Trinidad: Two Die As Gunmen Shoot Up Port Of Spain…

Just two weeks after five peo­ple were wound­ed and one killed in Port of Spain, the cap­i­tal city record­ed anoth­er mul­ti­ple shoot­ing this after­noon. This time, three peo­ple, includ­ing an 18-year-old woman, were shot.

The vic­tims are Aaron “Max” Broomes, who was shot in the head, Shakira Mona, who was shot in her leg and arm, and Kayode “Toes” Donawa who was shot mul­ti­ple times to his chest. Broomes and Donwa, died at the Port of Spain General Hospital.

Mona is list­ed in seri­ous con­di­tion. A fourth man was injured as he ran from the gun­fire. The Express was told that the gun­fire erupt­ed at around 2:25p.m. along Queen Street, in the vicin­i­ty of Nelson Street. The men walked to a north­ern area off the road­way where they opened fire on a group of peo­ple. They then returned to the Tiida and drove away. The police and emer­gency health ser­vices were imme­di­ate­ly noti­fied and the injured par­ties were rushed for med­ical treat­ment at the General Hospital. An All-Points Bulletin was issued and a vehi­cle was spot­ted along the Eastern Main Road, Laventille.

Officers attempt­ed to inter­cept the vehi­cle, but its occu­pants opened fire on them. Officers fired on the sus­pects but they ran into the hills of Laventille, one of them car­ry­ing an auto­mat­ic rifle. No police offi­cer was injured dur­ing the exchange, but inves­ti­ga­tors believe that the gun­men were wound­ed. The vehi­cle was sub­se­quent­ly impound­ed. An active search is under­way for the gunmen.