Trump’s Support Is Solely About Maintaining White Power…

I am sure that I have written an article detailing why Donald Trump has consolidated and held the segment of the population he has in his grasp. Notwithstanding, if you allow me, I will clumsily and inarticulately try to break it down for you.
Unlike the watered-down BS the mainstream media pundits give you, I will do so in a way that is unnuanced and truthful.

First, we must acknowl­edge that they grav­i­tat­ed to Donald Trump long before he announced his inten­tions to run for the pres­i­den­cy of the United States in 2016. It is also impor­tant to acknowl­edge that he was one of the chief archi­tects of the birther con­spir­a­cy against Barack Obama, the first black President. He con­tin­ued to make base­less claims as a provo­ca­teur through­out the eight years of Obama’s pres­i­den­cy, which forced Obama to release his long-form birth cer­tifi­cate to the media in the hope of dis­pelling Donald Trump’s lies.
It was a throw­back of slav­ery days, which police do every day in America when they stop black men and demand they show Identification.
Despite being President of the United States, Barack Obama, bowed to the lies of Donald Trump a low-life con artiste and showed his papers.
Obama, a timid and trust­ing man, believed that that would end the lies, but he was wrong; they only brought on more lies from Trump and oth­ers who had decid­ed that there was hay to be made for con­tin­u­ing with the lie that he was not born in America.

I dare­say that to this day, Barack Obama has no clue how bow­ing to the pres­sure of a two-bit clown, one he would lat­er char­ac­ter­ize as a car­ni­val bark­er, empow­ered him and gal­va­nized a Fascist move­ment behind him.
America had been look­ing for a white suprema­cist pres­i­dent since Andrew Jackson, the recal­i­brat­ed Republican par­ty that con­sti­tut­ed after the civ­il rights gain ofthe1960’s was in search of that white man.
No one seemed to fit the bill until Arizona US Senator Bary Goldwater came along. But Goldwater went down in crush­ing defeat to John F Kennedy in the 1964 Presidential elec­tions. Despite Goldwater’s loss, many cred­it­ed his life’s work for firm­ly estab­lish­ing what they called the mod­ern Conservative movement.
Speaking at his nom­i­na­tion in the 64 elec­tions, faced with mount­ing crit­i­cisms and dis­af­fec­tion by lib­er­al Republicans about what they viewed as his extrem­ism, Goldwater said the fol­low­ing; “I would remind you that extrem­ism in the defense of lib­er­ty is no vice, and let me remind you also that mod­er­a­tion in the pur­suit of jus­tice is no virtue.”

Goldwater is also cred­it­ed with help­ing to make pos­si­ble the so-called Reagan rev­o­lu­tion. Ronald Reagan was anoth­er many pinned their hopes on, hop­ing for that President that would allow white racism to thrive out in the open.
Whether or not Ronald Reagan lived up to those expec­ta­tions is for oth­ers to decide. Sufficing to say that Ronald Reagan, though dead, is still held in high regard by that seg­ment of the American population.
By the time Donald Trump came down that esca­la­tor and declared Mexicans are mur­der­ers and thieves, that seg­ment of the pop­u­la­tion was primed to throw their sup­port to him in defense of whiteness.

If a dog had Trump’s his­to­ry and came down that esca­la­tor mak­ing the offen­sive state­ments he did, they would have sup­port­ed the dog. I real­ized it had noth­ing to do with Donald Trump; he was mere­ly a ves­sel to chan­nel their anger and animosity.
How dare America twice elect a Black man to be pres­i­dent? They were los­ing what they stri­dent­ly believed was theirs and theirs alone, the land they stole from the Native Americans-all of it.
And those oth­er not-so-real peo­ple, the not white, how dare they have pow­er? They are tak­ing our jobs. Well, you nev­er both­ered to go to col­lege, so there was that…
As you saw last week, Mitch McConnell’s mouth went ahead of his brain, and he gave away that he did not believe Black peo­ple were Americans. The sup­port­ers of Donald Trump shared those views as well.

It mat­tered not that at the 2016 debates, Trump was clear­ly out of his league among the group of Republican can­di­dates; by then, his sup­port was grow­ing, and every wrong he did was brushed aside, every flub explained away as organic.
Regardless of the dirt oppo­si­tion research turned up against him, his sup­port­ers had some sil­ly expla­na­tion for it. By then, they were com­ing out of the wood­work in sup­port of him as his state­ments got more racist, more xeno­pho­bic, and more bel­li­cose against every­one, not white Anglo-Saxon.
It was exact­ly what they want­ed to hear; by the time the tape was released of him brag­ging about grab­bing young women by their pussies; his sup­port­ers were glee­ful that their can­di­date was brave and strong enough to grab girls eager to win a pageant by their genitalia.

Many of those sup­port­ers were old­er, they claimed they had nev­er vot­ed before, had not gone to col­lege, and of course, they were most­ly all white.
But there was much more to this impres­sion­able lot; many have nev­er vis­it­ed anoth­er coun­try, some nev­er even left the coun­ty they were born in. And, of course, what passed for their log­ic and rea­son­ing left absolute­ly no doubt that they nev­er attend­ed college.
It was clear that their affin­i­ty for Donald Trump had noth­ing to do with his pol­i­cy posi­tions; he had none. They were drawn to the glo­ri­fied con-artiste because he was that can­di­date they had been search­ing for since Barry Goldwater.
He reg­u­lar­ized and said what they are told they could not say in a civ­i­lized soci­ety. The stench of racism he stirred up nev­er went any­where; it did not go away with the elec­tion of Barack Obama to the pres­i­den­cy; if any­thing, his ascen­den­cy to that office made the ran­cid swamp more toxic.
The divi­sive­ness per­me­at­ing America today, from the rul­ings on the high­est court (dis­man­tling sec­tion 4B of the 1965 vot­ing rights act) for no good rea­son but that it worked too well; to the mad­ness occur­ring in the con­gress all the way down to state leg­is­la­tures and onto the streets, is a direct result of what Trump sup­port­ers see as whites los­ing control.

Donald Trump pos­sess­es noth­ing good that any­one would or should clam­or to be a part of; his entire can­di­da­cy in 2016 was about using racism to gain office so that he could enrich him­self and his cronies.
The old­er men and women in Ohio and Iowa, Michigan and Arizona, and all places in between, who claim they nev­er vot­ed before Trump must be believed.
Of course, they nev­er vot­ed, pre­vi­ous can­di­dates of the Republican par­ty were racist, but they nev­er had the reck­less­ness of Donald Trump. Trump does not mind destroy­ing the coun­try to get what he wants; he may very well get his way.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.