Top Cop Lashes Out At People Who Back Wrongdoers

MONTEGO BAY, St James — Acting Commissioner of Police Novelette Grant has lashed out at peo­ple who warn wrong­do­ers of the police’s approach to their com­mu­ni­ties, in a scathing attack against res­i­dents who take the side of criminals.

Don’t sig­nal to them (crim­i­nals). Don’t give par­alan­guage and sign lan­guage, and all kind of sounds in the com­mu­ni­ty, to tell them that we (police) are com­ing. Don’t do that because what you are doing is expos­ing your­self to even greater risks and dan­ger,“ the act­ing police com­mis­sion­er charged.

Acting Police Commissioner Novelette Grant did not mince words while speak­ing at the round-table talk, held under the theme ‘Beating the Odds for Success’, on Wednesday.

She also ques­tioned why cit­i­zens are so unwill­ing to com­mu­ni­cate what they know to the police when they can sur­rep­ti­tious­ly pass on infor­ma­tion through Crime Stop and the Stay Alert app.

I am say­ing, why are com­mu­ni­ties being com­plic­it with crim­i­nals? You can’t be com­plic­it with crim­i­nals and turn around say who is going to pro­tect you because there are many avenues for you to report with­out hav­ing to put your­self out there. We have Crime Stop, and we have var­i­ous ways, we have Stay Alert app that we are ask­ing peo­ple to down­load. So we are not ask­ing you to jump up in the street and point on peo­ple,” she argued. Read more : http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​r​e​g​i​o​n​a​l​/​T​o​p​-​c​o​p​-​l​a​s​h​e​s​-​o​u​t​-​a​t​-​p​e​o​p​l​e​-​w​h​o​-​b​a​c​k​-​w​r​o​n​g​d​o​e​r​s​_​9​3​423