Two N.C. Cops Suspended For Pummeling Black Man…

Two police cops chased a Black man in a red hood­ie across a street in Kinston, N.C., on Monday, April 12th; after the man fell to the side­walk, one offi­cer pum­meled him repeat­ed­ly with his fists.
The two have been sus­pend­ed pend­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion after the video of the inci­dent went viral. Kinston Police Chief Tim Dilday on Tuesday iden­ti­fied the offi­cers involved as McKinley Jones and Kevin Page.
The beat­en man has been iden­ti­fied as 36-year-old David Lee Bruton Jr.

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The video, which was shot and uploaded to Facebook by the bystander, sparked an out­cry among local advo­cates and politicians.