Three White Cops Fired For Mocking, The Black Man Their Colleagues Killed…

Three white cops from Aurora Colorado have been fired for report­ed­ly tak­ing pho­tos of them­selves as they mocked the death of 23-year old Elijah McClain, a Black man, who died after police used a choke­hold on him in August 2019.

According to reports, the three mon­sters attend­ed his memo­r­i­al, took pho­tos reen­act­ing the choke­hold that caused his death, and then cir­cu­lat­ed them to oth­ers with­in their police depart­ment.
The department’s inter­im police chief, Vanessa Wilson, said all the involved offi­cers were “imme­di­ate­ly placed on admin­is­tra­tive leave with pay in non-enforce­ment capac­i­ties” after she was informed of the incident.

Wilson added that an inves­ti­ga­tion regard­ing the inci­dent is ongo­ing and the results, includ­ing the pho­to evi­dence and offi­cers’ names, will be pub­licly released once com­plet­ed.
McClain’s fam­i­ly expressed their dis­ap­point­ment with the recent inci­dent, say­ing it was a “new low” fol­low­ing what the police did that caused his death, they said in a statement.

The family’s state­ment con­tin­ues: “This is a depart­ment where offi­cers tack­led an inno­cent young black man for no rea­son, inflict­ed out­ra­geous force – includ­ing two carotid choke­holds – for fif­teen min­utes as he pled for his life, joked when he vom­it­ed, and threat­ened to sic a dog on him for not lying still enough as he was dying. They tampered with their body cam­eras to hide the evi­dence. They exon­er­at­ed the killers. They deployed riot police and spewed pep­per gas on peace­ful pro­tes­tors [sic] at a vig­il of mourn­ers play­ing the vio­lin. And now this.”