Tom-Ass Wants Obergefell V. Hodges Gone But Silent On Loving V Virginia/​Why?

Since this video was done Roe Versus Wade, the 49-plus years of prece­dent on prece­dent have been upend­ed and reversed by the rad­i­cal right-wing Republican supreme court.
This is only the begin­ning as one of the right-wing zealots on the court, Clarence Tom-Ass, has said that oth­er cas­es, includ­ing Obergefell v. Hodges, which decid­ed that peo­ple of the same sex can legal­ly mar­ry, should be revis­it­ed by the court. 

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Tom-Ass remained silent on Loving v Virginia, which struck down states’ bar­ri­ers to inter­ra­cial mar­riage. Clarence Tom-Ass is mar­ried to Virginia Tom-Ass a white woman and Trump-sup­port­ing activist who sup­port­ed the over­throw of the United States Government to retain Donald Trump as pres­i­dent illegally.