We subscribe to Time Warner Cable for our Business and Home . We hardly watch Television, so for both Accounts we asked for basic Cable. Subscribers of Time Warner Service in the Hudson Valley are familiar with the Triple Play . Phone , Internet and Television bundled together , Generally advertised for $33 per service. The total monthly cost being $99 plus Taxes. Of course the phone is a total waste of money these days, no one ever uses the phone in our home. The one in my Business is fast becoming obsolete also.
Of course every month the billed amount for the very same package increases, while Channels on it’s Cable Television surreptitiously disappears. A call to the Company generally elicits a packaged response ‚which goes something like this.
“Oh, we are sorry the Channels you referenced shouldn’t have been a part of your package to begin with”.
The same thievery is part of Time Warner’s argument when you sign up and ask for a fixed IP Address. You pay for a fixed IP and is given a Dynamic IP Address. Their arguments are always the same it’s the fault of the Sales-person who took the order. Never mind that the Sales-people work for Time Warner Cable. They never accept responsibility.
Yesterday Wednesday June 18th I arrived at work , of course it’s World Cup Soccer time so I had 3 Televisions on ESPN so customers who are interested in the Soccer may watch the game if they chose to. I have had ESPN as a part of my basic Cable package for years, on both accounts. Sometime in the early afternoon the cable froze and eventually all screens went black . I waited believing that something was wrong with the feed and it would be restored in due time. After a while I realized that wasn’t happening, so I called Time Warner.
The Customer Service Rep on the line commenced to tell me “Oh we’ ” I cut him off,” whatever you do , do not tell me ESPN was not a part of my package”!! He went on I’m sorry sir that is a fact.
I blew a fuse, are you kidding me I have had the service for years. If ESPN is not a part of it why did you not take it from the time you took all the other channels, why wait for the World Cup, the most watched event?
He proceeded to go around in circles after I lambasted him and his Company for being deceptive, unscrupulous and dishonest . I told him that straight away, I would be cancelling both accounts and going with Fios or Optimum TV, their competition, then I hung up the phone.
Thursday morning I arrived at work and for good measure I turned the Televisions on to ESPN channel 21 and what do you know , ESPN was back up and running.
Time Warner has been involved in these deceptive and unscrupulous practices for years. In fact they have lost a big part of their market share. They don’t even bother to market the triple play anymore . More and more subscribers of Cable TV are looking elsewhere for service. The aforementioned two are competent alternative providers as well as Direct TV.
Time Warner unscrupulous practices are well documented with customers as far as California complaining of the Company’s unscrupulous bait and switch and other nefarious practices.http://forums.timewarnercable.com/t5/Channels-and-Programming/Enjoy-Better-NOT/td‑p/11599
Time Warner’s jingle ask customers to “Enjoy better” , you take a gamble on them, you are gauranted worse. I will still dump the Company, if for nothing more that its unscrupulous attempt to get me to pay for a channel I had for years all because it’s being heavily watched. This was not my first bad experience with the Company, this time I have had enough. The Company’s efforts to weasel a few dollars out of me , like a common street thug ‚will result in two lost accounts.
Soon many more customers will catch on and do the same.