We Are In The End Time

images (34)There are sig­nif­i­cant signs indi­cat­ing that the sec­ond com­ing of Jesus Christ is close at hand, yet the Church is almost silent on end time proph­e­sies. Is the Church more inter­est­ed in things of the World ? Many Ministers preach pros­per­i­ty and a feel-good gospel that goes over well with the crowd, but is that what God com­mands us to do?

♦Why is the Christian Church impo­tent regard­ing end time Prophesies?

♦ Are present day preach­ers and teach­ers ill-equipped to deci­pher Biblical Prophesies, which would enable them to warn God’s people?

♦ What’s behind the inabil­i­ty, or lack of will, why preachers/​teachers preach-teach feel good gospel?


There will be wars and rumors of wars, famine, men will become lovers of them­selves, earth­quake in divers places, floods, these are signs of the sec­ond com­ing of Jesus Christ. With the pro­lif­er­a­tion of com­mu­ni­ca­tion devices it will be dif­fi­cult for any­one to argue they nev­er heard about our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation 22:11. After every­one has had a chance to make an enlight­ened, intel­li­gent deci­sion, then the “door of mer­cy” will close for­ev­er, just like the door closed to Noah’s ark before the flood (See also Genesis 7:16). Every human being will either be “right­eous” and “holy,” or “filthy” and “unjust” (Revelation 22:11). There will be no more chang­ing sides.

images (3)Biblical proph­e­sies are hap­pen­ing around us dai­ly. I do not pro­fess to know what the final sign of Jesus’ return will be.

Revelation 7:1 – 3; 13:16 – 14:1. In the end times, dur­ing Earth’s last cri­sis, every liv­ing human being will make a final choice, choos­ing the side of Jesus Christ and the truth (receiv­ing the “seal of God”) or the side of Satan and the “beast” (receiv­ing his “mark”). Humanity will be divid­ed into two great, final classes.

The Christian Church is almost pow­er­less, where is the pow­er that God has bestowed on us to go out and preach the word to all the world? Why are Preachers of the Gospel afraid to speak truth to pow­er? What pow­er is as great as the pow­er of God? Why has the Christian Church adopt­ed a go-along-to-get-along approach to the Gospel of Christ? Why is the Church afraid to preach against Homosexuality, sex­u­al per­ver­sion, infi­deli­ty, immoral­i­ty, and oth­er un-god­ly vices? Where is the Church on “thus sayeth the lord”?

Christians can­not be afraid to be mar­tyred for Christ. The Bible’s New Testament book of Acts, records the mar­tyr­dom of the Apostle Jamesimages the son of Zebedee, and of Stephen, a believ­er who was killed while evan­ge­liz­ing. There are oth­er accounts that up to 10 of the 12 Disciples were killed because of their Religious beliefs. If the Christian faith is the only true path to escape the calami­ty which is to come, how can we water it down yet expect that God will look kind­ly on us?

Jesus did not mince words he spoke truth to pow­er, he called sin exact­ly what it was, sin, and yes he was killed. I am not advo­cat­ing that Christians go out seek­ing to get killed. What I am sug­gest­ing is that we be less con­cerned about what the world think of us. After all the world needs to be saved , the world can­not offer us safe­ty from the wrath to come. Why then are we mind­ful of what the world think of us ?

Even as the grip of the anti-Christ tight­ens , many are still total­ly blind to it.


Revelation 13:16 – 17. The “mark of the beast” will be enforced by gov­ern­ments around the world as a sup­posed “solu­tion” to a glob­al, des­per­ate cri­sis. The major­i­ty of Earth’s inhab­i­tants will not real­ize this is “the mark,” for they will be deceived. Revelation 19:20. The terms “beast” and “mark” are code words in the book of Revelation that God’s peo­ple alone will under­stand. They will know who the “beast” is, and what his “mark” is, while the rest of the world has no clue. http://​www​.end​-times​.info/

Whether we believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior or not , he is com­ing back and he is com­ing back soon. We can trust to our own intel­lect and under­stand­ing or we may choose to seek his face, the time is nigh. I urge you to seek Jesus, there is absolute­ly no time to waste.

5 thoughts on “We Are In The End Time

  1. Mike , as usu­al your per­spec­tive is instruc­tive and makes enjoy­able read­ing . The end of the world sce­nario has been play­ing out for years , at one stage it was said that Adolf Hitler was the ’ beast’ per­son­i­fied and his quest to con­quer the world, an indi­ca­tion that the end of he world was at hand . Hmmmm …just wondering .

    I agree that the church has some­how lost its core objec­tive and become more mate­ri­al­is­tic . They have lost their moral author­i­ty to lead , implod­ing under polit­i­cal and oth­er exter­nal pressure,and com­pro­mis­ing their faith in the process. What cred­i­bil­i­ty can they have to con­vince the world about God if they con­tin­ue on the path to self destruc­tion ? …they have lost zeal and the zest required , per­haps they need to look at oth­er reli­gious denom­i­na­tions as the Mormons, Jehovah’s wit­ness and not to men­tion the Muslims …hmmm I am just wondering . 

    If my mem­o­ry serves me right , the bible is quot­ed as say­ing that no man knows the hour or time, for the return of the son of man ( para­phrased of course ) . We have been hav­ing dis­as­ters over the years which would have fit the end of the world sce­nario …if we believe in pre­his­toric peri­od , the extinc­tion of the dinosaurs , antiq­ui­ty’s dis­as­ters etc . …hmmm I am just wondering . 

    Christians have just watered down the faith peri­od …when I was a Christian in the 70’s , wow , you want­ed to enjoy bathing in your belief .…but with the world chang­ing, instead of the neo ‑Christian believ­ers remain­ing stead­fast to the cause, they have changed with the world .…hmm …I am still won­der­ing . Martyrdom is an anachro­nism , belong­ing in an era where believ­ers were engrossed and total­ly emerged in their faith .…

    • Of all Religions, Christianity is the only Religion authen­ti­cat­ed through Prophecies. Not Islam, not Buddhism, not Rastafariasm, not Hinduim . No oth­er Religion can point to point by point proph­e­sies which are actu­al­ly com­ing to pass in front of our very eyes.
      My friend I have known you for years , I shud­der when I hear you say when I was Christian in the 70’s because we are get­ting close to the end of time and it sounds to me that you have been sep­a­rat­ed from your lord and sav­ior Jesus Christ.
      I beg you to recon­nect with the source of our sal­va­tion , our lord and sav­ior Jesus Christ.
      Events which occurred when you were a kid are fore­told in the Bible as we progress we are see­ing more and more events unfold exact­ly as fore­told in the bible.
      God’s time is not man’s time. Unsaved man’s inter­pre­ta­tion of events can­not be con­strued to be that the bible is not rel­e­vant or true.
      I encour­age you to read the Biblical books of Daniel and Revelation , seek God’s face and he will direct you to his truths. Those truths will see you return­ing to the fam­i­ly of Christ. Sir you can be wrong about every­thing else but God. You sim­ply can­not afford to be wrong about God.
      The fact that well placed peo­ple in soci­ety are now denounc­ing the Bible, and the Lord should send you run­ning toward your source, our lord and sav­ior Jesus Christ.

      • Mike , I admire your com­mit­ment ‚if we had more Christians Like you the world would be a bet­ter place . My per­soec­tive on the Christian religi­ion has changed immensly since those mem­o­rable years when I was a Christian , what they are now is incon­se­quen­tial . It has not changed one iota as far as my belief in God is con­cern , my per­spec­tive may dif­fer on how God relates to us but we are cer­tain­ly on com­mon ground in many respect . My per­spec­tive is not influ­enced by any major reli­gion that much I will say . bib­li­cal pro­fe­sies have had its chal­lenges over the years and have not been defin­i­tive­ly estab­lished as an indi­ca­tion of end of time . We have been hav­ing dis­as­ters over the years that fits the bill and falls into place with the pre­dic­tions of the bible but we are still here . I think Christains have been focus­ing too much on the fire and burn end of the world thrust , to get believ­ers than spread­ing the love and shar­ing love among men . You see if the focus is in fire and brim stone reli­gion them peo­ple will grav­i­tate towards it out of fear and not out of gen­uine com­mit­ment to the cause . Besides , when
        People are told about immi­nent dis­as­ters that nev­er comes what are the con­se­quen­tial results , I have seen that many times . I admire what you are doing friend , con­tin­ue on your path , belief pro­motes self ful­fill­ment and a con­tent­ed apéri­tif and mind …

        • The word apéri­tif should have been sper­it … It’s a typo ..

          • Mac. The word of God is the same yesterday,today and for hence­forth. The word of God is unchanged. There are no Biblical proph­e­sies which are in con­tention. What’s in con­tention are the deliv­er­ers of the mes­sage who are not sent by God. Satan has his own agen­da, that much you must be aware of. Satan can­not force us to do any­thing , so he has to deceive us, as such he caus­es us to ques­tion the very exis­tence of God. He caus­es us to ques­tion the authen­tic­i­ty of God’s word , he even caus­es us to ques­tion his own vile existence>
            I want you to real­ize that nat­ur­al dis­as­ters are not the only events fore­told in the Bible. I will fur­nish addi­tion­al lit­er­a­ture on world events which are unfold­ing in front of our eyes yet we close our minds and our eyes to them.
            This 666 sys­tem of the beast which rep­re­sents the new World Order is a fact it is being insti­tut­ed as we speak , we are mov­ing delib­er­ate­ly toward a one world Government. How can we ignore these pre­dic­tions when they are hap­pen­ing in front of us.?
            How can you or any­one take that risk of being wrong.
            I must tell you that the best thing Christians like myself can do is tell the world of the calami­ty which is to come. Yes if it scares man to the pos­si­bil­i­ty of his impend­ing doom then so be it .
            The Gospel of Salvation is not intend­ed to make us com­fort­able in a Faux Utopia here on Earth.
            It is intend­ed to awak­en us to the stark real­i­ty that we need a rela­tion­ship with God or we face impend­ing doom.

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