Two Battle Creek Police Officers Shoot, Seriously Injure Man On Christmas In Bedford Twp.

Two Battle Creek police offi­cers shot and seri­ous­ly wound­ed a man Sunday and have been placed on paid leave. Shortly after 2 p.m. Christmas Day, police respond­ed to the 200 block of North Birdsall Drive in Bedford Township when a woman report­ed her boyfriend assault­ed her, accord­ing to a Monday police depart­ment press release. The 22-year-old Battle Creek man left the area before offi­cers arrived. Police deter­mined there was enough prob­a­ble cause to arrest the man and tried to find him, the release states. At about 10:30 p.m. Sunday, the same woman called 911 again and report­ed the man had returned, was mak­ing sui­ci­dal state­ments, and had a knife, accord­ing to the release.

Three Battle Creek offi­cers near­by on an unre­lat­ed call respond­ed to North Birdsall Drive and heard yelling com­ing from the back­yard of the home. Officers found the man and woman argu­ing. Two oth­er peo­ple also were present, police said As offi­cers approached, police said the man pulled what to them appeared to be a dark-col­ored hand­gun from his waist­band. Officers told the man to drop the weapon and then two offi­cers fired their weapons and struck the man twice in the tor­so, police said. Police said the man dropped his gun and fell to the ground. Officers took two knives from the man and pro­vid­ed first aid. A police super­vi­sor took the man to a local hos­pi­tal for treat­ment. One of the offi­cers who shot the man has two years of expe­ri­ence and the oth­er 10. They have been placed on paid leave pend­ing the out­come of a Michigan State Police inves­ti­ga­tion, the release states. The shoot­ing remains under inves­ti­ga­tion and more infor­ma­tion will be release as it becomes avail­able, accord­ing to the release.