Two Police Officers Arrested In Connection With Robbery Of Chinese Businessmen

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Two police­men were arrest­ed for the rob­bery at the Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston as they attempt­ed to flee the Island. The two cops were arrest­ed in con­nec­tion with charges of Robbery with aggra­va­tion. The two were arrest­ed in con­nec­tion with a mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar rob­bery of two Chinese nation­als in Kingston.
According to reports about 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 6, the two Chinese nation­als were at their whole­sale when they were vis­it­ed by the two police offi­cers dressed in plain clothes.
The police offi­cers showed their ID and pre­sent­ed a doc­u­ment that they said was a war­rant from the Constant Spring Police for the prop­er­ty to be searched for uncus­tomed goods. They were grant­ed access to the busi­ness estab­lish­ment. One of the Chinese nation­als was led to the fam­i­ly’s liv­ing quar­ters upstairs, where a search was conducted.
The police offi­cers found and took J$8.5 mil­lion, along with US$40,000, from a met­al fil­ing cab­i­net and an iPhone 14.
 The vic­tims object­ed and told the offi­cers not to take the fam­i­ly’s mon­ey because it was to pay for cred­it­ed goods.

The offi­cers report­ed­ly told them the mon­ey would be returned and that he should dri­ve behind them to the police station.
However, as the vic­tim was about to get into his vehi­cle to fol­low the police­men, the offi­cers sped off with the mon­ey. The iPhone was tracked and was found dam­aged in the Queensbury com­mu­ni­ty in Kingston. The two cops,Constable Adian Howard Dawkins, 36, of the Saint Andrew South Division and Cons. Norval Warren, 44 years old, also of the Saint Andrew South Division.
The two were arrest­ed as they sought to board a flight for the John F Kennedy Airport in New York.