Trump Reportedly Threw Stuff At Mike Pence In 2021

In what is a must-read arti­cle in the con­ser­v­a­tive Wall Street Journal, snip­pets from a report on a new book from reporter Michael Bender titled, “Frankly, We Did Win This Election,” tells of Donald Trump crum­pling up a news­pa­per and throw­ing it at Mike Pence dur­ing a heat­ed con­ver­sa­tion about the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elections.
According to the sto­ry, Pence was get­ting ready to pre­side over the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of the vote in the con­gress Pence’s polit­i­cal com­mit­tee had just hired Trump’s advis­er Corey Lewandowski, prompt­ing Trump to report­ed­ly hold up an arti­cle about the news while com­plain­ing it made him look like “his team was aban­don­ing him.” Trump report­ed­ly then “crum­pled the arti­cle and threw it at his vice pres­i­dent,” say­ing, “So dis­loy­al.” That’s when Pence “lost it,” accord­ing to the book.“Pence picked up the arti­cle and threw it back at Trump,” Bender writes.”
He leaned toward the pres­i­dent and point­ed a fin­ger a few inch­es from his chest. ‘We walked you through every detail of this,’ Pence snarled. ‘We did this for you — as a favor. And this is how you respond? You need to get your facts straight.’ ”

Haha, ha, I guess that was the moment he decid­ed that Pence had to go. You all remem­ber that his syco­phants entered the Capitol grounds with a gal­lows and noos­es, chant­i­ng ‘hang Mike Pence”.
I shed no tears for Mike Pence, Mike Pence is every inch as bad as Donald Trump is nar­cis­sis­tic, patho­log­i­cal, and socio­path­ic, but I can­not help but won­der where exact­ly did his min­ions get the idea that Mike Pence should be hung?
The Journal went on to say that after Donald Trump was told by Jared Kushner in a phone call that the tele­vi­sion net­works had all called the elec­tion for Joe Biden, the Democrat, he went on to fin­ish play­ing his round of golf on the morn­ing of Nov. 7, 2020.
Trump calm­ly lis­tened to his son-in-law as he strolled across the man­i­cured grass under a clear blue sky. He hung up, non­cha­lant­ly hand­ed the phone back to an aide, and fin­ished the final 12 holes, as more than a dozen golf carts filled with gov­ern­ment aides and Secret Service agents trailed behind him.
When Mr. Trump final­ly pulled up to the club­house in his cus­tomized cart — com­plete with a pres­i­den­tial seal stitched into the seat — club mem­bers cheered him on the back patio. “Don’t wor­ry,” Mr. Trump told them. “It’s not over yet.”
Let’s do all the things we didn’t get to do because of all of the dis­trac­tions, and have fun,” Hope Hicks, a long­time Trump aide, said to the president’s team gath­ered inside cam­paign head­quar­ters in Arlington, Va.
Mr. Trump had won far more votes than his team pro­ject­ed, with sur­pris­ing sup­port from Black and Hispanic men. He was imme­di­ate­ly the run­away favorite for the party’s 2024 nom­i­na­tion, and Ms. Hicks was express­ing that vibe with her sug­ges­tion for a jaun­ty cur­tain call.
The report went on to add that Trump’s two sons Donald Jnr. and Eric, told Hicks that what she was propos­ing was not even an option.

This is what I found not just objec­tion­able but remark­able. Both of the younger jack­ass­es knew that their moron­ic dad­dy had lost the elec­tions and that it was legal­ly over; nev­er­the­less, they told their father’s aide that mov­ing on was not an option.
How inher­ent­ly crim­i­nal? How inher­ent­ly dis­gust­ing and reprehensible?
If the United States were tru­ly a coun­try of laws in which every per­son is held to the same stan­dard of account­abil­i­ty under the law, Donald Trump, his two sons, and every sin­gle per­son who aid­ed and helped him to try to over­throw the United States Government on January 6th, 2021, would be locked away in jail hav­ing already been tried and con­vict­ed for treason.
But the United States is not a coun­try where the laws apply the same to everyone.
Donald Trump, his fam­i­ly, and friends all attempt­ed to over­throw the con­sti­tut­ed order of the American Government to make him­self an unelect­ed dic­ta­tor, and not a damn thing has been done about it.
Donald Trump’s attempt­ed coup de tat is now accept­ed prece­dent for a smarter despot to finess and end this experiment.



.Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.