Trayvon Martin Was Our Son:

The killing of Trayvon Martin by self-appoint­ed neigh­bour­hood watch Captain George Zimmerman has sparked out­rage across America, and has brought to the fore, the ran­cid prob­lem of race rela­tions in this coun­try. Racial ani­mus are like sores that refus­es to heal, every time that the scab is removed it lays bare the ugly sore that pre­cludes the limb from doing all it could poten­tial­ly do. America great as it is, still has not seen the heights of its poten­tial great­ness because of its stead­fast reluc­tance to dis­card racism.

Sandford Police Chief Bill Lee
George Zimmerman

What makes a per­son sus­pi­cious ? George Zimmerman’s 911 call described 17-year-old Trayvon Martin as sus­pi­cious look­ing. Mister Zimmerman’s lawyer has since stat­ed over and over again that race had noth­ing to do with his clients actions that night. Understandably Zimmerman’s attor­ney under­stands the Federal ram­i­fi­ca­tions for his client, in the event inves­ti­ga­tors deter­mines that race was a fac­tor in young Trayvon Martin’s death.


So lets look at a few key fac­tors in this case, at least as far as the infor­ma­tion that has been made public.

(1) We know that Zimmerman sat in his truck and called 911 about what he char­ac­ter­ized as a sus­pi­cious person.

(2) We know that he com­menced to fol­low Trayvon while he spoke to the 911 dispatcher.

(3) We know that the 911 dis­patch­er asked Zimmerman if he was fol­low­ing Trayvon, to which he answered in the affirmative.

(4) We know that the 911 dis­patch­er told Zimmerman quote“we don’t need you to do that“end quote.

(5) We know that Trayvon’s 16-year-old girl­friend affirmed that she was on the phone with Trayvon as he described that he was being stalked by a man, and that she told him to just run on home.

(6) We know that Zimmerman mut­tered quote “fuck­ing coons always get away” after he was told by the dis­patch­er not to fol­low Trayvon Martin.

(7) We know that Zimmerman pur­sued Trayvon Martin after he was told not to by the 911 dis­patch­er and that a scuf­fle of sorts ensued , and that some­one was yelling for help.

(8) We know that Trayvon Martin’ moth­er has said that she rec­og­nizes the voice on the 911 tapes as that of her 17-year-old son yelling for help.

(9) We know that George Zimmerman fired a shot killing Trayvon Martin on the spot, Trayvon Martin had a pack­age of skit­tles and a bot­tle of iced tea . Snacks he went out to get before the start of the all-star game.

(10) We know that George Zimmerman has not been arrested.


(1) Why was drug and alco­hol test done on the corpse of Trayvon Martin and none done on George Zimmerman, despite the argu­ments of Sanford police that none was done because Zimmerman was not arrested.?

(2) Why did police not hand over the 911 tapes to the fam­i­ly as requested?

(3) Why despite claims of self-defense by Zimmerman did police not cor­don the scene and treat it like any oth­er scene of crime , includ­ing gath­er­ing foren­sics, tak­ing pho­tographs, con­fis­cat­ing the mur­der weapon , look­ing for spent cas­ings if it was a semi auto­mat­ic weapon which would have dis­card­ed spent casing/​s?

(4) Why did police not ques­tion wit­ness­es and secure affi­davits from wit­ness­es and the shooter?

(5) Why did the police not try to reach the last person/​s Trayvon spoke to on his cell phone to deter­mine who he was and who were his parents?

(6) Why did police not com­plete a file with all evi­dence and sub­mit it to the prosecutor ?

(7) Why did police sim­ply take Zimmerman’s word for it that it was self-defense ?

(8) Is the Sanford police empow­ered to act as judge and jury in deter­min­ing guilt or inno­cence or is that the duty of a court of law?

I am par­tic­u­lar­ly moved by the smile on this kid’s face, I have four boys and a nephew who is like my own son. I see the shirt he is wear­ing and I see my own 18-year-old son who worked part-time at that retail­er , proud­ly wear­ing his Hollister shirt. That kid could have been my kid , it could have been your kid. As President Obama said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon, I think what the President was say­ing was that if it was his kid walk­ing there that night he would have suf­fered the same fate.

This leads us to the ques­tion of why are black men so reviled and feared, so much so that any black man is auto­mat­i­cal­ly deemed sus­pi­cious ‚based sole­ly on the col­or of his skin? Why do police all over this coun­try refuse to inves­ti­gate crimes against black peo­ple. Why don’t they treat black peo­ple with the same respect they give to oth­ers. Why do pre­dom­i­nant­ly white police depart­ments con­tin­ue to abuse and treat peo­ple of col­or in this coun­try with impunity,without attract­ing any con­se­quence for their actions?

Mister Zimmerman’s lawyer claims that his client is not a racist, mis­ter Zimmerman’s father we are told has stat­ed that he is Hispanic, as if racism is sim­ply a white against black thing. One is judged by the words that emanate from one’s mouth, it is by our words we decide on who some­one his, the spo­ken word tells a great deal, it opens the soul to scruti­ny from the out­side. If some of us would just speak less we would find our­selves in way less trou­ble. I am inclined to believe that George Zimmerman will rue the day he uttered the two words “fuck­ing coon” 

As we have heard since the killing of Young Trayvon Martin came to the fore, many young black men have spo­ken artic­u­late­ly about sur­vival skills they are forced to devel­op in order to sur­vive. Critics will argue that young black men are the great­est threat to the sur­vival of oth­er black men,those argu­ments can­not be seri­ous­ly dis­card­ed with­out seri­ous­ly look­ing at the sta­tis­tics of the wan­ton slaugh­ter of young black men by their peers, oth­er young black men.

In cities all over America LA, Kansas City, Newark , Jersey City, Philadelphia,Little Rock, Chicago the sit­u­a­tion is the same young black men con­tin­ue to mur­der each oth­er at an alarm­ing rate, Even in small­er cities like Newburgh and Poughkeepsie New York it is the same every year the killings continue.

As we are appaled at the killing of Trayvon Martin and the lack of an arrest, experts from University pro­fes­sors to par­sons lament the cau­sa­tion behind the fear oth­ers have of us. How can we seri­ous­ly and cred­i­bly won­der why oth­ers fear us when we are so prone to killing each oth­er? As we seek to address the prob­lem of sys­tem­at­ic racism in America, blacks must also embrace the real­i­ties that we are a part of the problem.

As we tell our sons:

Do not run from the police.

Stop if you are pulled over.

Don’t do this , don’t do that we are left won­der­ing when will black peo­ple ever be afford­ed full cit­i­zen­ship in their own coun­try? I have four sons and sev­er­al nephews, I too tell my sons and nephews what oth­er black fathers and moth­ers tell their sons, but even if they do all we tell them, does it pro­tect them from the sus­pi­cions oth­ers have of them? Trayvon Martin from all indi­ca­tions did not do any­thing that would have caused a rea­son­able per­son to be sus­pi­cious of him. Trayvon Martin’s prob­lem was his black skin. That black skin made him an auto­mat­ic sus­pect in the mind of George Zimmerman.

President Obama rec­og­nized this when he artic­u­lat­ed “if I had a son he would look like Trayvon” Blacks are ask­ing for a con­ver­sa­tion on race. A con­ver­sa­tion? Really? Prominent black peo­ple are ask­ing for a con­ver­sa­tion? How many con­ver­sa­tions are we going to have regard­ing this issue, every time there is a killing which sparks nation­al out­rage, black élite ask for a nation­al dia­logue. A nation­al con­ver­sa­tion, I believe the time for a con­ver­sa­tion is over. It is time for solu­tions, words mat­ter very little.

Black America must under­stand as Jews have, that it’s sur­vival rests in its own hands, How can a nation of approx­i­mate­ly 40 mil­lion allow oth­ers to treat it this way? The time has come for the Black nation to rise up and take its right­ful place in a nation that was built on the backs of its fore-par­ents. It is time that Black America take to heart the creed that all men are cre­at­ed equal by their cre­ator. It is time that black America stop ask­ing oth­ers to respect it , it is time to demand respect.

Supporters of George Zimmerman argue that Trayvon Martin attacked him from behind, knock­ing him to the ground, alleged­ly break­ing his nose, and leav­ing him blood­ied. This new piece of infor­ma­tion does noth­ing to advance the case in favor of Zimmerman, at least to my mind. The ques­tion here is this, does a per­son have a right to defend him­self from an armed assailant who unau­tho­rized stalks him for no reason?

You bet. !!!

Even if this cam­paign by Zimmerman is accept­ed by those who seek every pos­si­ble excuse oth­er than to see this case for what it is, we believe that Trayvon Martin had a fun­da­men­tal right under Florida’s law to stand his ground in the face of being attacked by an armed assailant.

It does not serve Zimmerman’s friends and sup­port­ers to try to attack this child’s cred­i­bil­i­ty, this will not sit well with black peo­ple in this coun­try, we are aware that there are now plans under­way to besmirch Trayvon’s char­ac­ter, they would be well advised not to try this tact.