Two Cops Battle For Their Lives/​Govt. Dismantles JCF, Leaving The Country At The Mercy Of Armed Militias…

By now most Jamaicans would have heard about the mil­i­tary-style assault heav­i­ly armed crim­i­nals car­ried out in May Pen Clarendon.
According to ear­ly report­ing, heav­i­ly armed gun­men on a rob­bery spree at around 9:15 am Sunday morn­ing shot and injured two police offi­cers.
Injured is Sergeant David Craddock and Constable Chase Carnegie. Both offi­cers were alleged­ly shot when they encoun­tered the armed mili­tia who were trav­el­ing in two motor­cars.
Early report­ing indi­cates that con­sta­ble Carnegie was shot in the face and right shoul­der, and the Sergeant who was on foot was shot twice in the abdomen and buttocks. 

Some account­ing by wit­ness­es to the hell this morn­ing revealed that the men entered a Chinese Establishment and ordered every­one to lie face down on the floor ‚they then they demand­ed mon­ey from the oper­a­tors of the estab­lish­ment.
The wit­ness­es attest­ed that while some of the men were inside try­ing to find the mon­ey, their cronies were out­side lay­ing down a bar­rage of cov­er­ing fire at the two police offices. It is any­one’s guess whether it was that sheet of gun­fire that almost took the lives of the two offi­cers.
One of the most fright­en­ing things said by one eye­wit­ness was that the gun­men were not pan­icked or seemed in any hur­ry.
After lay­ing down fire for about 15 min­utes the eye­wit­ness who said he was lay­ing on the floor with oth­er patrons of the super­mar­ket, tells of one gun­man com­ing back into the super­mar­ket and demand­ing more mag­a­zines from his com­pa­tri­ots. After receiv­ing the extra clip he sim­ply went back to lay­ing down fire accord­ing to the eyewitness.

Whether this group of guys was 5 or 10 is imma­te­r­i­al. The fact of the mat­ter is that they were heav­i­ly armed and accord­ing to that eye­wit­ness they were in no hur­ry. The fact that they were in the mid­dle of May Pen Town and there is a Police Station right there in Town, and they did not see the need to wor­ry about the police should be rea­son enough for the police high com­mand and the Political Directorate to wake the fuck up, but not until a group of these mon­sters vis­it a mem­ber of the Government or Political Opposition and exter­mi­nate their whole fam­i­ly will change come.
ZOSO’s and SOE’s are designed to keep the mur­der count down with­out fix­ing the prob­lem. Elections have to be won on both sides, so the safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of law-abid­ing Jamaicans take a back seat to polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy.
Funding has to be had and visas have to be secured, and so no one wants to upset the Americans by enforc­ing the laws and deal­ing with the ter­ror­ists as one friend lamented.

Well, the Americans can fuck off with their fund­ing for all I care. They ensure that no one defies their laws. Their police kill whether assailants have guns or not. Why then would we keep our hands out to a pow­er which secures it’s own, yet tells us we can­not because we are beg­gars?
INDECOM is par­tial­ly fund­ed by out­side ele­ments and I have repeat­ed­ly asked the Government to tell the JAMAICAN peo­ple why those sources are fund­ing INDECOM and not the rule of law?

Under this Administration, the crime strat­e­gy is to put the bod­ies of police and sol­diers between the Militias and their intend­ed tar­gets with a view to sup­press­ing the kill rate.
Through the use of ZOSO’ s and SOE’s the gov­ern­men­t’s hope is to sup­press the mur­der sta­tis­tic with­out actu­al­ly going after the mur­der­ers and killing them or putting them in jail where they belong.
This strat­e­gy is tan­ta­mount to spray­ing a flow­ery per­fumed air fresh­en­er over shit and expect­ing the odor to go away.
But in fact the stench nev­er goes away, it now becomes shit with an arti­fi­cial flow­ery odor.
What the Government is doing is pol­i­tics [101], much the same way that the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion rec­og­nizes what’s hap­pen­ing and is reluc­tant to sup­port the ZOSO’s and SOE’s, but with the same polit­i­cal cal­cu­lus in mind.

At the same time, the min­ions who sup­port the two polit­i­cal par­ties are all over social media giv­ing sup­port to this non­sense and mak­ing excus­es for this affront of an admin­is­tra­tion.
How do we change this par­a­digm when the peo­ple them­selves are so heav­i­ly invest­ed in pol­i­tics to their own detri­ment?
This Administration, like the one before, has not done a damn thing after the débâ­cle that Bruce Golding cre­at­ed by giv­ing the nation the INDECOM Act.
The Opposition PNP is no friend of the rule of law, they have more polit­i­cal gar­risons than the gov­ern­ing JLP. Their polit­i­cal strat­e­gy is root­ed in the igno­rance of the peo­ple and their con­tin­ued depen­dence on state handouts.

The Andrew Holness Government through his jus­tice Minister Delroy Chuck and National Security Minister Horace Chang have tak­en a scalpel to the nation­al secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus of the coun­try under the guise of mod­ern­iz­ing it.
Chuck is work­ing assid­u­ous­ly to toss mur­der cas­es from court Dockets, on the one hand, there­by remov­ing the like­li­hood of mur­der­ers fac­ing jus­tice for their crimes and on the oth­er, fight­ing to have the records of those vio­lent mur­der­ers expunged.
No coun­try expunges the records of vio­lent offend­ers, much less those who have tak­en the lives of others.

While Delroy Chuck is tak­ing a scalpel on the one end, Horace Chang is using a cud­gel on the oth­er by lit­er­al­ly debon­ing the JCF ren­der­ing it total­ly use­less.
How so, you ask?
By dis­man­tling the Mobile Reserve which has been the ver­i­ta­ble back­bone of the nation’s secu­ri­ty for decades.
Make no mis­take about it, regard­less of the intent of the Andrew Holness régime, this will have dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for the coun­try.
For those pay­ing atten­tion, it is already pay­ing div­i­dends, the heav­i­ly armed mili­tias on the Island are high­ly intel­li­gent and they are way ahead of the game.
What this admin­is­tra­tion has done, as has the one before it, is to embark on a cam­paign against the police which is hav­ing dis­as­trous con­se­quences for the coun­try.
Even as I strug­gle to be fair to Holness and his Government, I believe his admin­is­tra­tion is on par with that of PJ Patterson’s as the worst in our nation’s his­to­ry as it relates to the rule of law.

Here is a word of cau­tion to the Prime Minister, lis­ten to me real good. If you believe that you and your cab­i­net are insu­lat­ed and immune to the vio­lence that reg­u­lar Jamaicans are exposed to you are kid­ding your­self.
The only rea­son that they haven’t come for you is that they do not want you.
If they decide that they want you they will come for you and no amount of those poor­ly trained and sup­port­ed police and sol­diers that you have around you will save you.

Real lead­ers lead from in front, they do not watch polls and make deci­sions based on the next elec­tion.
The events of 2010 were warn­ing enough, but as Robert Nesta Marley said quote’, “with the abun­dance of wata di fool ded fi thirst”.
The nation needs to know why this gov­ern­ment has refused to unleash the police on the mur­der­ers and dan­ger­ous mili­tias which are embold­ened and killing at will?
What kind of strat­e­gy it is which tar­gets the police and gives a thumbs up to crim­i­nals?
Is this admin­is­tra­tion act­ing in the best inter­est of the coun­try?
This admin­is­tra­tion must explain to the nation why it hates the police and what it intends to do about the rov­ing mili­tias across the coun­try.
In the mean­time, these two offi­cers may well die, pay­ing the ulti­mate price, while their lead­ers pan­der to the crim­i­nals and their lob­by, instead of sup­port­ing the rule of law.