Time For The Lincoln Project To Become A Political Party…

Now that the Republican Party has demonstrated that it can no longer be trusted to see to the wellbeing of American Democracy; and now that it has become a full-blown autocratic party; now that far-right fringe groups like Qanon and other white supremacist groups like the proud boys and others have taken up residence in the party; and now that the party has all but decided that democracy is antithetical to its goals, there must be a change.

Steve Schmidt/​Sarah Palin

Donald Trump did not cre­ate the nas­ti­ness that now defines the Republican Party; as a dem­a­gogue, he took full advan­tage of it. Ever since Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil and Voting Rights into law and whites ran away from the Democratic Party and took up res­i­dence in the Republican Party, the par­ty has exem­pli­fied itself as the polit­i­cal par­ty for white resent­ment and white grievance.
Despite the hoopla about their good­ness, most white Americans have nev­er been com­fort­able with black Americans enjoy­ing the same rights and priv­i­leges they so sum­mar­i­ly enjoy.
Doctor King spoke about their shock when they saw peo­ple being beat­en on the so-called bloody Sunday on the Edmund Pettus bridge. Still, when it came time to take action against the insti­tu­tion­al­ized racism that made what the police did pos­si­ble, they backed away.
Dr. King; “Like the nation, Negro and white, trem­bled with out­rage at police bru­tal­i­ty in the South, police mis­con­duct in the North was ratio­nal­ized, tol­er­at­ed, and usu­al­ly denied,” he wrote. Leaders in Northern and Western states “wel­comed me to their cities, and show­ered praise on the hero­ism of Southern Negroes. Yet when the issues were joined con­cern­ing local con­di­tions, only the lan­guage was polite; the rejec­tion was firm and unequiv­o­cal.

President Barack Obama spoke to whites’ pan­ic on his ascen­den­cy to the pres­i­den­cy of the United States.
Brack Obama; “My very pres­ence in the White House trig­gered a deep-seat­ed panic.”
At the risk of sound­ing parochial, they have some nerve, slaves built that damn house, but I digress.
One of the most notable things that Donald Trump banged the drums on as he held his super spread­er cam­paign events across the coun­try with his legions of faith­ful sheep [flock­ing] to them ador­ing­ly, was high­light­ing to his racist fol­low­ers that Kamala Harris should nev­er be the first female President of the United States.
There is a cred­i­ble argu­ment to be made for America’s inabil­i­ty to rec­on­cile that women are not intel­lec­tu­al­ly infe­ri­or to men, and there­fore are equipped to take on any task, includ­ing being pres­i­dent of the United States.
That aside, Senator Kamala Harris, half black, half Indian her­itage, was not the pres­i­den­tial can­di­date; Joe Biden was. Nevertheless, Trump played up Joe Biden’s age, mak­ing the case to his hate­ful fol­low­ers that Biden was like­ly to drop dead at any minute, leav­ing Kamala to become President of the United States.
The main­stream media refus­es to acknowl­edge these truths, even as they pre­tend that they have no clue what is behind the lunatic denial of the Joe Biden/​Kamala Harris win.
On the same day that the Electoral College con­firmed the White House vic­to­ry of Joe Biden, retir­ing Rep. Paul Mitchell of Michigan told lead­ing Republicans that he was leav­ing the GOP and becom­ing an Independent for the final days of his Congressional career, fed up with President Donald Trump’s nev­er-end­ing effort to sub­vert Biden’s victory.

Look, this guy was going to leave any­way, so his deci­sion to become an inde­pen­dent was no pro­file in courage, nei­ther does it make him a paragon of virtue. Like so many oth­er Republicans who bowed to Trumpism and left the stage out of fear of the wrath of Trump’s legions of racist trolls, Mitchell’s action’s are tan­ta­mount to throw­ing a wild punch at a bul­ly that miss­es every­thing, then cov­er­ing one’s face and cow­er­ing in fear wait­ing for the beat­down that is sure to follow.
He gets no point from me.
Don’t let the door hit you, where the Good Lord — — — . Anyway.
To the extent that Paul Mitchell, Jeff flake, Justin Amash, Will Herd, et al. had some degree of patri­o­tism, and to the extent that leav­ing the stage was the only option open to them, then I guess their exit from pol­i­tics is a sign that pol­i­tics is for the worst actors, at least on the Republican side.
The Republican purge has been a years-long process that has left all but the [dregs], Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordon, Matt Gaetz, Steve Scalise, and oth­ers. The kind we wit­nessed attach their names to a sedi­tious law­suit seek­ing to over­turn the results of a fair and legit­i­mate Presidential elec­tion. One in which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris not only won the pop­u­lar vote by over sev­en mil­lion votes, but won the elec­toral col­lege by a land­slide, even by their dear lead­er’s stan­dards, it was the same elec­toral col­lege win Donald Trump had with the help of the Russians in 2016, minus the val­i­da­tion of a pop­u­lar vote win.
In 2016 Donald Trump sup­pos­ed­ly won 306 elec­toral votes against 232 for for­mer Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Back then, Trump claimed that he won a land­slide despite los­ing the pop­u­lar vote. Hillary Clinton won the pop­u­lar vote by over three mil­lion votes but lost the election.
In 2020 Joe Biden won the same 306 elec­toral votes, but he had to win more than sev­en (7) mil­lion more votes than Donald Trump to win the election.
The time has come, and gone for the elec­toral col­lege to be done away with.

The American exper­i­ment bare­ly with­stood the first attempt of this kind to destroy it. Almost half of the elect­ed Republican mem­bers of the United States House of Representatives demon­strat­ed that they do not believe in Democracy.
There were no doubt mem­bers of the upper cham­ber were as well, also will­ing to par­tic­i­pate in the Coup’ d’e­tat against America.
Like a servile lap­dog, Texas United States Senator Raphael Cruz sig­naled his will­ing­ness to argue the case to over­turn the elec­tions before the Supreme Court on behalf of Trump. In a coun­try in which the rule of law is tru­ly sacro­sanct, Raphael Cruz would not only be kicked out of the Senate; he would be dis­barred from prac­tic­ing law. One of the first steps about being an offi­cer of the court, which all lawyers are, is that the per­son has good char­ac­ter. Where is Raphael Cruz’s character?
Raphael Cruz and the min­ions in the low­er house were will­ing to destroy the American exper­i­ment in sup­port of a dem­a­gog­ic despot.
This time it was half of the elect­ed Republicans; the next time, what remains as the Republican par­ty will en masse com­mit trea­son against America in def­er­ence to the next dic­ta­tor that comes along.

For those rea­sons, and the cor­nu­copia of oth­er rea­sons that this Republican par­ty can­not be trust­ed to pro­tect the demo­c­ra­t­ic process, then the time has come for an alter­na­tive con­ser­v­a­tive par­ty to emerge. One that is fun­da­men­tal­ly focused on the preser­va­tion of the demo­c­ra­t­ic process as the Democrats are.
The American exper­i­ment has two polit­i­cal par­ties that the American vot­ers alter­nate in and out of pow­er at all gov­ern­ment levels.
The effec­tive func­tion­ing of that process requires that both polit­i­cal par­ties respect the process, con­cedes when each los­es, recal­i­brate and come back to the table with bet­ter ideas.
The Republican par­ty no longer believes in that process. It has become a school­yard bul­ly that picks up its ball and goes home, even when it has struck out.
Given an elec­torate with the appro­pri­ate intel­lec­tu­al matu­ri­ty lev­els, the Republican par­ty would nev­er again hold power.
The seri­ous­ness of the sit­u­a­tion mer­its a new polit­i­cal par­ty to save America from the Republicans, and the unin­formed vot­ers who elect them to office.
The Lincoln Project has demon­strat­ed that mon­ey and savvy, can effec­tu­ate desired out­comes. It may be time for the Lincoln Project to become a polit­i­cal party.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.