Justice Thurgood Marshall
Justice Thurgood Marshall

Born in Baltimore, Maryland on July 2, 1908, Thurgood Marshall was the grand­son of a slave. His father, William Marshall, instilled in him from youth an appre­ci­a­tion for the United States Constitution and the rule of law. After com­plet­ing high school in 1925, Thurgood fol­lowed his broth­er, William Aubrey Marshall, at the his­tor­i­cal­ly black Lincoln University in Chester County, Pennsylvania. His class­mates at Lincoln includ­ed a dis­tin­guished group of future Black lead­ers such as the poet and author Langston Hughes, the future President of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah, and musi­cian Cab Calloway. Just before grad­u­a­tion, he mar­ried his first wife, Vivian “Buster” Burey. Their twen­ty-five year mar­riage end­ed with her death from can­cer in 1955.

In 1930, he applied to the University of Maryland Law School, but was denied admis­sion because he was Black. This was an event that was to haunt him and direct his future pro­fes­sion­al life. Thurgood sought admis­sion and was accept­ed at the Howard University Law School that same year and came under the imme­di­ate influ­ence of the dynam­ic new dean, Charles Hamilton Houston, who instilled in all of his stu­dents the desire to apply the tenets of the Constitution to all Americans. Paramount in Houston’s out­look was the need to over­turn the 1898 Supreme Court rul­ing, Plessy v. Ferguson which estab­lished the legal doc­trine called, “sep­a­rate but equal.” Marshall’s first major court case came in 1933 when he suc­cess­ful­ly sued the University of Maryland to admit a young African American Amherst University grad­u­ate named Donald Gaines Murray. Applauding Marshall’s vic­to­ry, author H.L. Mencken wrote that the deci­sion of denial by the University of Maryland Law School was “bru­tal and absurd,” and they should not object to the “pres­ence among them of a self-respect­ing and ambi­tious young Afro-American well pre­pared for his stud­ies by four years of hard work in a class A col­lege.“http://​chnm​.gmu​.edu/​c​o​u​r​s​e​s​/​1​2​2​/​h​i​l​l​/​m​a​r​s​h​a​l​l​.​htm