Three Weeks In Three Promises Broken.….


One China policy.

Word out of the White House is that Donald Trump made a gigan­tic step toward eas­ing ten­sions with China the World’s largest super pow­er. Reports indi­cate Trump assured Chinese President Xi Jinping that he would hon­or the “One-China” pol­i­cy fol­lowed by Washington since the 1970s.
Normally this would not be news except that as part of his Presidential cam­paign Trump blast­ed many of the poli­cies of the Obama Administration and many which pre­dat­ed Obama, label­ing them bad deals which dis­fa­vor America.

China regards Taiwan as part of main­land China.
After win­ning the elec­tions, Trump received a con­grat­u­la­to­ry phone call from the President of Taiwan (which China regards as a break­away province).
This report­ed­ly angered Beijing.

Xi Jinping

Trump had long sug­gest­ed that he intend­ed to use the One-China pol­i­cy as a bar­gain­ing chip to extract con­ces­sions from Beijing.
Now after tak­ing office, it appears Trump real­izes that there are some things which are not transactional.
Trump is report­ed to have assured Xi in a lengthy phone call on Wednesday that he would hon­or the policy.

Iran Nuclear deal …

The Hill, com is also report­ing that Trump has also decid­ed to hon­or the Iran nuclear deal inked by the Obama Administration.
Trump made major hay out of the deal claim­ing it is the worst deal in the his­to­ry of the world.
It appears, how­ev­er, that Donald Trump is now fac­ing the stark real­i­ty that igno­rant cam­paign blus­ter is a far cry from run­ning a coun­try and deal­ing with oth­er Sovereign nations.

For years Trump in igno­rance lam­bast­ed and exco­ri­at­ed President Obama as weak. Having now won the White House, he is now forced to accept the impor­tant real­i­ty that he can­not bul­ly Nations.

Obama care…

President Barack Hussein Obama hav­ing a real­ly light moment.…

On the Affordable Care Act, Trump told his sup­port­ers from the start of his can­di­da­cy, that on day one, if elect­ed President, he would repeal the afford­able care act.
The afford­able care act , pejo­ra­tive­ly referred to as Obama care by it’s crit­ics many of whom are kept alive by the Act, has not been per­fect . However Analysts say over twen­ty mil­lion more Americans have health Insurance who pre­vi­ous­ly were not covered.

Major points of the afford­able care Act is that (1) Insurance com­pa­nies are no longer allowed to refuse cov­er­age to peo­ple based on pre­ex­ist­ing con­di­tions .(2) Children can stay on their parent’s plan until 26; when they turn 26, they qual­i­fy for spe­cial enroll­ment. Dependent cov­er­age is also offered by employ­ers. (3) Under the ACA you can’t be charged more due to gen­der or health sta­tus on indi­vid­ual or small group plans sold after 2014. However there are cer­tain fac­tors such as age, tobac­co use, fam­i­ly size, and geog­ra­phy which can be used to deter­mine insur­ance costs to the consumer.

Three weeks into his Presidency Donald Trump told his Medium of choice Fox News which does not chal­lenge him on any­thing, that it will prob­a­bly take untill next year to repeal and replace the law.
Another instance of a promise broken

Again,r emem­ber that Trump spent years crit­i­ciz­ing President Barack Obama even before he announced his run for the Presidency.
He labeled the for­mer President weak and naïve on most of these mea­sures yet he is keep­ing them in place.
Already Donald Trump has demon­strat­ed that any per­son can blovi­ate, it requires lev­el head­ed peo­ple to be leaders.

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