Thuggie Thuggie East Kingston Gangster Gets Killed Community Lies .… (video)


It is disin­gen­u­ous to any demo­c­ra­t­ic soci­ety and dan­ger­ous, that media hous­es can con­coct fake nar­ra­tives they see as in their inter­est, lam­poon­ing and malign­ing law enforce­ment which gen­er­al­ly does­n’t respond with their ver­sion of the facts

Unconfirmed reports indi­cate that this is the saint [sic] who was killed in a con­fronta­tion with Police which has pre­cip­i­tat­ed the mass upris­ing in the law­ful com­mu­ni­ty of Swallowfield[sic].

Below is the choir-boy por­trayed in the sick­en­ing Observer story.
You are the judge.

The burn­ing of tires and oth­er debris, the fir­ing of auto­mat­ic weapons and the throw­ing of molo­tov cock­tail bombs at the Police and police facil­i­ty has all come as a result of this choirboy[sic] get­ting his.

We have zero qualms about putting their videos (in their own words) online for the world to see and hear them. So when the lying dirty politi­cians and the crim­i­nal rights eat a food fra­ter­ni­ty try to can­on­ize these saints[sic] we will be right there to show the world that there is no dif­fer­ence between these idyl­lic mem­bers of society[sic] and those who sup­port and enable them.

Police vehi­cles damaged.

According to the police, at approx­i­mate­ly 8:15 pm on Monday 17-year-old Casey Lake was fatal­ly shot dur­ing a con­fronta­tion with cops on Providence Lane.
The police report­ed that a home-made firearm and one round of ammu­ni­tion were recov­ered from Lake.
True to form, the Jamaica Observer went about report­ing the inci­dent the way they and oth­er media have always done, by padding the report­ing with quotes from so-called wit­ness­es who are always con­ve­nient­ly present dur­ing these encounters.

Here is the resul­tant carnage

It is that biased ‑brain dead imbe­cil­ic anti-police report­ing which has giv­en rise to and nur­tured the ram­pant crim­i­nal­i­ty on the Island. http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​f​r​o​n​t​-​p​a​g​e​/​a​n​g​e​r​-​a​t​-​t​h​e​-​s​t​a​t​e​-​s​w​a​l​l​o​w​f​i​e​l​d​-​r​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​s​-​h​u​r​l​-​s​t​o​n​e​s​-​a​t​-​c​o​p​s​-​t​r​y​-​t​o​-​f​i​r​e​-​b​o​m​b​-​pol
The link above is their report­ing as fact, the hearsay which is designed to make saints out of crim­i­nals. I once again call on the Jamaican Government to scrap INDECOM and move with alacrity to dis­pense all funds ear­marked for INDECOM to the police in the fight against law­less­ness in this country.

One thought on “Thuggie Thuggie East Kingston Gangster Gets Killed Community Lies .… (video)

  1. Most of us who are from Jamaica knew that our lit­tle island is the best uni­ver­si­ty for mod­ern crim­i­nals, and there­fore the real mean­ing is that “Jamaica is a crim­i­nals par­adise in the Caribbean Sea, ” and the “anti-police drum­beats are get­ting loud­er each pass­ing day.

    I am con­ser­v­a­tive in my thoughts, beliefs, and actions; I do believe that crim­i­nals must live in con­stant fear for the lives and must nev­er, ever feel com­fort­able that they can sleep in rem state. 

    Shortly, I know that ” pre-emp­tive strike” will be the order if the day because the old-time law enforce­ment meth­ods are archa­ic and are for a time when they could oper­ate in a rel­ic state.

    I don’t know the deceased man or the offi­cers involved, but it’s iron­ic in this day and age the police recov­ered a “one pop” from the dead. That does­n’t make any sense at all! But if he chal­lenged the police with his one pop, he should’ve known that he’s going to lose.

    Let’s wait and see the ini­tial inves­ti­ga­tion because this shoot­ing is not healthy at all because the response from the com­mu­ni­ty in and around the man was killed show­ing that he was not a saint at all. But an expe­ri­enced “thug, rude, bad­man, and gun­man” that the com­mu­ni­ty was will­ing to attack the police sta­tion, destroy­ing gov­ern­ment prop­er­ty and barefaced­ly shoot­ing at the police in uniform.

    The video above speaks vol­umes about his char­ac­ter of the deceased and the way how he por­trays him­self because he’s show­ing an idyl­lic and true self.

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