Tragedies Also Offer A Second Chance For Us To Get It Right

th (3)It’s Christmas time, the time of year when Christians stop and embrace that warm feeling,..
The time we cel­e­brate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Many who nev­er set foot in a Church , syn­a­gogue, Cathedral, Mosque or any oth­er place of wor­ship still take time out to cel­e­brate the season.
Associated with the sea­son are protes­ta­tions of love and good­will to each oth­er. It’s a time when friends and fam­i­ly come togeth­er to fel­low­ship share and enjoy each oth­er’s company.

This Christmas like most is not with­out tri­als and tribu­la­tion. Of course as it was when Jesus was born tur­moil abounds.
Fast for­ward to this year and cir­cum­stances are not much dif­fer­ent. Families in New York and all across America are in mourn­ing for loved ones slain by police.
Police depart­ments are in mourn­ing for their com­rades killed by mem­bers of the public.
It was­n’t sup­posed to be this way.

As New York city gath­ers to mourn the two fall­en officers.
As peo­ple of all col­or and creed stopped to pay respects.
As peo­ple stop to place wreaths, light can­dles and lay bouquets.
As the Mayor falls all over him­self to ingra­ti­ate him­self with a Department long out of control.
As the Media falls all over itself with round-the-clock cov­er­age, just stand­ing in ran­dom places where noth­ing is occur­ring fil­ing reports th (2)which says noth­ing new.
I had this thought.

thWhy can’t all peo­ple share in the pain of others ?
Why do so many ridicule the pain and suf­fer­ing of oth­ers, even as they expect and demand that oth­ers share in the pain they feel for those they hold dear ?
Why not lis­ten to the con­cerns of oth­ers, as we ask that they lis­ten to our concerns ?
What gives us the right to believe we are some­how bet­ter than oth­ers, on the basis of skin col­or, finan­cial or soci­etal standing ?
As we mourn our own, those we revere and respect, what is it which keeps us for under­stand­ing the pain of those who lost their loved ones, those we deem beneath us ? Those we think unwor­thy of care, com­pas­sion, respect.
Whether it’s con­ve­nient, palat­able or not , whether we like the sound of it or not we reap what we sow.
The tragedy is that the evil sown by the wicked, does­n’t always come back to the sow­er, it some­times come back on the innocent. 
The rain falls on the just and the unjust.

Tragedies are also oppor­tu­ni­ties for sec­ond chances. 
God is a God of sec­ond chances.
This Christmas as some pre­tend to hon­or God for his son Jesus the light of the world. 
As we meet and greet those we love and cherish.
As we enjoy our beau­ti­ful homes , friends and loved ones.
As we enjoy sump­tu­ous din­ing and fine wine.
Let us take a moment to reflect and remem­ber those less fortunate.
Let us not judge their human­i­ty based on their sta­tion in life.
Let us all be less hyp­o­crit­i­cal to Jesus’ birth and remem­ber the way he lived his life, in ser­vice to oth­ers, with respect and ded­i­ca­tion to thoseth (5) out­cast from society.
Each and every one of you have it inside of you.
Just stop for a minute and reflect on the less pompous you.
Rip . Eric Garner .
RIP . Michael brown.
Rip . Rafael Ramos.
RIP. Wenjian Liu.
Rest in peace all those who lost their lives, you are all God’s children.
One and all.