Time To Get It Together:

POLICE have col­lared one man whom they believe can aid their inves­ti­ga­tions into yes­ter­day’s triple mur­der in Frankfield, Clarendon.His iden­ti­ty is being with­held pend­ing fur­ther investigations.

Investigators said that the man was held for sev­er­al hours after the body of 35-year-old Rolando Thomas, oth­er­wise called ‘Dadda’; Kenroy Carty, 17, also called ‘Notchy’; and Ricardo Fowler, 22, also called ‘Lance’, were found with mul­ti­ple chop wounds in a house in the quite community.

Investigators remain guard­ed about a pos­si­ble motive.

Residents have said that the killing was an act of reprisal for a recent wound­ing inci­dent in the area.

Police are also appeal­ing to any­one with infor­ma­tion about any oth­er person/​s who may have con­tributed to these mur­ders to con­tact the May Pen Police at 986‑2208, Frankfield Police at 904‑4507, Crime Stop at 311, Kingfish at 811, police 119 emer­gency num­ber or the near­est police stationRead more: http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​l​a​t​e​s​t​n​e​w​s​/​M​a​n​-​h​e​l​d​-​f​o​r​-​g​r​u​e​s​o​m​e​-​t​r​i​p​l​e​-​m​u​r​d​e​r​#​i​x​z​z​1​V​I​j​0​9​dpL

Dathan Henry you have always been a com­pe­tent Police Officer.This was evi­dent when we served togeth­er back in the ear­ly 1990’s . Now Superintendent in charge of the Parish of Clarendon if my mem­o­ry serves me cor­rect­ly .I do not pro­pose to tell you how to do your job my friend , but here’s a quick piece of advice , you real­ly have to move away from ask­ing cit­i­zens to come for­ward , this may not hap­pen , as a result a lot of mul­ti­ple mur­der­ers are walk­ing around in Jamaica with­out ever hav­ing to wor­ry about being held accountable.

I assume the rea­son this per­son was held in the first place was based on infor­ma­tion received, it is now up to you to take the clothes he is wear­ing, get a war­rant to vis­it his home look for clothes and shoes with pos­si­ble blood stains, take his machetes if he has any, tech­nol­o­gy today can detect mere traces of blood , even if an attempt has been made to wash away evidence.

You must use sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence to nail down con­vic­tions, (remem­ber the rules of evi­dence, sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence is that which can­not rea­son­ably be challenged).Any eye­wit­ness evi­dence will then be icing on the cake.

Jamaica’s courts are prob­a­bly amongst /​if not the most lib­er­al in the world, as such you must present con­clu­sive evi­dence to gain a con­vic­tion, or they will be all to hap­py to throw out the evi­dence and set crim­i­nals free.

Don’t wor­ry ‚once you nail one with con­clu­sive proof, he will be all to hap­py to fin­ger the oth­er par­tic­i­pants. Then again even if you gain a con­vic­tion they prob­a­bly will be giv­en probation.

Ps: Note the con­tin­ued trend of mur­der­ers killing their vic­tims by oth­er means oth­er than shoot­ing . I point­ed to this in anoth­er blog, I hope the police is tak­ing a seri­ous look at my obser­va­tions, I the­o­rize that with the top­pling of a cer­tain empire , the flow of ammu­ni­tion have been seri­ous­ly dis­rupt­ed . I sug­gest the police keep plug­ging that dyke so that there will be no widen­ing of that breach, whilst at the same time devel­op­ing ways to deal with this new trend.