Trump’s Campaign A Desperate Sinking Ship.…


The new sto­ry from the Trump cam­paign is that the can­di­date will be look­ing to get black vot­ers to respond to his campaign .
The nar­ra­tive com­ing from the new pha­lanx of black sur­ro­gates, most of whom have the pre­fix Rev before their names, oth­er than Ben Carson, is that Democrats have tak­en advan­tage of Blacks and Trump deserves a chance.
Fair enough!!!
However Trump is polling at 1% among Blacks.
Mitt Romney got 6%.
John McCain got 4%.
How much will Trump be able to cut into Hillary’s lead becomes the question?
What I find per­plex­ing is that even as Trump and his sur­ro­gates make these claims that Democrats do not hon­or the votes of Blacks Trump stead­fast­ly refus­es to stand with the fam­i­lies of Blacks mur­dered by police, while giv­ing his undy­ing sup­port to police.
He actu­al­ly claim he is the law and order candidate.
Trump refused an invi­ta­tion to speak at a recent assem­bly of the NAACP , Hillary Clinton attend­ed and addressed that conference.
Trump went to detroit to sup­pos­ed­ly to address the black com­mu­ni­ty but went to an all white audi­ence while speak­ing at Black people.
Donald Trump address­es African-Americans usu­al­ly with the word “the” before the by-word.
What is shock­ing in all of this is that these stool pigeons with black skin allow them­selves to be used as props and tools of a des­per­ate cam­paign which is tak­ing on water fast.