To Hell With Hundreds Of Dead Jamaicans (indecom Act) Stops Cops Killing Criminals..

Terrence Williams
Terrence Williams

A Joint Select Committee of the Jamaican Parliament has request­ed over­sight of (inde­com) . This after the Police the JDF and Director of Public Prosecution has for­mal­ly made known their dis­qui­et with the oper­a­tional tenets of the Agency and more so it’s Commissioner Terrence Williams>

Williams who is on his sec­ond term as Commissioner uses the Agency as a per­son­al tool of vendet­ta against law enforce­ment, berat­ing, harass­ing the police agency as well demean­ing the DPP’s office when his wish­es are not adhered to on his timeline.
Additionally Williams have done immea­sur­able harm to the neo­phyte agency from its incep­tion by in-advis­ed­ly align­ing the agency with forces open­ly hos­tile to the police and military.
For all intents and pur­pos­es the well of good­will which ought to exist between the JCF, JDF, Corrections and (inde­com) has been seri­ous­ly poisoned.
As a result (inde­com) is arguably hard­ly as effec­tive as it would be had it not pur­sued an adver­sar­i­al path with the agen­cies over which it has oversight.

Delroy Chuck
Delroy Chuck

The Parliamentary com­mit­tee say over­sight is for ensur­ing inter­nal account­abil­i­ty and over­sight of the man­age­ment of the organisation.
It’s impor­tant to note that the (inde­com) Act came into exis­tence (signed into law) under the JLP and Bruce Golding.
It was no sur­prise that Opposition mem­ber, Delroy Chuck’s posi­tion is that he could only sup­port an over­sight board as a pure­ly review body.
In oth­er words he sup­ports a tooth­less paper tiger as over­sight of an agency many believe clear­ly is out of control.
In oth­er words despite the fail­ings of the law and the hun­dreds of dead Jamaicans each year as a result of police pulling back Delroy Chuck sees no need to have super­vi­sion of Williams and (inde­com).

Minister of National Security Peter Bunting insist­ed that a sub­mis­sion from the direc­tor of pub­lic pros­e­cu­tions point­ed to the need “to hold the delib­er­a­tive process to a high­er stan­dard and to height­en account­abil­i­ty with­in (inde­com)”.
Lets remem­ber that it was the con­tin­ued over­step­ping of his bounds which prompt­ed the DPP to make a sub­mis­sion to the Parliament that Williams was a loose can­non dan­ger­ous­ly out of control.

Security Minister Peter Bunting: Prison deal will benefit both Jamaica and Britain
Security Minister Peter Bunting:

Bunting to this point seem to be the only per­son with­in the polit­i­cal appa­ra­tus from either side of the polit­i­cal aisle with an iota of oper­a­tional; brain cell . Bunting main­tained ” if mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces con­clude that engag­ing armed vio­lent crim­i­nals is a ‘no win’ exer­cise for them, then we run the risk of facil­i­tat­ing crim­i­nal impuni­ty with obvi­ous adverse con­se­quences to society,”.

This pub­li­ca­tion and this writer have main­tained that per­spec­tive from the incep­tion of (inde­com).
I have been accused of want­i­ng carte blanche for the police, those who know me know this is the fur­thest thing from the truth.
I also advo­cat­ed prop­er over­sight of the police, one which is ful­ly aware of what we ask police offi­cers to do and the com­men­su­rate need which comes with that.
That there be lat­i­tude in the inter­pre­ta­tions of their actions.
This per­spec­tive have earned me the ire of some police offi­cers who view that posi­tion as anti-police as well , go figure?

As I have main­tained from the very begin­ning no one in his right mind could argue that the police do not need keen over­sight and expect to be tak­en seriously .
I have am also of the opin­ion that the answer to cor­rup­tion in the JCF is not (inde­com) as it is configured.
The cre­ation of (inde­com) is mere­ly anoth­er lay­er of Governmental bureau­cra­cy which is not only cost­ing the Jamaican peo­ple dear­ly in terms of dol­lars and cents but in blood and oth­er trea­sures as well.
The monies wast­ed on (inde­com) could have been invest­ed in the police depart­ment mak­ing it a 21st cen­tu­ry police agency capa­ble of deal­ing with emerg­ing threats.
Conversely what we have is yet anoth­er lay­er of bureau­cra­cy which we are now learn­ing will need anoth­er lay­er of you guessed it , bureaucracy.

The Jamaican peo­ple and Government thus far is behold­en to the old adage of not look­ing a gift horse in the mouth .
The help com­ing into the coun­try to (inde­com) sub­se­quent­ly avoids scruti­ny, so too are the motives of the donors. Never mind that law enforce­ment is para­mount in the donor countries.
Nothing shack­les law enforce­ment in their countries.
Jamaicans stead­fast­ly refuse to ask them­selves why are they help­ing to shack­le the police ? Why would they not help the police to con­trol crime?

Terrence Williams points to the reduc­tion in police shoot­ings as a met­ric for what he wants the coun­try to believe is (inde­com’s) suc­cess. What he does not point to is that mur­ders have increased over 22% over the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od the pre­vi­ous year . Oh and by the way that year also saw an increase over the pre­vi­ous year .

As long as the goal remains the preser­va­tion of the Island’s crim­i­nals then Terrence Williams and (inde­com) are doing a great job . Hundreds and hun­dreds of dead Jamaicans be damned.

One thought on “To Hell With Hundreds Of Dead Jamaicans (indecom Act) Stops Cops Killing Criminals..

  1. INDECOM.….. what goes around will come back around

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