Tough No Nonsense Policing And Good Investigation :do It Right.…


Soldiers in a the­ater of war places a lot of trust in the men who lead them into war.
They believe they will be giv­en the kind of lead­er­ship they deserve which allows them the best shot at com­plet­ing their mission.
Well so I’m told by my friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers who actu­al­ly served in the great­est, most lethal mil­i­tary in the his­to­ry of mankind, the United States military.
Right Chris Porter , Copelad Bedward , Haniff Brown and the many oth­er ex-police offi­cers who served with dis­tinc­tion in the US mil­i­tary after leav­ing the Jamaica Constabulary Force?

Policing in dan­ger­ous urban envi­ron­ments require strong lead­er­ship as well, just of a slight­ly dif­fer­ent nature.
Cops who take on the dan­ger­ous job of polic­ing dan­ger­ous Favela In Brazil do their jobs with the knowl­edge that their lead­er­ship stand solid­ly behind their efforts to bring san­i­ty to these oth­er­wise chaot­ic urban slums.
Jamaica , one of the world’s most vio­lent coun­try, with dan­ger­ous urban slums known as Garrisons. is no different.

Acp Élan Powell and retir­ing CP Carl Williams

Police offi­cers go out to do good !
That is the premise from which any dis­cus­sion on polic­ing must commence.
For the cyn­ics who line up to chat and crit­i­cize, I ask , when was the last time you placed your mis­er­able life on the line in defense of others?
So then, if the police go out to do good, and the back up their com­mit­ment by plac­ing their lives on the line for us.
Why would we not sup­port them again?

Nobody wants bad cops , we want our cops account­able like every­one else .
What we should nev­er tol­er­ate is the demo­niz­ing of our pro­tec­tors by peo­ple who are too cow­ard­ly to step up to the plate and do. yet they have every­thing to say.

Welcome to the Commissioner’s chair DCP Novelette Grant a leader.
A cops cop, a woman who signed up to do a job dom­i­nat­ed by men and did it well.
My praise for the Police high com­mand is well.…… There is nev­er any praise for the high com­mand from me .
However, I have great respect and trust in my for­mer col­league Novelette Grant .
Smart as a whip, speaks her mind and is not afraid to stand up for her colleagues.
Something Dr Carl Williams for­got to do.

I knew Novelette Grant from our days at Port Royal her batch of stu­dent con­sta­bles were the very first to grad­u­ate from the Police academy.
Six months lat­er my batch, the first batch to begin train­ing at the acad­e­my , followed .

DCP Grant speaks to the stress cops are forced to deal with.
A cops cop , Grant speaks to these chal­lenges like none of her col­leagues in the senior ech­e­lons of the force.
One of her Former female colleague and friend who entered the academy and graduated with her. had this to say about Novelette Grant.

I was a squad­mate of Novelette Grant we start­ed our ini­tial train­ing in Port Royal and was the first grad­u­at­ed batch out of Twickenham Park called the Jamaica Police Academy. Novelette was our Valedictorian and was the select­ed grad­u­ate, Best at Laws. She was trans­ferred to the rur­al areas where she worked along­side what you would call the grass-root police.
She has always per­sist­ed in qual­i­fy­ing her­self edu­ca­tion­al­ly. She was nev­er one to suck up to the pow­ers that be, but where she saw weak­ness or unfair­ness. Would with intel­li­gence. Speak her mind.

I remem­ber even in train­ing school , her stand­ing up to the feared ““shock­ing” Sgt. Brooks and our drill instruc­tor Ruddy Bailey””. We would always wor­ry once Novelette was. Called to the office Summoned by screw Morgan”” with Ms Frazier behind. Novelette always came back smil­ing. Shrugged and said” the frog is only dead when he is on his back, but as long as i can hop i will croak” Novelette has grown in the ranks.

She went onto the accel­er­at­ed ranks, served as ACP under two Commissioners and as DCP. Under two Commissioner. I dare­say she should be giv­en a fair chance to uti­lize her skills many and var­ied in get­ting the Job done. The fight for our Forces pro­fes­sion­al and impor­tant duty to fight crime and to bring back respect for law and order, giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty, tools, the vehi­cles and finan­cial resources need­ed for their morale.

That is a ring­ing endorse­ment of a col­league if ever there was one. Well said Donna Dell.
As I have stat­ed in this medi­um from time to time the JCF lead­er­ship is weak, feck­less, inef­fec­tu­al, cow­ard­ly, and incompetent.
Those are actu­al­ly the good adjec­tives, the oth­ers .….….don’t ask.
Novelette Grant stands head and shoul­ders above all of the peo­ple in the high com­mand, in her clar­i­ty of focus and her staunch defense of offi­cers on the street.
Jamaica does itself a tremen­dous ser­vice by appoint­ing this qual­i­fied woman to the posi­tion of chief constable.

Weapons recov­ered by the police at the scene.

On a side note :
I hope that the Investigative arm of the police force (whats left of it)understand the wealth of infor­ma­tion which are on these cell phones.
They must secure war­rants and go get these phone records .
The death of these gang mem­bers should nev­er be the end of inves­ti­gat­ing them it should be the beginning .
These guys are killers who use their tele­phones to com­mu­ni­cate with oth­ers. their nefar­i­ous and evil deeds.
Those instru­ments are trea­sure troves of action­able infor­ma­tion which local law rein­force­ment must secure and utilize.
Breaking the backs of these gangs require tough smart policing.
Do it right !!!

One thought on “Tough No Nonsense Policing And Good Investigation :do It Right.…

  1. Very infor­ma­tive. I’m with all the forces in Jamaica! !! To rid the coun­try of all its BIGOTRY law­less­ness & unfair­ness. How many of us has to set­tle for Florida. … instead of com­ing home. To retire­ment. Hon Hugh Shearer cork you ears.

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