To The Liars And Demagogues Here’s Why We Proudly Say “squaddy”

This is not the first time that I have spo­ken on this sub­ject and so I will be as brief as pos­si­ble even though I am not con­vinced I won’t have to do so again.
(Two things really).


I wish I had a dol­lar for each time an offi­cer of the JCF tells me, please Mr. Beckles con­tin­ue to speak out on our behalf, no one else does.
This real­ly breaks my heart.
The gazetted ranks do not speak out for us and in many cas­es, they are used to per­se­cute us” they lament.
Shocking, yet they tell me, “we can­not wait to see what you have to say but we do not com­ment or share your arti­cles because they will use that to penal­ize us”.
I nev­er hes­i­tate to tell them that there are a lot of us ex-police offi­cers who do wor­ry about their con­cerns, their safe­ty, and their wel­fare if no one else does. A great many of us are not just ex-cops who gath­er to drink rum and play domi­noes. (noth­ing wrong with the lat­ter real­ly), it’s just not our thing.

Sure , I under­stand that law enforce­ment depart­ments gen­er­al­ly have rules gov­ern­ing media pol­i­cy and admit­ted­ly offi­cers have to be cir­cum­spect in what they do, includ­ing on web­sites and social media.
Nevertheless, the police have had oner­ous restric­tions placed on their right to free speech which clear­ly has con­sti­tu­tion­al impli­ca­tions not to men­tion the moral considerations.

I write facts. Facts which are not always palat­able to Jamaica’s social elites. I write facts which are gen­er­al­ly incon­ve­nient to the polit­i­cal caste as well as the crim­i­nal fra­ter­ni­ty. The lines between the lat­ter two are some­times very dif­fi­cult to distinguish.
It fright­ens me that our police offi­cers would be bul­lied by their own Government to the point they are pet­ri­fied to respond to an arti­cle they find lib­er­at­ing. This brings into ques­tion the authen­tic­i­ty of our so-called Democracy in real ways.

But the very same Government has tabled a bill and passed an INDECOM law which takes away their right to have a few days to gath­er their wits before giv­ing a full writ­ten account­ing of their actions in shootouts in cas­es in which they are trau­ma­tized and some­times injured and seen their col­leagues killed.
Former Commissioner George Quallo spoke out about this detail­ing accounts he has seen with young offi­cers emerg­ing from shootouts shak­ing and cry­ing from the enor­mi­ty fo their encounter, yet the INDECOM law forces them to give state­ments even in their men­tal­ly trau­ma­tized state.

Commissioner George Quallo was forced out for not fol­low­ing the gov­ern­men­t’s ortho­doxy, on this and on oth­er issues con­cern­ing the wel­fare of his officers.
Despite the detrac­tors, this medi­um and this writer salutes Commissioner Quallo for not car­ry­ing water for the government.

Former Commissioner Quallo in the foreground.

The Police again had their rights impugned in the recent­ly passed Zones of Special Operations law(ZOSO), in which the admin­is­tra­tion attached an amend­ment which crim­i­nal­izes them for leav­ing the depart­ment with­out giv­ing a six-month notice.
The police is not a mil­i­tary force, offi­cers should have no restric­tions placed on their God-giv­en right to leave when­ev­er they want to, includ­ing with­out even sub­mit­ting a res­ig­na­tion like I did in 91, I sim­ply dropped every­thing and walked away.


One of the things which have been used pejo­ra­tive­ly to bash Police offi­cers in Jamaica over the years is the word “SQUADDY. That assault was basi­cal­ly engi­neered by Carolyn Gomes the pedi­atric doc­tor turned human rights advocate.[sic]
Carolyn Gomes was even­tu­al­ly exposed for push­ing homo­sex­u­al lit­er­a­ture on under age Jamaican kids in Government care. Of course not before receiv­ing the Order of Jamaica. Go figure.

The word squad­dy con­tin­ue to be tarred and feath­ered in pejo­ra­tive terms as a kind of ter­mi­nol­o­gy which gives aid and com­fort to dirty cops, some kind of code of silence if you will.
The only prob­lem is that Carolyn Gomes had no more idea about what squad­dy meant to cops than I know how to treat a col­icky baby.
The one endear­ing term which police offi­cers had to refer to their col­leagues was too much for them to have and so they launched a cam­paign of demo­niza­tion against it. The poor peo­ple’s chil­dren should not have any­thing, not even a term of endear­ment to their col­leagues with whom they sac­ri­fice togeth­er for their country.
And so it is not out­side the realm of pos­si­bil­i­ty that some of the bot­tom-feed­ing social climbers who have invad­ed the police depart­ment and have been pushed to the top do not them­selves under­stand es.prit de corps. They are not cops and nev­er will be.
The anti-police vil­lage lawyers who nev­er served in any­thing but gos­sip groups were quick to gob­ble up the dem­a­goguery, like a run­ning back they grabbed it and ran with it.

Hamish Campbell and Terrence Williams

And now the nation’s chief dem­a­gogue, Terrence Williams has it and he is run­ning with it.Every chance that Charlatan gets he speaks about the squad­dy men­tal­i­ty in a way that belies the endear­ment police offi­cers feel when we say “squad­dy”.
If only this igno­rant nar­cis­sis­tic lit­tle media whore took the time to ask an offi­cer what the word means to him or her he would not con­tin­ue to embar­rass him­self the way he does when­ev­er he opens his mouth to speak. The wall of silence he sees encap­su­lat­ed in the word “squad­dy” exist only in his twist­ed mind.


Terrence Williams
Commissioner of INDECOM

Although I have writ­ten about this on pre­vi­ous occa­sions, I will do so once again in the inter­est of clar­i­ty, or until this far­ci­cal liar stops.
Military, police offi­cers and oth­er groups the world over devel­op spe­cial bonds of friend­ship and cama­raderie. That bond of kin­dred spir­it is evi­dent in cadet corps, girls and boys scout troupes, cub scouts etc.
It is evi­dent in col­lege fra­ter­ni­ties some­thing Carolyn Gomes and Terrence Williams should have been con­ver­sant of since they are both col­lege educated.
I guess they missed those cam­pus activ­i­ties as they were too busy mak­ing mis­chief to engage in pos­i­tive cam­pus activities.

Whether it’s cub scouts, girls/​boys scouts col­lege fra­ter­ni­ties police depart­ments or what­ev­er, those bonds are the mem­o­ries we car­ry in our hearts for the peo­ple whom we spent those times with. They form the ties which bind us into ser­vice and com­mon cause. Those bonds pro­vide net­work­ing for col­lege grad­u­ates which ensures if one suc­ceeds all succeed.
They are the ties which bind police offi­cers when we say “squad­dy,“because we depend on one anoth­er not to leave our broth­ers on the bat­tle­field when we are shot and lay there bleed­ing. We are not ashamed of it, we will nev­er be ashamed of it ‚get used to it.

It is that kin­dred spir­it which says we stand with you when no one else will. That spir­it of cama­raderie which cel­e­brates and com­mem­o­rates our col­leagues who we depend on to pro­tect our backs as we engage those who would destroy society.

This is some­thing dear to us and we will nev­er feel bad about it.
We will nev­er be told, nei­ther will we ever aban­don the es.prit de corps, that feel­ing of pride, fel­low­ship, and com­mon loy­al­ty we feel and share.
And so to the lying, self­ish self-serv­ing Saul of Tarsus oth­er­wise called (Terrence Williams) I say try ser­vice to oth­ers. Try doing some­thing oth­er than self-pro­mo­tion and self-aggran­dize­ment. Try belong­ing to some­thing big­ger than your­self and your nar­row self-inter­est and maybe, just maybe you will feel a lit­tle bit of the pride we feel when we say “SQUADDY.

Read about Saul of Tarsus, take heed.……