Time For Autos With Cameras Inside And Outside…

With the con­stant, he said, he said, he said-she said between police and motorists when offi­cers ini­ti­ate traf­fic stops and the ensu­ing prob­lems which emanate from these encoun­ters there must be a bet­ter way for­ward oth­er than offi­cers body cams, which they can choose to turn on and off at their discretion.

Motorists can use their cell phones to record encoun­ters with police.
Of course, police can always say the cell phone use pre­cip­i­tat­ed the stop in the first place.
See what hap­pens when we can­not trust the peo­ple we should be able to trust?


It is now time for auto mak­ers to place cam­eras in every auto­mo­bile, both inside, and outside.
Motorist should have the option of acti­vat­ing those record­ing devices not just in encoun­ters with law enforce­ment but under nor­mal conditions.
This will go a long way in help­ing police in the inves­ti­ga­tions of traf­fic accidents.
The poten­tial for this kind of tech­nol­o­gy is endless.
Imagine hav­ing this tech­nol­o­gy in your car and you are able to press a but­ton which not only alerts police of your where­abouts in the event of a car­jack­ing, it gives them a play by play account of events as they happen.

We should expect and demand this from automak­ers in light of some of the gad­gets they have crammed into auto­mo­biles to date.
Nevertheless, we should not hold our breath for this to hap­pen any­time soon.
If it will clear up some of the ambi­gu­i­ties in the cit­i­zen to police encoun­ters there may not be any action on it.
Recording devices which actu­al­ly cap­ture and store the speed one was trav­el­ing at the time he was pulled over will go a long way in light­en­ing the cof­fers of munic­i­pal­i­ties which depend on traf­fic fines as a form of tax­a­tion to fund their budgets.
So this may be a non-starter for automak­ers as this idea is cer­tain­ly not a nov­el idea.

In the mean­time in places like Jamaica motorists who are con­stant­ly being approached by traf­fic cops for bribes should take steps like acti­vat­ing a record­ing device as a means of elim­i­nat­ing corruption.
In States with­in the United States, it is always a good idea to record encoun­ters with law enforcement.
Even so, as we have seen with the killing of Philando Castille it may not be enough to save your life.