Trump’s Victory Had Nothing To Do With Economics And Everything To Do With Racial Animus.….

It’s been ten days since donald j trump shocked Democrats and many across the globe by winning the US Presidential elections.
[donald trump] [sic]

The brash New York busi­ness­man­’s path to vic­to­ry did not only include the tra­di­tion­al south­ern and rocky-moun­tain states he carved out a siz­able chunk of white vot­ers out of tra­di­tion­al Pennsylvanian, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Experts say trumps elec­toral col­lege vic­to­ry was made pos­si­ble by white une­d­u­cat­ed vot­ers, many of whom had not both­ered vot­ing before. Not this time, they need­ed to take America back from $2 per gal­lon gas. They need­ed to take America back from a resur­gent auto-indus­try. They need to realign America from 15,000,000 new jobs cre­at­ed under Obama, after being hand­ed an eco­nom­ic col­lapse equal only to the great depres­sion . They need­ed to halt the idea of 20 mil­lion more peo­ple who nev­er had health insur­ance final­ly get it. They need­ed to put a stop to the longest peri­od of job growth since they start­ed keep­ing stats. Yeah, who cares about the fact that the stock mar­ket is in record ter­ri­to­ry and the Nasdaq at lev­els Romney the last sane Republican nom­i­nee could only dream of.
And while we are at it, Romney ran in 2012 promis­ing 6% unem­ploy­ment. Hum , Unemployment is now under 5% .
Thank you pres­i­dent Barack Obama .…..

President Barack Hussein Obama having a really light moment....
President Barack Hussein Obama hav­ing a real­ly light moment.…

In terms of the path trump took to the pres­i­den­cy it is incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult to argue that there was indeed a silent trump vote out there which poll­sters were not tap­ping into.
During ear­ly vot­ing I inti­mat­ed to my wife that I found it dif­fi­cult to believe that the long lines of peo­ple stand­ing patient­ly to vote were Hillary Clinton’s voters.
It is impor­tant to under­stand that despite the United States grand­stand­ing on the issue of free and fair elec­tions the Republican par­ty has had in place strate­gies aimed sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly at pre­vent­ing eth­nic minori­ties from voting.

A fed­er­al judge in North Carolina Judge Loretta Biggs ruled before the elec­tions that state offi­cials ille­gal­ly dropped vot­ers from the reg­is­tra­tion lists and must restore them. She said the right to vote “can­not be sac­ri­ficed when cit­i­zens through no fault of their own have been removed from the vot­er rolls.” She ordered the state to rein­state the reg­is­tra­tions that were can­celed, stop fur­ther purges of the reg­is­tra­tion lists, and make sure that vot­ers denied an absen­tee bal­lot are giv­en the option to get one or vote in person.

The rul­ing came in response to a law­suit filed by the NAACP .
Additionally, a fed­er­al appeals court in the very same state of North Carolina struck down a law the Republican-led leg­is­la­ture enact­ed in 2013 to inten­tion­al­ly blunt the grow­ing clout of African American voters.
In a over­whelm­ing vic­to­ry for the Justice depart­ment , civ­il rights groups and black vot­ers in the state, the three judge pan­el unan­i­mous­ly struck down the vot­er sup­pres­sion law. “The new pro­vi­sions tar­get­ed African Americans with almost sur­gi­cal pre­ci­sion” and “impose cures for prob­lems that did not exist,” Judge Diana Gribbon Motz wrote for the pan­el. “Thus the assert­ed jus­ti­fi­ca­tions can­not and do not con­ceal the State’s true motivation.”

In Wisconsin, where one fed­er­al judge already had eased restric­tions on vot­er-ID require­ments, a sec­ond judge found that addi­tion­al ele­ments of the law passed by the leg­is­la­ture and signed by Gov. Scott Walker (R‑Wis.) were uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. U.S. District Judge James D. Peterson sug­gest­ed he would strike the entire law if he were not bound by the Supreme Court’s deci­sion that states may use prop­er­ly writ­ten vot­er-ID laws to guard against vot­er fraud.

Scott Walker Governor Wisconsin
Scott Walker Governor Wisconsin

The evi­dence in this case casts doubt on the notion that vot­er ID laws fos­ter integri­ty and con­fi­dence,” Peterson wrote. “The Wisconsin expe­ri­ence demon­strates that a pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with most­ly phan­tom elec­tion fraud leads to real inci­dents of dis­en­fran­chise­ment, which under­mine rather than enhance con­fi­dence in elec­tions, par­tic­u­lar­ly in minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties. To put it blunt­ly, Wisconsin’s strict ver­sion of vot­er ID law is a cure worse than the dis­ease.” The state will appeal both rul­ings accord­ing to the( Washington Post).

These states are just a few in which bla­tant acts of vot­er sup­pres­sion aimed at set­ting the clock back has been thwart­ed by the fed­er­al courts.
They are by no means the total­i­ty of what Republicans have done to stop black and brown peo­ple from voting.
Ever won­der why Republicans are so stri­dent­ly opposed to the fed­er­al Government, or oth­er­wise so excit­ed about states rights?

The shock­er for me is not that trump won the elec­tion , in fact I expect­ed him to.
Whats shock­ing is that democ­rats who did not vote are shocked that trump won ‑and sec­ond­ly peo­ple keep say­ing they are watch­ing to see whether trump will gov­ern as he campaigned.
Why would trump change what has worked so well for him? He cam­paigned on mak­ing America great again, a thin­ly veiled dog-whis­tle to whites that he is their guy who will push back the gains made by blacks and give them back the coun­try they claim is theirs and theirs alone.

Driving up the Saw Mill park­way yes­ter­day I found myself lis­ten­ing to the Karen Hunter show on satel­lite radio, thanks to my wife who who com­man­deered my levels.
Hunter had a bunch of white peo­ple on her show dis­cussing race. Some claimed to be lib­er­als the oth­ers took on the con­ser­v­a­tive label.
Their con­ver­sa­tion was par­tic­u­lar­ly poignant due in part to Ms Hunter’s brash no holes barred per­sona . One male pan­elist seemed to get it , he said America not only has a race prob­lem it has a deni­a­bil­i­ty problem.
He art­ful­ly point­ed to the fact that many whites fun­da­men­tal­ly believed that slav­ery was good for black peo­ple. He argued that at the peak of the civ­il-rights strug­gle many whites said things weren’t bad for blacks. And today as unarmed black peo­ple are being slaugh­tered by racist cops who do not val­ue their lives whites say there is no problem.

His state­ment was a ring­ing endorse­ment of what I have always believed, that for the most part, too many white peo­ple do not give a rats ass about dead black peo­ple or what­ev­er plight we may find our­selves in .
What they care about are their spe­cial priv­i­leges and their inter­pre­ta­tion of social order.
Which makes it dou­bly insane for black peo­ple to try to appeal to them to do whats right.

North Carolina's governor Pat McCrory
North Carolina’s gov­er­nor Pat McCrory

Of course don­ald trump is going to gov­ern as he campaigned !
Did he do what every oth­er pres­i­den­tial can­di­date has done in forty years in releas­ing his tax returns ?
What penal­ty has he paid for it?
Hasn’t he appealed to the most racist, misog­y­nis­tic xeno­pho­bic, and Islamophobic ele­ments who reside in the deep­est ves­tiges of the polit­i­cal crevasses?
Has it affect­ed him negatively?
Has he cared about what either repub­li­cans or democ­rats have to say about him .
Hasn’t he sur­round­ed him­self with known racists like Jeff Sessions the US sen­a­tor from Alabama, Rudolph Giuliani the for­mer New York City Mayor , Steven Bannon the Alt-right white Nationalist from Breitbart, to name a few?

As was the con­ver­sa­tion dur­ing the cam­paign the sil­ly media fed the pub­lic a steady diet about trump’s inevitable explo­sion . They told us by the fol­low­ing week he would be a foot­note. One by one trump forced all of the six­teen repub­li­can con­tenders to ditch their own pres­i­den­tial ambi­tions and dis­ap­pear into irrel­e­vance or line up in child-like sub­servient obe­di­ence behind him.
He at least under­stood that America had done it’s good deed in elect­ing Barack Obama . It had cleansed itself as it felt it had when it they fought in the civ­il war.
Many peo­ple around the world would be sur­prised to know that many white Americans believe that the sol­diers who died fight­ing against the south in the civ­il war deserved thanks from black for their emancipation.
As if they had self enslaved .As if the civ­il war was start­ed over slavery.

And so they insti­tut­ed jim crow , a snap-back from end­ing slav­ery. The civ­il rights strug­gles of the six­ties was fol­lowed by Nixon’s south­ern strat­e­gy to dump drugs into the black com­mu­ni­ty and incar­cer­ate as many as pos­si­ble . This was con­tin­ued under Ronald Reagan and Herbert Walker Bush’s pres­i­den­cy and to a large extent so too under that of demo­c­rat Bill Clinton.
The gains of the six­ties civ­il rights fights were seen as a bridge too far for white Americans.,
The sim­ple act of say­ing we are not telling you how to grade papers but we are say­ing you have to allow a cer­tain num­ber of qual­i­fied black peo­ple into your schools and uni­ver­si­ties became a light­ning rod deemed as reverse racism by whites.
The supreme court evis­cer­at­ed the vot­ing rights act as a result of that men­tal­i­ty. The log­ic being it was no longer need­ed because peo­ple are not as racists as they once were.
Essentially, do away with the for­mu­la which has worked to stop the ram­pant dis­crim­i­na­tion against a cer­tain sub-set of the pop­u­la­tion because it has worked too well.
Isn’t that the per­fect for­mu­la for allow­ing the kinds of vot­er sup­pres­sion laws we spoke about in places like South Carolina Wisconsin, and Pennsylvanian?
No, this writer was not delud­ed into believ­ing that trumps cries of “mak­ing America great again , tak­ing back our coun­try” was an eco­nom­ic argu­ment aimed at work­ing class peo­ple des­per­ate for jobs. trump knew darn well those jobs are not com­ing back . His hotels are built with steel sourced from China. His ties and shirts so too are made in China.
Those so-called dis­af­fect­ed white work­ing class peo­ple are doing a lot bet­ter under the Obama econ­o­my than they were doing under Bush’s .
The straw-man argu­ments trump used about trade has no mer­it . The whole­sale trade deals were start­ed under Ronald Reagan con­tin­ued under Bush 41 and Clinton.
Barack Obama has zero respon­si­bil­i­ty for them.
The out­pour­ing of white votes at the polls was a direct white-lash against the pres­i­den­cy of Barack Obama. It was right in line with the think­ing which has exist­ed from after slav­ery . That what­ev­er gains blacks make on their own voli­tion is tak­ing some­thing away from them.
The immi­gra­tion nar­ra­tive used by trump to his sup­port­ers speaks direct­ly to the fact that by twen­ty forty minor­i­ty groups will make up the majority

That is what got trump elected .….….…..