Trump/​Vance Means All Small Towns In America Not Just In Ohio

The attack on Haitian Immigrants in Springfield Ohio is not a mis­take it is a well designed dis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign against a group of peo­ple that the Trump cam­paign believes he can demo­nize which will rile up his base of racist people.
Both Donald Trump and JD Vance knew it was not true that Haitians in that town were eat­ing peo­ple’s cats and dogs. Never mind that Vance is the US Senator from that very state. But Vance though a Yale Law School grad­u­ate delib­er­ate­ly chose to say that the Haitians in Springfield are from Asia- So much for the sup­posed supe­ri­or­i­ty of Ivy-League education.
The Trump/​Vance Campaign is a white suprema­cist cam­paign that aims to tap into the most vio­lent ele­ments of the American pop­u­la­tion to enrage them to the point they will intim­i­date oth­ers from going to the polls or even plant yard signs on their front lawns.
Every action tak­en by the Republican Party and the Trump cam­paign is intend­ed to pre­vent Black peo­ple from ben­e­fit­ting from any pol­i­cy in the United States. They see the data that shows the num­ber of white peo­ple dwin­dling and the num­ber of black and brown peo­ple increasing.

The Policy posi­tions that are front and cen­ter makes the point. Force women to have babies even if it kills them on the one hand and stop peo­ple of col­or from enter­ing the coun­try on the other.
The bel­li­cose rhetoric about bloody depor­ta­tions is only a pre­cur­sor to what Republicans have in mind for the country.
Demonizing black peo­ple have always been at the cen­ter of Republican pol­i­cy agen­da. They trot out their most heat­ed rhetoric against blacks every elec­tion cycle, but none in our life­time has been as heat­ed and dan­ger­ous as this one and with this fas­cist ticket.
Sadly, there are still Black peo­ple who sup­port the Republican Party which sad­ly is like the trees believ­ing the Axe is their friend because the angle is made of wood.
The Republicans are against Reparations.
Their cam­paign to do away with Social Security which is [not] an enti­tle­ment pro­gram is based sole­ly on the fact that old­er Black peo­ple also ben­e­fit from it.
They oppose relief of stu­dent loan debt by argu­ing that oth­ers in the past paid their stu­dent loans debt. Factually, poli­cies change all the time some­times peo­ple in the past ben­e­fit, some­times peo­ple in the present time ben­e­fit. Their goal is to do as much as pos­si­ble to keep the chains of pover­ty on peo­ple of color.

Trump’s Project 2025 allies are plot­ting to rip away Black women’s repro­duc­tive health care by ban­ning abor­tion nation­wide and restrict­ing access to con­tra­cep­tion and med­ica­tion abortion.

Their “Project 2025” blue­print includes pro­pos­als to require cov­er­age of nat­ur­al fam­i­ly plan­ning meth­ods and remove require­ments that insur­ance cov­er cer­tain emer­gency con­tra­cep­tion.” 

As part of their 2025 wish list, con­ser­v­a­tives want to over­haul which forms of birth con­trol insur­ance com­pa­nies must cov­er for patients at no cost under the Affordable Care Act. For instance, they have draft­ed plans to allow insur­ers to drop cov­er­age of the emer­gency con­tra­cep­tive pill Ella, which some on the right believe is an abor­ti­fa­cient.

Women of col­or advo­cat­ing for abor­tion access point­ed out that restrict­ing access to mifepri­s­tone could wors­en racial health dis­par­i­ties. They argue that indi­vid­u­als of col­or and preg­nant peo­ple from mar­gin­al­ized com­mu­ni­ties are more like­ly to face sys­temic bar­ri­ers that lim­it their access to abor­tion and oth­er repro­duc­tive health care. As a result, they rely on meth­ods like med­ica­tion abortion.”

(2Some Republican-led states also are tar­get­ing in vit­ro fer­til­iza­tion as part of their wider strug­gle to lim­it repro­duc­tive rights, tear­ing open a ‘Pandora’s Box for Black women,’ who are plagued by infer­til­i­ty more than oth­er groups.

roject 2025 wants to take Trump’s dis­as­trous tax cuts — which rigged the econ­o­my for the ultra-rich and left work­ing Black fam­i­lies behind — even furtherProject 2025 wants to end Medicare as we know it, and they and oth­er MAGA Republicans want to gut Medicaid and restrict access to afford­able health care.

Project 2025 men­tions that states should have the abil­i­ty to impose work require­ments on Medicaid, which helps to cov­er med­ical costs for low-income peo­ple. Several Republican-led states, includ­ing Idaho, Missouri, and South Dakota, are already mak­ing plans to restruc­ture their Medicaid pro­grams — just in case Trump wins in November. Research shows that man­dat­ing work require­ments only fuels racial inequal­i­ty, giv­en the dis­crim­i­na­tion against Black Americans that exists in the low-wage mar­ket. Compared with white Americans, Black Americans are about half as like­ly to be called back for an entry-lev­el job, mean­ing that they’d be dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly bur­dened by work require­ments. Plus, reforms to Medicaid and oth­er social safe­ty net pro­grams have long been tied to stereo­types that por­tray Black Americans as lazy or schem­ing — recall the ‘wel­fare queen’ trope of the 1970s.

Project 2025 wants to roll back sev­er­al Biden-Harris admin­is­tra­tion edu­ca­tion poli­cies that help Black Americans achieve equal oppor­tu­ni­ty, includ­ing stu­dent debt relief and the Title I Program

Project 2025 advo­cates for rolling back the Biden administration’s more recent stu­dent debt relief efforts, which are root­ed in the pow­er that the Higher Education Act of 1965 grants to the U.S. Department of Education to ‘com­pro­mise, waive, or release loans.’ The pol­i­cy agen­da claims that the admin­is­tra­tion is ‘act­ing out­side of statu­to­ry author­i­ty.’ The admin­is­tra­tion has elim­i­nat­ed some $138 bil­lion worth of stu­dent loan debt so far. This month, it announced new plans that would tar­get the ‘dis­pro­por­tion­ate debt bur­den’ faced by Black bor­row­ers, who also would bear the brunt of any large-scale debt reg­u­la­tion reversal.”

Project 2025 Wants to End Public Education.

Fifty eight 58 per­cent of African-American chil­dren can’t swim. That’s almost dou­ble the rate of white children. 
African-American chil­dren drown at near­ly three times the over­all rate. 
In the north thou­sands and thou­sands of pools were built but Blacks were rel­e­gat­ed to small indoor pools if any at all. In some munic­i­pal­i­ties city offi­cials and the police, yes the police, as you would have imag­ined encour­aged white swim­mers to beat black when they enter the pools instead of post­ing ‘whites only signs’, and that’s exact­ly what they did. 

According to Dr. JEFF WILTSE(U.S. History, University of Montana; Author, “Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America”): Cities like Pittsburgh, did not have an offi­cial pol­i­cy of racial seg­re­ga­tion at its pools. But rather, the police and the city offi­cials allowed, and in some cas­es encour­aged, white swim­mers to lit­er­al­ly beat black swim­mers out of the water, as a means of seg­re­gat­ing pools, as a means of intim­i­dat­ing them from try­ing to access pools.

Built in 1919, the Fairground Park pool in St. Louis, Missouri, was the largest in the coun­try and prob­a­bly the world, with a sandy beach, an elab­o­rate div­ing board, and a report­ed capac­i­ty of ten thou­sand swim­mers. When a new city admin­is­tra­tion changed the parks pol­i­cy in 1949 to allow Black swim­mers, the first inte­grat­ed swim end­ed in blood­shed. On June 21, two hun­dred white res­i­dents sur­round­ed the pool with “bats, clubs, bricks and knives” to men­ace the first thir­ty or so Black swim­mers. Over the course of the day, a white mob that grew to five thou­sand attacked every Black per­son in sight around the Fairground Park. After the Fairground Park Riot, as it was known, the city returned to a seg­re­ga­tion pol­i­cy using pub­lic safe­ty as a jus­ti­fi­ca­tion, but a suc­cess­ful NAACP law­suit reopened the pool to all St. Louisans the fol­low­ing sum­mer. On the first day of inte­grat­ed swim­ming, July 19, 1950, only sev­en white swim­mers at­tended, join­ing three brave Black swim­mers under the shouts of two hun­dred white pro­test­ers. That first inte­grat­ed sum­mer, Fairground logged just 10,000 swims — down from 313,000 the pre­vi­ous sum­mer. The city closed the pool for good six years lat­er. Racial hatred led to St. Louis drain­ing one of the most prized pub­lic pools in the world.
Instead of shar­ing the pool they drained the pool/.

Trump’s Racist lies about Haitians in Springfield Ohio eat­ing cats and dogs though proven to be a bla­tant lie, does not mat­ter to Trump, Vance or the Fascists inbreds who fol­low them. Springfield is every small town in America that used to have white pick­et fences and homoge­nous white pop­u­la­tions. They are now becom­ing mixed race communities.
It’s not about Springfield Ohio, it is about every small town across America that has seen racial integration.
Wait.….…what year are we in? Oh, it’s 2024 and this is the con­ver­sa­tions we are hav­ing. The very same con­ver­sa­tions blacks were hav­ing before the Civil Rights fights of the 1960s.
Then black men got fat and com­fort­able. They fight among them­selves, dis­re­spect their allies and pay homage to their enemies.
Most of the edu­cat­ed women have fig­ured it out and a few of the men but by and large most Black American are clueless.