Trump & Right Inflame Passions Against Ilhan Omar And Democrats Are Silent..

Donald Trump, the despi­ca­ble imbe­cile and the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of White Supremacy in America knows that only recent­ly a deranged scum­bag was arrest­ed for threat­en­ing the life of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota yet he tweet­ed a video link­ing the Congresswoman to the 911 débâ­cle.
If any harm comes to Congresswoman Omar Donald Trump is respon­si­ble make no mis­take about it.
The half ‑baked idiot in the white house is bare­ly lit­er­ate so no one should expect any­thing else from him.
Nevertheless, the despi­ca­ble Democrats who have sat on their mouths are justs as retard­ed by not speak­ing out against the dimwit­ted imbe­cile who is present­ly parad­ing as a president. 

Congresswoman Omar

Donald Trump used Twitter to tar­get Rep. Ilhan Omar (D‑Minn.) on Friday for remarks she made dur­ing a speech on Muslim civ­il rights last month. Trump tweet­ed an incen­di­ary video that took clips from the speech out of con­text and inter­laced them with news footage of the Sept. 11 ter­ror­ist attacks. The tweet text accom­pa­ny­ing the video read, “WE WILL NEVER FORGET.” The video came a day after the New York Post pub­lished an eth­i­cal­ly ques­tion­able and wide­ly crit­i­cized cov­er fea­tur­ing a quote by Omar across an image of the twin tow­ers as they burned.
