Twelve Year-old Kid Killed By Cop Car That Rammed Fleeing Motorist

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Just another iteration of America’s ‘warrior’ cops on American streets acting as if the streets are war zones and they are action heroes.
— the way they lie is stunning.

The fam­i­ly of an Atlanta-area 12-year-old killed dur­ing a high-speed chase calls for a spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor and fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tion into a Georgia State Patrol trooper’s actions.
During a Jan. 10 news con­fer­ence, the par­ents of Le’Den Boykins stood on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol build­ing. They expressed sor­row and frus­tra­tion patrol offi­cers didn’t do more to save the lives of the chil­dren inside the car the night of the incident. 
“They decid­ed to ter­mi­nate somebody’s life for a speed­ing tick­et,” Le’Den’s father, Anthony Boykins, said
The inci­dent occurred dur­ing the ear­ly morn­ing hours of Sept. 10, 2021. Charlie Moore, 37, was dri­ving his Kia Sorento with his son and Le’Den Boykins inside.
Boykins, who his grand­moth­er was watch­ing at his Paulding County home while his par­ents were in Michigan at a funer­al, had been per­mit­ted to go out with his 14-year-old neigh­bor and Moore, the teen’s father, to earn some mon­ey clean­ing park­ing lots on the night of the crash, local sta­tion WXIA reported

Georgia State Patrol told NBC Moore “was ini­tial­ly pulled over short­ly after 1 a.m. by a troop­er for speeding.”

Dashcam video shows the traf­fic stop where Georgia State Patrol Officer David Petersen approached the driver’s side win­dow of Moore’s vehi­cle. Petersen claimed Moore tried to evade him. He asked Moore for his driver’s license, which Moore refused to pro­vide, prompt­ing Petersen to ask him to step out of the vehi­cle. Two Paulding County Sheriff’s deputies arrived sev­er­al min­utes into the traf­fic stop, and Moore asked for a super­vi­sor and ques­tioned what crime he had com­mit­ted. At this point, one deputy smashed the driver’s side win­dow, and Moore react­ed by speed­ing away. A high-speed chase last­ed rough­ly eight min­utes until Petersen hit the back left bumper of Moore’s Kia Sorento per­form­ing the PIT maneu­ver. Moore and the chil­dren inside flipped over into a road­side ditch. Petersen is heard say­ing, “PIT suc­cess­ful, PIT suc­cess­ful,” as the car goes into the embank­ment. The PIT maneu­ver is a method used by police to end pur­suits. The method occurs when a police vehi­cle hits the vehi­cle it is pur­su­ing near its back left or right tire. The vehi­cle is struck and then spun around, allow­ing police to stop the chase. The fam­i­ly claims the troop­ers should have act­ed dif­fer­ent­ly because there were chil­dren inside Moore’s vehi­cle. “They could put a road­block up and pro­tect those kids. They couldn’t fig­ure out any oth­er way than to flip that car over?” Anthony Boykins asked.

Anthony Boykins and Toni Franklin-Boykins stand at a news con­fer­ence. (Photo: Facebook/​Dontaye Carter)

While Georgia’s Department of Public Safety pol­i­cy does not explic­it­ly pro­hib­it the PIT maneu­ver because chil­dren are in the car, it requires offi­cers to con­sid­er children’s safe­ty. The Paulding County Sheriff’s Office on scene told WANF, “it was 1 a.m., and it was dark, and the troop­ers were hav­ing trou­ble see­ing who was in the vehi­cle.
“They killed my son, and the first thing they did was lie to me. I asked them specif­i­cal­ly, did you know there were chil­dren in the car, and they gave a very clear answer, no, we did not know chil­dren were in the car,” Anthony Boykins said.
Radio traf­fic shared by Boykins’ attor­ney, Lee Merritt, indi­cates offi­cers on the scene knew chil­dren were in the vehi­cle

A dis­patch­er can be heard on police radio traf­fic say­ing, “there are chil­dren in the car.An uniden­ti­fied offi­cer responds, say­ing, “There are kids in the car. We’ll try again if I can get up there and pass them.” “There’s the vehi­cle com­ing. They bet­ter stop before they get put in a ditch,” an uniden­ti­fied troop­er said. Merritt asked for the Paulding County pros­e­cu­tor to recuse him­self and allow a spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor to come in and take over the case last sum­mer. Atlanta NAACP President Gerald Griggs called for Georgia’s attor­ney gen­er­al to appoint a spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor again at the news con­fer­ence. He also called for the Department of Justice to inves­ti­gate the case. “It’s been almost 500 days, and there’s still been no action. We’re demand­ing swift and account­able jus­tice in this case. Le’Den was a vic­tim,” Griggs said. “We want jus­tice for our son,” Anthony Boykins said.

Le’Den Boykins, 12, died inside a car that flipped over fol­low­ing a PIT maneu­ver by Georgia Trooper. (Photo: Facebook/​Toni Franklin-Boykins)

Petersen was placed on admin­is­tra­tive leave dur­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion by the GBI, then returned to work ear­ly last year, WXIA reports. The Georgia State Patrol told Atlanta Black Star, “We can­not com­ment due to the notice of poten­tial lit­i­ga­tion.” The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said its only role in the case was to con­duct the autop­sy, and Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr’s office said it could not com­ment. Moore was arrest­ed and booked into the Paulding County jail. He faces a slew of charges, includ­ing first-degree vehic­u­lar homi­cide, mur­der dur­ing the com­mis­sion of a felony, reck­less dri­ving, endan­ger­ing a child while DUI of alco­hol or drugs, and flee­ing to elude. He still awaits trial.(AtlantaBlackStar).