TWC “Enjoy Better” I Think Not

20140619_175028We sub­scribe to Time Warner Cable for our Business and Home . We hard­ly watch Television, so for both Accounts we asked for basic Cable. Subscribers of Time Warner Service in the Hudson Valley are famil­iar with the Triple Play . Phone , Internet and Television bun­dled togeth­er , Generally adver­tised for $33 per ser­vice. The total month­ly cost being $99 plus Taxes. Of course the phone is a total waste of mon­ey these days, no one ever uses the phone in our home. The one in my Business is fast becom­ing obso­lete also.

Of course every month the billed amount for the very same pack­age increas­es, while Channels on it’s Cable Television sur­rep­ti­tious­ly dis­ap­pears. A call to the Company gen­er­al­ly elic­its a pack­aged response ‚which goes some­thing like this.

Oh, we are sor­ry the Channels you ref­er­enced should­n’t have been a part of your pack­age to begin with”.

The same thiev­ery is part of Time Warner’s argu­ment when you sign up and ask for a fixed IP Address. You pay for a fixed IP and is giv­en a Dynamic IP Address. Their argu­ments are always the same it’s the fault of the Sales-per­son who took the order. Never mind that the Sales-peo­ple work for Time Warner Cable. They nev­er accept responsibility.

Yesterday Wednesday June 18th I arrived at work , of course it’s World Cup Soccer time so I had 3 Televisions on ESPN so cus­tomers who are inter­est­ed in the Soccer may watch the game if they chose to. I have had ESPN as a part of my basic Cable pack­age for years, on both accounts. Sometime in the ear­ly after­noon the cable froze and even­tu­al­ly all screens went black . I wait­ed believ­ing that some­thing was wrong with the feed and it would be restored in due time. After a while I real­ized that was­n’t hap­pen­ing, so I called Time Warner.

The Customer Service Rep on the line com­menced to tell me “Oh we’ ” I cut him off,” what­ev­er you do , do not tell me ESPN was not a part of my pack­age”!! He went on I’m sor­ry sir that is a fact.

I blew a fuse, are you kid­ding me I have had the ser­vice for years. If ESPN is not a part of it why did you not take it from the time you took all the oth­er chan­nels, why wait for the World Cup, the most watched event?

He pro­ceed­ed to go around in cir­cles after I lam­bast­ed him and his Company for being decep­tive, unscrupu­lous and dis­hon­est . I told him that straight away, I would be can­celling both accounts and going with Fios or Optimum TV, their com­pe­ti­tion, then I hung up the phone.

Thursday morn­ing I arrived at work and for good mea­sure I turned the Televisions on to ESPN chan­nel 21 and what do you know , ESPN was back up and running.

Time Warner has been involved in these decep­tive and unscrupu­lous prac­tices for years. In fact they have lost a big part of their mar­ket share. They don’t even both­er to mar­ket the triple play any­more . More and more sub­scribers of Cable TV are look­ing else­where for ser­vice. The afore­men­tioned two are com­pe­tent alter­na­tive providers as well as Direct TV.

Time Warner unscrupu­lous prac­tices are well doc­u­ment­ed with cus­tomers as far as California com­plain­ing of the Company’s unscrupu­lous bait and switch and oth­er nefar­i­ous prac­tices.‑p/11599

Time Warner’s jin­gle ask cus­tomers to “Enjoy bet­ter” , you take a gam­ble on them, you are gau­rant­ed worse. I will still dump the Company, if for noth­ing more that its unscrupu­lous attempt to get me to pay for a chan­nel I had for years all because it’s being heav­i­ly watched. This was not my first bad expe­ri­ence with the Company, this time I have had enough. The Company’s efforts to weasel a few dol­lars out of me , like a com­mon street thug ‚will result in two lost accounts.

Soon many more cus­tomers will catch on and do the same.