Trinidadian police officer sets himself and car ablaze (graphic video) - mikebeckles.

Trinidadian Police Officer Sets Himself And Car Ablaze (graphic Video)

Suspended Special Reserve Policeman Sgt Gary Alexander had been liv­ing in his car for sev­er­al months after the court award­ed his wife Debbie occu­pa­tion of their mar­i­tal home at Avocat Village, Fyzabad.

A quar­rel over the prop­er­ty on Sunday morn­ing is what police believe is what may have trig­gered off the home­less Alexander to attempt sui­cide by set­ting him­self on fire in the car which he called home.

President of the Police Social Welfare Association (PSWA) Insp Michael Seales said he did not know the cir­cum­stances of the court award but under­stands that Alexander had been liv­ing in his car for the greater part of the year since he was eject­ed from the mar­i­tal home.

He had no fixed place of abode,” Seales con­firmed in a tele­phone interview.

He said Alexander’s sit­u­a­tion was not known to the PSWA before Sunday because he was an SRP and out of the sys­tem after being charged with mali­cious dam­age and attempt­ed arson.

Seales said rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the PSWA were assigned to vis­it Alexander to deter­mine how best they can assist.

At this time, I have no report on his cir­cum­stances. The offi­cers on a fact-find­ing mis­sion. I am wait­ing for them to present us with some­thing so we would know how best to assist. We don’t know if there are chil­dren, how many, it is pro­mo­tion time we don’t know if the chil­dren are of school age if we may need to assist with books.”

Newsday under­stands that Alexander and his wife Debbie had two children.

Sources at the San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH) told Newsday Alexander con­tin­ues to fight for his life. “He suf­fered 75 per­cent burns to his body and remains in a crit­i­cal con­di­tion. He is ward­ed at the Intensive Care Unit at the hos­pi­tal,” the source said.

Oropouche police are inves­ti­gat­ing the cir­cum­stances under which the SRP alleged­ly set him­self ablaze out­side his home at Jebodhsingh Avenue, in the pres­ence of his wife Debbie and their two chil­dren Shenise and Jacy.

Eyewitnesses told the police that short­ly after 10 am Alexander drove up before the house. They said their peace­ful Sunday morn­ing was dis­turbed by loud talk­ing mixed with exple­tives between Alexander who was on the road­way and his wife who was in the gallery. Read more here: https://​news​day​.co​.tt/​2​0​1​8​/​0​7​/​0​9​/​f​i​r​e​b​a​l​l​-​c​o​p​-​w​a​s​-​l​i​v​i​n​g​-​i​n​-​h​i​s​-​c​ar/

The remains of the offi­cer’s car.

The shock­ing charred body of the offi­cer after he set him­self ablaze.

One thought on “Trinidadian Police Officer Sets Himself And Car Ablaze (graphic Video)

  1. And the big pussy gal video it and dis­trib­ute it over social media, she must of real­ly hat­ed him and did­n’t mind if he killed him­self. Women have bee n dri­ving men crazy from cre­ation. He is just anoth­er sta­tis­tic of women deeds. Lmfao

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