Tragic Irony

What a trag­ic irony that on the day that President Donald Trump is fac­ing a firestorm of push­back for label­ing Haitai and African nations shit­hole coun­tries, he goes out and signs the Martin Luther King day proclamation.

Donald Trump

As part of that address, Trump read a short writ­ten statement.
The oth­er irony was the address giv­en by his Housing Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, a man who has no con­nec­tion or rela­tion­ship with the African American community.

  • Every pres­i­dent since Ronald Reagan has signed the procla­ma­tion com­mem­o­rat­ing Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
  • Since Congress passed leg­is­la­tion in 1983, every pres­i­dent since Ronald Reagan has signed the procla­ma­tion com­mem­o­rat­ing the civ­il rights leader with the fed­er­al hol­i­day. Although, the first nation­al cel­e­bra­tion did­n’t take place until 1986.
    This week Trump signed a mea­sure cre­at­ing a new nation­al his­toric park for Martin Luther King Jr. in Georgia. The park’s bound­aries include the Prince Hall Masonic Temple, a site that King used as the head­quar­ters for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, accord­ing to a White House spokesman.[]