Romney Ryan
Romney Ryan

Throw all the stuff you can muster against the wall, see what sticks, never mind that some of that Stuff may actually come back at you because it was yours to begin with.

Mitt Romney’s cam­paign has been about one thing, “the econ­o­my”. This strat­e­gy has been at the heart of his cam­paign ever since he start­ed run­ning six years ago.

This strat­e­gy was con­sum­mat­ed at the con­ven­tion when Mitt Romney said quote: President Obama wants to slow the rise of the Oceans , he wants to heal the world, I just want to help you and your family”.

What that state­ment showed was the absolute cyn­i­cism with which Romney views peo­ple who do not have ele­va­tors for their cars, or don’t have cars at all. Throughout this nev­er-end­ing cam­paign every pub­li­ca­tion every objec­tive medi­um has point­ed to the litany of lies that per­me­ates the Romney/​Ryan cam­paign. Never before have we seen a Presidential Campaign this truth averse.

Presidential Campaigns have always stretched the truth, as observers to these spec­ta­cles we were always mind­ful that baked into the infor­ma­tion they pum­mel us with is a cer­tain ele­ment of dis­tor­tion. With that said we were always able to come to an under­stand­ing that when one politi­cian say some­thing is 6 and the oth­er says its 4 we know it’s prob­a­bly a 5.

All of that is now out the door, the Romney Ryan Campaign has decid­ed that it is so imper­a­tive to beat Barack Obama, that they are going to do what­ev­er it takes to defeat him.

This strat­e­gy though not the worst strat­e­gy ever, con­sid­er­ing they could have used vio­lence, has cre­at­ed great con­ster­na­tion in some of us to whom the truth matters.

My Grand Dad always taught me that you may hide your prop­er­ty effec­tive­ly from a thief but you can nev­er hide from a liar. A liar does­n’t have to see you to tell a lie on you. This Biblical teach­ing from my grand dad had a pro­found effect on me, to this day it is one of my great­est pet peeve, I can­not stand liars.


September 11th. 2012 both cam­paigns agreed to sus­pend cam­paign­ing, this was respect­ful and the least they could do in hon­or of those who were tak­en from us ‚and those who gave their limbs and lives after, in an effort to bring jus­tice to the per­pe­tra­tors of that hor­ri­ble event that will be for­ev­er seared in our minds.

One would have thought, that at least on this day, on the solemn anniver­sary of this event, that Mitt Romney would show some char­ac­ter, it would have been fit­ting if Mitt Romney could under­stand that when you give your word it should mean some­thing. Over the course of this cam­paign we have been tru­ly intro­duced to Willard Mitt Romney and what we have seen is that this man(used lib­er­al­ly) has no stan­dard, no char­ac­ter, we have been exposed to a man who will pret­ty much say and do any­thing to get elect­ed, char­ac­ter and dig­ni­ty be damned.

Paul Ryan has now mor­phed into a mini Romney of sorts since join­ing the ticket,many argue that Ryan have prob­a­bly been dam­aged by Romney, pos­si­bly irrepara­bly because of the lies. I dis­agree, I believe that Ryan lacked char­ac­ter from the get go , hence ‚his and Romney’s mar­riage is one made in hell, no one lies that fre­quent­ly , and for no rea­son unless he or she is pathological.

Mitt Romney did not hon­or his word he went to Nevada to address National Guard con­tin­gent and he gave a clas­sic cam­paign speech which was in many regards dis­re­spect­ful to our president.

No mat­ter how you feel about for­mer pres­i­dent George Bush, he was a man of char­ac­ter, you may have hat­ed his pol­i­tics, but you had to agree that pres­i­dent Bush was a man of class, Mitt Romney is like a com­mon alley-cat.

Judge for your­self if this guy is qual­i­fied to be pres­i­dent, he is cer­tain­ly the worst can­di­date for pres­i­dent I have ever seen and cer­tain­ly the most class­less.http://www.c‑ – 1/

We take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to salute all the fam­i­lies of all those who died on September 11th. We also salute the mem­bers of America’s intel­li­gence, law enforce­ment, and mil­i­tary com­mu­ni­ty all of whom have worked tire­less­ly to make America safer.

Kudos to for­mer President George Bush for some of the poli­cies he pur­sued to keep all of us assured dur­ing those dif­fi­cult days.

Kudos to President Barack Obama for his vig­i­lance for his stead­fast fideli­ty to his stat­ed objec­tives in this so-called war on ter­ror and the accom­plish­ments he attained that no wannabe pres­i­dent or any­one else can take from him or his legacy.