Trump And The Republicans Are Walking American Back To The Brink Of 1861

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So much has hap­pened over the last few weeks that it keeps one’s head swivel­ing on the neck like a bob­ble-head­ed doll. Biden was at Camp David prep­ping for a debate against the for­mer pres­i­dent Donald Trump, who served as the 45th pres­i­dent of the United States. Biden then stunk up the dis­cus­sion, prompt­ing calls to drop out of the race and give some­one else a chance to con­front Donald Trump. Then Trump just con­ve­nient­ly sur­vived what they are call­ing an assas­si­na­tion attempt, emerg­ing with fist-pump­ing, blood streak­ing across his face, whol­ly exposed while held up by secret ser­vice agents.
Donald Trump would raise his head to pump his fist before enter­ing an SUV. I would have thought that the Secret Service would not have allowed him to expose him­self to an exis­ten­tial threat looming.
The media is now in full Trump-wor­ship mode, includ­ing left-wing media, as if it was­n’t Donald J Trump who called for vio­lence against peo­ple who even dared to crit­i­cize him.
Added to the mix is the white nation­al­ist con­ven­tion in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that will crown Trump King, Trump choos­ing Ohio junior US Senator JD Vance as his ‘Hand,’ hav­ing the likes of Marco Rubio cry­ing in his milk. 

Donald Trump

Donald Trump was impeached twice even though the Republican Senate con­trolled by Mitch McConnell refused to con­vict and toss him from the psy­che of America and back to real­i­ty Television.
Trump refused to leave office after he lost and, in the process, con­coct­ed an elab­o­rate scheme that includ­ed plans to have the mil­i­tary con­fis­cate bal­lot box­es com­ing from pre­dom­i­nant­ly Black neigh­bor­hoods, pre­sent­ing false slates of elec­tors to cer­ti­fy the vote for him­self, have Mike Pence refuse to approve the elec­tions, (a pure­ly cer­e­mo­ni­al process, as the Vice President has no Constitutional author­i­ty to decer­ti­fy a pres­i­den­tial election.
Trump also filed motions across the nation alleg­ing fraud, which judges debunked, even those he appoint­ed. When all failed, Donald Trump riled up a mob of cave dwellers, point­ed them at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, and told them to fight, or else they would not have a coun­try any­more. We all know the result; it is a day that will live in infamy.

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Donald Trump has paid no price for his crimes. As I am writ­ing this arti­cle, Democratic US Senator from New Jersey Robert Menendez was con­vict­ed by the sys­tem on cor­rup­tion charges. Despite hav­ing been adjudged a rapist in New York State Court and hav­ing been con­vict­ed on 34 felony counts of elec­tion inter­fer­ence as well, no ver­dict has been issued against him.
He is like a Duck with water sim­ply run­ning off his back. In any oth­er coun­try, a polit­i­cal leader who insti­gat­ed a vio­lent insur­rec­tion against his own coun­try would have already faced the jus­tice sys­tem for his crimes and would be cool­ing his heels in prison or worse. In America, hav­ing com­mit­ted those crimes, Donald Trump has yet to stand up in a court of law to answer for those crimes.
Why has Trump not faced jus­tice? In less than three years as pres­i­dent, Donald Trump was able to poi­son the judi­cia­ry at every lev­el, result­ing in an inex­pe­ri­enced syco­phant, Aileen Cannon, act­ing as a fed­er­al judge, throw­ing out the fed­er­al doc­u­ments cas­es against Trump. This was a shock­ing dis­play by the neo­phyte judge, who has been twice reversed on rul­ings by the appel­late cir­cuit in the same case.
But it’s not just the Colombian- Carmalita who has sold out to the con­vict­ed felon, now par­ty leader; the Supreme Court all but changed the rules to try and ensure that Donald Trump nev­er faces jus­tice. According to the right-wing rad­i­cals on the court, a pres­i­dent can now com­mit any crime he wants with­out even being ques­tioned about it.
The sad irony is that the judi­cial branch of gov­ern­ment, the insti­tu­tion charged with pro­tect­ing the demo­c­ra­t­ic exper­i­ment, has attacked the very foun­da­tion of that democ­ra­cy with a sledgehammer.
The war being waged in America between the Democrats is not a war for polit­i­cal pow­er. The par­ty that was once the Republican Party is now a white pow­er par­ty that is unable to win at the bal­lot box and has tak­en the deci­sion to end the American sys­tem as we know it to gain and keep white con­trol. The ado­ra­tion for Donald Trump through white America is based total­ly on this and noth­ing else.
Their refusal to accept Joe Biden as the legit­i­mate­ly elect­ed pres­i­dent of the United States harkens back to a time in American History that cul­mi­nat­ed in a Civil War.

Jefferson Davis

Jefferson Davis was the first and only pres­i­dent of the Confederacy. He served in that capac­i­ty from 1861 to 1865. The rea­son Jefferson Davis was the Confederacy’s only pres­i­dent was that the Confederacy, a trea­so­nous insur­gency, did not sur­vive; it was defeat­ed when the South lost the Civil War. Davis was a cot­ton planter in Mississippi who owned as many as 113 Black peo­ple as slaves.
During the Civil War, Davis served as com­man­der in chief of the Confederate armies. The Confederacy was defeat­ed in 1865, and Davis was cap­tured, he was accused of trea­son, and imprisoned.
Jefferson Davis was released with­out tri­al after two years. Davis was often blamed for the Confederacy’s defeat, but after his release from prison, he became a hero of the Confederacy.
Jefferson Davis’ lega­cy as Confederate leader is still cel­e­brat­ed in the South, how­ev­er, he is fre­quent­ly crit­i­cized as a sup­port­er of slav­ery and racism, and many of the memo­ri­als ded­i­cat­ed to him through­out the United States have been removed.
The United States is at a crit­i­cal junc­ture today in many ways, as before the Civil War in 1861.

Abraham Lincoln

The South, heav­i­ly invest­ed in the con­tin­u­a­tion of slav­ery, threat­ened to secede from the Union if the new­ly formed Republican Party tried to end the prac­tice. The Republican Party at the time was less favor­able to the prac­tice of slav­ery. On November 6, 1860, vot­ers in the United States went to the polls in an elec­tion that end­ed with Abraham Lincoln as President. The elec­tion of Abraham Lincoln would even­tu­al­ly lead to the Civil War. Lincoln’s vic­to­ry didn’t hap­pen on that day, and his vic­to­ry wasn’t set­tled for months. It was expect­ed that at least sev­en states would take steps to leave the Union if and when Lincoln was elect­ed well before he was inau­gu­rat­ed as President in March 1861.
When Lincoln and his peo­ple final­ly received the news via tele­graph from New York that he had won the elec­tion, Lincoln report­ed­ly walked home and broke the news to his wife, then went to bed. Lincoln was bur­dened by the very present dan­ger of seces­sion that could hap­pen with the news of his acces­sion to the presidency.
Lincoln wor­ried that the Democrats may unite around a sin­gle can­di­date. He wor­ried that his par­ty, the Republican Party, may replace him with an alter­na­tive can­di­date, or worse, that the south­ern states boy­cotted the Electoral College.
Much of Abraham Lincoln’s fears were real­ized; nev­er­the­less, the south­ern states did take part in the Electoral College process, and Lincoln’s elec­tion was cer­ti­fied in Congress in February 1861. But there was a more fab­u­lous than reg­u­lar mil­i­tary pres­ence on Capitol Hill. 

By the time Lincoln became President in March 1861, replac­ing the feck­less James Buchanan, sev­en south­ern states had left the Union — all before Lincoln’s elec­tion was cer­ti­fied in Congress on February 15, 1861.

Joe Biden faces the same head­winds today that Abraham Lincoln faced in 1860 – 1861 and beyond. The Republican Party is not unmind­ful of the events of the ear­ly 1860s. Despite the Civil War’s resul­tant car­nage, the Republican par­ty is walk­ing America right back to the brink as the Democrats did in 1861.
Kevin Roberts, the pres­i­dent of the Heritage Foundation, the group that pop­u­lat­ed the Supreme Court with right-wing reac­tionar­ies and the leader of Trump’s 2025 Manifesto, recent­ly declared, ‘The coun­try is in the midst of a “sec­ond American Revolution” that will be blood­less “if the left allows it to be.”
The nation is in the throes of a cold war, and the Democrats are fast asleep. The align­ment of wealthy cor­po­ra­tions and poor whites who nev­er quite fig­ured out how to cash in their white priv­i­lege is all about one thing and one thing only; it is about solid­i­fy­ing white suprema­cy in the face of the brown­ing of America.