I really can’t wait for this election to be over , one way or the other, there is just too much at stake, not just for America but for our planet in this presidential elec​tion​.My first observation today, is regarding a comment made by one of Mitt Romney’s son, I think this moron’s name is Tagg. No I did not mean Mormon, I really meant moron.

Tagg Romney was respond­ing to a ques­tion on a North Carolina Radio Station.

Q : How does it feel to hear the pres­i­dent call your dad dis­hon­est dur­ing Tuesday’s debate.?

A: “Jump out of your seat and you want to rush down to the stage and take a swing at him,” he laugh­ing­ly said, though he quick­ly admit­ted that would­n’t hap­pen, since such remarks are “the nature of the process.” Also, he says, there’s that mat­ter of get­ting through the Secret Service.“They’re gonna try to do every­thing they can do to try to make my dad into some­one he’s not,” con­tin­ued Tagg. “We signed up for it, we’ve got­ta try to kind of sit there and take our punch­es, and then send them right back the oth­er way.“http://​www​.news​er​.com

Every Television and oth­er media out­let has sought to triv­i­al­ize this as noth­ing seri­ous, so let me just focus you for a mere cou­ple of sec­onds. Mitt Romney is pres­i­dent of the United States, Barack Obama is the chal­lenger for the pres­i­den­cy, Barack Obama has a son who was asked the same ques­tion and he responds the same way what do you think would be the reac­tion nationwide?

Perish that thought, change the black Barack Obama son, he would have already been locked up await­ing tri­al for mak­ing ter­ror­ist threats against the pres­i­dent of the United States.

Now replace that son with the two sweet lit­tle Obama girls, Sasha and Malia and there would still be hell to pay, you would not have known that what the fuss was about, was a state­ment from a teenage girl. America will have to ask itself if this is the way it wants itself to be por­trayed across the world. America’s pop­u­la­tion is rough­ly 308 mil­lion peo­ple with a minor­i­ty some esti­mates sug­gest now make up over 50% per­cent of that population.

The fact of the mat­ter is that we live in an ever shrink­ing world, will America con­tin­ue to embrace a path, to which to some degree, it still hangs its head in shame? Mitt Romney/​Paul Ryan and the Republican Party is lit­er­al­ly the most Conservative in many decades. What is America doing, who is being fooled here? The entire 8 years of the last Republican Administration was premised on two pillars.

(1) Spreading Democracy abroad.

(2) Compassionate Conservatism.

Did any of you see any of that hap­pen under Bush? was Dick Cheney a com­pas­sion­ate con­ser­v­a­tive, did they spread democ­ra­cy , or did they cre­ate all kinds of ene­mies for the coun­try? Isn’t it iron­ic that the very same par­ty now wants to be returned to pow­er a mere 4 years lat­er , with war on the front burn­er, and the same eco­nom­ic agen­da? Really how stu­pid do they think you are ? Or are you real­ly stu­pid? After all this race is real­ly close, why is this so in light of the facts?

Why is Mitt Romney afraid to show up on the view to answer ques­tions from a group of sharp-tongued women, but sends his wife , who in turn gets snip­py with Joy Behar when she dared to ask her ques­tions on issues which she has been a vibrant sur­ro­gate for her husband.

Quote: I’m not run­ning for office and I don’t have to say what I feel. But I am pro-life.http://​abc​news​.go​.com

The nerve of these plutocrats:

The Romney fam­i­ly believes in their heart of hearts, spurred on by their filthy rich friends, of the Oligarchy, who make up the one per­cent, that they are enti­tled to the pres­i­den­cy. By their actions, and deeds, they have demon­stra­bly shown, beyond a shad­ow of a doubt, that they feel above being ques­tioned about any­thing, how dare any­one ask Romney about his tax plan? How dare pesky Journalists expect Paul Ryan to both­er to explain his own plan? Never mind that Ryan is the Chairman of the House Budget Committee. Don’t they know it’s Mitt’s time now ?( ala his wife’s comments) 

In fact why would Tagg Romney not feel oblig­ed to defend the hon­or of his patho­log­i­cal­ly lying father? Mitt Romney was overt­ly dis­re­spect­ful­ly to the pres­i­dent dur­ing the two debates, but more so dur­ing the sec­ond debate when he was chal­lenged repeat­ed­ly not just by the pres­i­dent of the United States but by Candy Crowley a respect­ed Journalist. Romney told the pres­i­dent quote “you will get your turn, I’m speak­ing now ” it was­n’t just what he said but the way he said it. “He invad­ed the President’s space , bad­gered and inter­rupt­ed , talked over the pres­i­dent repeat­ed­ly, until the pres­i­dent said quote “well I never”.

It was­n’t until he ven­tured into the Benghazi issue and the President knocked him down to size, and he saw the black side of Obama that he got up rather wob­bly ‚and end­ed up putting his foot fur­ther up his lying mouth and was fact checked by Candy Crowley that the pres­i­dent deliv­ered the coup de grâce .

Like father like son, they are elit­ist who do not believe they should be chal­lenged, they do not respect the pres­i­dent. Like a true bul­ly Mitt Romney is also a cow­ard, he was clear­ly shak­en when the pres­i­dent stepped to him on the Benghazi issue. One thing is assured how­ev­er, nei­ther Mitt Romney nor any of his punk a** sons would ever step to a black man in the streets. They are punks who under­stand that the pres­i­dent can­not and will not go gangs­ta up on their stu­pid ass, so they chose to pon­tif­i­cate. I say to Tagg Romney, be a man , you are what 42 years old? Leave the cocoon of your feath­ered nest and say what you said to that radio host to any black man you meet on the streets, I beg you>

The deaf­en­ing silence in the lame stream media is dis­gust­ing­ly shame­ful, I am ashamed not for them , but for this con­cep called democ­ra­cy. What we are wit­ness­ing in this coun­try , this elec­tion cycle is the most vile, despi­ca­ble and ran­cid dis­play by white men who for the first time in 4 hun­dred years, are wit­ness­ing their ivory tow­ers col­laps­ing around them.

Mitt Romney is on tape telling rich CEO’s to tell ordi­nary Americans in their employ how to vote. This is the most craven, rapa­cious and sor­ry dis­play by a pres­i­den­tial candidate,Romney has revealed him­self ‚through­out this cam­paign cycle to be an immoral ‚despi­ca­ble char­la­tan, who is blind­ed by raw greed and unbri­dled lust­ful ambi­tion. This guy has all of the char­ac­ter­is­tics of a dan­ger­ous ego­ma­ni­a­cal nar­cis­sist. The very exis­tence of our plan­et is at stake if this guy is allowed near the nuclear codes.

The thug­gery that we have seen from this buf­foon Mitt Romney and more recent­ly from his son, are unfor­tu­nate­ly not con­fined to them, the lev­el of dis­re­spect heaped onto this pres­i­dent is par­al­lel only to what Jackie Robinson endured as the first black man to play major league base­ball. Now look at base­ball, American black men don’t even want to play that game any­more, been there done that.

The very foun­da­tion­al prin­ci­ple which these char­la­tans preach that the con­sti­tu­tion espous­es, are the same prin­ci­ples which allowed Barack Obama to become the nation’s first black President, the prin­ci­ples of one man one vote, the prin­ci­ples which says if you work hard and play by the rules you can be any­thing you want to be. They are the same prin­ci­ples they now want to discard.

They are threat­ened, white male dom­i­na­tion is threat­ened and they are afraid of their shad­ows, they hate this pres­i­dent, in him they see what they would like to be but failed even though they have a play­ing field slant­ed in their favor. Mitt Romney is no excep­tion. Barack Obama rep­re­sents to them the begin­ning of the end of white male suprema­cy , not just in America but on plan­et earth, this makes them mad, and like wound­ed ani­mals they can­not con­trol their anger and angst.

What else would influ­ence a recent appointee to the Supreme Court to shake his head and mouth the words“not true” when the pres­i­dent blast­ed the cit­i­zens unit­ed deci­sion by the Supreme Court, as Samuel Alito did?

Samuel Alito Assc. Supreme Court Justice.

What would influ­ence Joe Wilson ‚Republican Congressman from South Carolina , to shout “you lie” as the pres­i­dent deliv­ered the state of the Union address?

Joe Wilson ® South Carolina.

What would cause class­less big­ot, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to point her fin­gers into the face of the President of the United States?

What would cause John Sununu, Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, Ted Nugent, Glen Beck , Sean Hannity and the nev­er-end­ing list of punks, who chal­lenge the pres­i­dent ‚the way they would nev­er dare chal­lenge any oth­er black man anywhere?

You see, there a cer­tain type of black men who make white men look good, it’s not that they like them , they tol­er­ate them, they use them until they have out­lived their use­ful­ness. Ask Colin Powell about his stint in the Bush Administration. Ask Secretary Powell how he felt after they used him to lie to the world about weapons of mass destruc­tion in Iraq, and the lies of mobile chem­i­cal labs. Ask Michael Steele how he felt after they had used him to push their agen­da against the very first black President, ask him what they did to him afterwards.

Ask Clarence Thomas why they love him? I’ll tell you, because he fur­thers their agen­da the way no oth­er black in America can. Given the right cir­cum­stances, they would put him back onto the plan­ta­tion. The black men who say yes mas­sa, to them are quite accept­able, why not? They are neu­tral­ized, they are self hat­ing emas­cu­lat­ed shells, who are hap­py for the white mas­ter to pat them on the head.

The moron­ic igno­rance which per­me­ates cer­tain stra­ta of the repub­li­can base, is not true of Mitt or his son Tagg Romney. Romney is not a fool, he is a shrewd busi­ness­man who under­stands what it takes to get what he wants. Romney’s quest for the pres­i­den­cy is a busi­ness propo­si­tion, it always was, that is the rea­son why as soon as he lost to John Mc Cain he rein­vent­ed him­self and kept run­ning. It’s a busi­ness strat­e­gy. Romney’s quest for the pres­i­den­cy is not bourne out of any deep con­vic­tion or desire to serve, if Romney want­ed to serve he would­n’t have ducked Vietnam and went to France as a mor­mon Missionary.

Romney’s craven desire for the pres­i­den­cy is sole­ly to fur­ther enrich him­self and oth­er plu­to­crats like Sheldon Adelson, David and Charles Koch, The orange haired buf­foon Donald Trump and oth­ers. why do you think all of the once for­got­ten fat cat bil­lion­aire has start­ed creep­ing out of the wood-work to sup­port Romney? Even the incon­se­quen­tial Ross Perot is now back out from obvlion to sup­port their favourite son Mitt Romney. Is it because Obama is a European Socialist as they say he is? Or is it because they feel threat­ened by this one black guy, who in some ways have shown a sliv­er of dis­dain to their mantra of “we did build that”

Don’t be fooled by Romney’s reluc­tance to tell you about his secret plan for America, it’s not a ruse, he does­n’t have one. he will wreck this econ­o­my, only worse than what Bush did, he will start world war 3 and cre­ate a mis­ery index the likes of which have nev­er been seen before.

I’ll con­clude this blog by point­ing to some­thing I learned as I was writ­ing this blog, that is that mis­ter big-shot Tagg Romney just fathered twins through a sur­ro­gate moth­er, on the doc­u­men­ta­tion is a clause which allows the moth­er who car­ried those kids, the right to have an abor­tion in the event her life is threat­ened. So the pow­er­ful oli­garchy at the cen­ter of which sits the Romneys ‚believe the rights and priv­i­leges that they have should not be extend­ed to you.