeds America to death, while the Chinese watch and wait. Racism was here from the begin­ning, it has eat­en away at this nation all through­out. Don’t be fooled by Obama’s elec­tion. Racism the can­cer will destroy us or maybe the Chinese will get us first, either way we are doomed.