Turns Out White Millennials Are Just As Conservative(racist) As Their Parents

Absolutely inter­est­ing read from our friends at HuffingtonPost​.com. With the strug­gles of the 60’s and the progress made includ­ing the elec­tion of An African-American to the pres­i­den­cy of the United States twice, it is easy to lose sight of the real facts.
But as Michael Hobbs wrote Sunday, in a 2018 sur­vey, the per­cent­age of younger whites self-report­ing that they had inter­ra­cial friend­ships was near­ly iden­ti­cal to that of old­er whites. Studies that exam­ine “close” friend­ships find even greater racial sep­a­ra­tion: In 2006, researchers reviewed pho­tos from more than a thou­sand mar­riage cel­e­bra­tions and found that only 3.7 per­cent of white cou­ples had a black per­son in their wed­ding par­ty. 
“Quality con­tact between whites and oth­er races isn’t hap­pen­ing very often,” Enos said. “Whites often with­draw when their neigh­bor­hood or school starts to become more diverse. Most of the exam­ples of con­tact with oth­er races result­ing in more pro­gres­sive atti­tudes come from sit­u­a­tions where peo­ple.
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